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7 Ways to Build SUCCESS from NOTHING (Principles That Work) | #7Ways

no strategy will save you if your
mindset is broken stop looking for the
reasons why your idea will not work out
there’s a million reasons why your ideal
will not work out and instead focus on
the one or two or three ways that you
can win you need to take consistent
what’s that believe nation it’s heaven
my one word is believe and I believe in
you I believe you have Michael Jordan
level talent at something and I want you
to find it embrace it and use it to make
a difference so to help you on your
journey today we’re gonna look at the
seven ways to start a successful
business from nothing joy so this is a
question I get asked a lot Evan I don’t
have a lot of money Evan I don’t have a
lot of resources Evan I didn’t go to the
right school I have no connections my
parents aren’t super successful how do I
start a business from absolutely nothing
and achieve success this is what this
video is all about so let’s kick it off
with way number one shift your mindset
for everybody asking this question you
are starting off in a loss you are
starting off in a deficit because you’re
coming from a place of scarcity if the
thing that attracted you to this video
is starting from nothing you’re in a
mindset of having nothing
you’ve lost before you even started if
you think that you have nothing you have
lost under saying that you are amazing
that you have Michael Jordan tat things
that you have all the resources that you
need around you the people who win are
rarely very rarely the sons and
daughters of people who have one look at
who your heroes are look at the people
that you look up to who’ve done the big
thing that you want to do chances are
they started off with less than what you
already have right now you have more
than what they had and you’re sitting
here thinking that you have nothing
because you’re focusing on the wrong
resourcefulness is the ultimate resource
one of my favorite quotes is from Steve
Wozniak who said stop thinking about the
things that you don’t have and rather
think about what you can do with what
you do have so change your mindset stop
telling yourself you have nothing stop
looking for the reasons
why your idea will not work out there’s
a million reasons why your ideal will
not work out and instead focus on the
one or two or three ways that you can
win focus on the people who are
supporting you focus on the friends that
can lift you up focus on the creativity
that you have to get to the path
eliminate the mindset that you have
nothing because the rest of the tips
will not help you no strategy will save
you if your mindset is broken way number
two is start with the service I love
certain a business based off a service
because you don’t know what you’re doing
at the beginning of a business and what
so many people do is they spend a lot of
money or whatever money they have they
drain their bank account they take out a
loan to launch a t-shirt business they
picked the wrong design that buy 5,000
t-shirts because that’s how you get the
price breaks at higher quantities and
you end up with all these t-shirts
sitting in your mom’s garage your
basement you don’t know what you’re
doing you’re gonna make tons of mistakes
and that’s okay expected the best way to
start a business is around the service
don’t spend money until you have money
so try to figure out even if you
long-term want to build product think
about how you can translate that into a
service so if your long term goals you
want to sell you know gluten-free
cupcakes and donuts and bagels and
butter tarts oh my god gluten free
butter ties any butter tarts really just
amazing I love butter tarts Wow
wealth is drilling from butter tarts
anyway that’s where you want to go don’t
start off selling these things at a bake
start off looking at who has a need for
this kind of service who can you create
custom products for who can you bake
this stuff for they have a need they
want to be healthy they’re on a
gluten-free diet you can come in and
provide that service as a chef as a
baker for them and then you can expand
into product when you know exactly what
works start with the service
we’re number three is look for your
first client whatever it is that you end
up wanting to do whatever entry service
you have coming out into the market
start looking around your friends your
family your colleagues your connections
the people at your work people who you
went to school with look for anybody who
might have a use for your service when
you start connecting with people and say
hey how you doing what are you up to
you’re telling them your plan you’re
looking for your first client you’re not
gonna make a lot of money if any money
off your first client cuz you need to
get track read you need to know what
you’re doing you need to show that you
can bring value but your immediate
priority is how can I find some clients
for me to be able to build my business
and learn from when Lily first started
her coaching practice with me she did a
hundred free coaching sessions a hundred
free coaching sessions just to get the
skills just to put in reps just to
figure out what she was doing now your
skills might be higher than what Lily’s
were when she first got started
that’s okay maybe you don’t have to do
100 but starting off looking for a
client finding somebody who has a
problem and you coming in and solving it
for them even if that’s not your
long-term ambition but just to build up
a reputation just to learn how that your
industry works just to start providing
value is momentum for your company so
start immediately looking for who your
first client could be from your network
and the people around you from the
people that you know so you can get that
client in the door we number four is get
close to your clients so if you get your
first client your second client you get
a handful of clients get as close to
them as possible so as much time with
them as possible provide them with way
more value way more time than they are
paying you for even if it’s free what
you want to do is get as close to them
as possible to understand what their
problems are to understand how you can
truly truly truly actually help them and
the more you get close to them the more
you spend time with them the more
they’ll realize that they have problems
that they’d even think of that they have
