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7 Ways to Build Huge Followings QUICKLY – #7Ways

this ring is hurting I gotta bring it up
or something
hello believe nation today we’re going
to talk about seven ways to build huge
followings on social media quickly so
I’m getting a lot of questions from you
guys about how to build an audience on
social media how do you get people to
care about your content how do you get
people to engage with the stuff that
you’re making and so today I’m going to
share with you my seven ways to be able
to build huge audiences quickly way
number one is form alliances and I like
this strategy not just for social media
but in business as well the fastest way
to bring on an audience to build a base
is not to go after people one at a time
one at a time one at a time it’s to find
somebody who already has your target
market and find some way to collaborate
with them find a way that you can offer
value that you can help them out build
some kind of connection so that they
will help promote you to their base
there’s a couple ways that I did it in
the early days of my channel one as an
example I made thank-you videos and so I
look at some youtubers that I looked up
to I looked at Derral Eve’s and I looked
at Tim Schmoyer and I looked at Gary
Vaynerchuk and then I thought I like
these guys I’m consuming their content
I’m enjoying their stuff and I’m being
engaged on their on their videos and I
thought I want to thank them I’m gonna
make a thank-you video for them but not
just me thanking them I reached out to
all of their most active subscribers and
said hey I want to make a thank you
video for Tim Schmoyer can you put
together a 30 second quick thank you cuz
you like him too and I’m gonna mash them
up and put them together thank you very
much Tim I just want to say thank you so
much for all that you’ve certainly made
a huge impact on my life in my channel
and I’m incredibly grateful for your
guidance surprises hey it’s a lot of
work but you need to find a way to stand
out you need to find a way to offer a
lot of value if you’re just getting
started an interview with you isn’t
going to really
bring somebody big a lot of value but
doing a lot of work to make a thank you
video will and so everybody recognized
it everybody that I’ve done it for was
so grateful so thankful and it created
openings created opportunities for me to
get a lot more exposure with Tim I did
three different guest videos on his
channel back when his channel was bigger
than mine I did three opportunities on
his channel he’s been on my channel
we’ve done mastermind groups and other
projects together and opened up a lot of
opportunities for us so find people who
already have your target audience they
could be huge they could also be smaller
and find a way to help them whatever it
is that you are great at find some way
to add value to their channel another
quick example I like helping
entrepreneurs I’ve connected with other
channels who are not in the entrepreneur
space but might need some entrepreneur
help right if somebody has a YouTube
channel talking about YouTube success
you know a lot of their audience is
going to still be entrepreneurs even
though the topic of the channel is on
entrepreneurship so I can reach out and
say hey I’m an expert in
entrepreneurship I love to collaborate
on some kind of video together to bring
value to your audience forming
collaborations and alliances is one of
the fastest ways to build your own
audience for yourself number two is you
need to be prolific you need to create a
ton of content it does a couple things
one helps you get better right the more
you practice the better you’ll get the
quantity leads to the quality you can’t
just put up one YouTube video and expect
to be great
your first YouTube video is probably
gonna be pretty bad because you’ve never
done a video before and the lighting
will suck and the audio will suck and
the editing will suck and and you your
message your message will suck you know
because you haven’t had practice be
prolific get really really really good I
got better at YouTube and I became the
best at the agency that I’m worth from
being the worst in a couple of months
because I did videos every day because I
grinded it out because I practice and I
improved if you go back on my channel go
back six years ago and you’ll see how
boring and stiff I was compared to how I
am today hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome
to another edition of
Kevin this is my first post of the year
for Telus talks business and we’re
starting a new series it’s called the
challenge series we’re gonna be
answering the questions of entrepreneurs
and how do they go from there to here
just practice a lot of the points a lot
of the messages are the same but my
delivery is better because I’ve done
three and a half thousand videos on my
channel most of them are public so you
need to be prolific to get better you
need to be prolific to start attracting
attention when you create a video or
post on a certain topic people who like
that will find you or when you do
collaborations with other people see
point number one they’re gonna come to
your channel I’ll give you a shot right
oh he just did a collaboration with that
person okay let me go check out his
channel you have to have content on
there why am I gonna subscribe to your
channel or follow you if you don’t have
great content right
the collaboration gives you the opening
gives you some awareness they’re gonna
hit your page they’re gonna see your
Instagram messages at your Facebook
posts or your tweets or your videos
there has to be something there that is
quality that people are going to want to
consume it and then consume it again and
again and again you have to be prolific
create constantly one video a week is
not enough one post a week is not enough
be prolific
number three is have a message this ties
in to my book your one word but I
believe everybody has a message and that
has to come out because people buy why
you’re doing something much more than
what you’re doing my message is believe
it’s my one word it loses out of
everything that I do and as a result I’m
known as the believe guy especially for
entrepreneurs and whenever people see
the word believe they’re thinking of me
I want people to be able to think about
you and your mission and not just the
content that you’re creating because you
might put out one great post fine great
they consume it I want to know why
you’re doing it I want to know the
mission that you’re on to make the world
a better place and if I’m on that same
mission I’m gonna consume everything
that you create I want to watch every
video you put up I want to see every
tweet that you push I want to