frustrations that you can go in and
solve and you didn’t even think about
you as a solution the more time you
spend with somebody the more you’re
gonna recognize how many problems they
have and that creates a business
opportunity for you both from the
service side immediately like let me
help you with that problem I can solve
it for you and for product down the line
that if you have ten clients who all
have the same problem you know let me
make a product around that
same problem everybody has where most
people start product they miss the
market who’s gonna use it what they’re
gonna use a for and they haven’t spent a
lot of money without getting any results
so start with a service get as close to
the client as possible understanding
what their problems are and solve as
many of them as you can physically
possibly solve for them way number five
is take consistent action this is across
anything you want to have success in any
field you need to take consistent action
and think this is one of the things that
entrepreneurs end up sucking at
especially in the early days because
you’re not getting results because
you’re not getting enough momentum
because you’re not seeing the money
coming in so many people quit or you’ll
start and you’re stopped and you’ll
start and you’ll stop and you’ll start
and you’re stopped you need to take
consistent action every single day to
get better to improve to build momentum
to make calls whatever the thing is that
you need to do you need to make sure
that you do it on a daily basis there
should not be a day that goes by in your
calendar where you have not taken action
to grow your business you know maybe
take your birthday off put a little
heart over your birthday your birthday
can take off every other day you are
offs but in at least half an hour work
here on your business don’t do the start
and stop and start and stop because you
don’t allow for momentum to grow every
single day consists in action growing
your company way number six is improve
your skills you want to get so good at
the thing that you’re doing that people
can’t help but want to have you come
back that people can’t help but say this
person is amazing that people can’t help
but tell their friends about you just
doing the job is not good enough
especially as a start-up entrepreneur
just doing the job solves the problem
but it doesn’t make other people want to
talk about you when you can improve your
skills to the point that somebody looks
at you and they look at the work that
you’re doing in the job that you’ve done
and say wow that’s amazing
that’s when your business really starts
to take off and listen you might be that
from the get you might be so amazing
that we’ve done because you put in
twenty years of or getting really good
at it and now’s your time to launch and
be an entrepreneur or you might just be
at the start and you might just be
figuring things out wherever you are
along the scale you want to get a WoW
reaction from your clients if you are
not getting a WoW reaction and you don’t
have a
good enough skill set and that’s okay
you can train skills you can work harder
you can put in the practice so you need
to make sure that every day that
consistent action that you’re doing is
not just providing value for the clients
but it’s also for you to get better at
the thing that you’re doing your goal is
to every day when you’re interacting
with clients that they say wow and we
number Seven’s model success I’m a huge
fan of Milan success basically find the
people who you look up to and learn what
worked for them and apply them to your
business there’s two kinds of people
that I would try to learn from first is
somebody in your industry you know if
you’re trying to sell gluten-free
cupcakes or butter tarts there may not
be some super successful butter tart
salesperson who’s done gluten-free that
you can model there’s people who had
success in baking in food learn their
stories research them understand how
they got started again zero to one not
how they make an extra million dollars
now that this giant corporation zero to
one how did they get started it’s what I
did for my first business it was a
software company I looked at Bill Gates
to start at Microsoft how did he go from
zero to one how did that happen and I
applied those strategies to my business
and I took off in a really short amount
of time after I had struggled and
struggled and struggled and struggled
while in success are the people in your
industry is a win the second part of it
is aspirational mentors who are not in
your industry if you love Steve Jobs and
you’re selling cupcakes and butter tarts
you can learn from him if you love them
success leaves Clues and you’re much
more likely to follow the example
because you love Steve Jobs or you love
Kanye or you love Oprah or whoever the
person is and so I look to model success
from the people who’ve made it inside
your industry as well as just anybody
who you love and look up to because the
more you can apply those strategies the
more you can taste success the more you
can be around success the more you can
apply it into your business and the more
you will achieve success so those are my
seven ways and how to build a successful
company from nothing I would love to
know what do you guys think what rule
was the most important to you you’re
gonna apply immediately to your
situation did I miss an eight nine ten
that you want to add to the list put it
down in the comments thank you guys so
much for watching I believe in you I
hope we continue to believe in yourself
and whatever
your one word is much love see you soon
if you tell yourself a story long enough
you start to believe it don’t you
believe it you act like I have Tulsa
what a wail out of a handcuffed
lightning though Thunder in jail now you
know I’m bad over the last week I’ve
murdered a rock into the stone
hospitalized a brick I’m so mean I make
medicine sick the fundamental key to
success is it can take between eighteen
and two hundred and fifty four days of
taking action for a new habit to stick
I’ve created a new course called 250 for
confidence or every single day for two
hundred fifty four days I will be
sending you a video between 30 seconds
and five minutes long that you start
your morning with around making you feel
confident it’s absolutely free check out
the link in the description below to get access
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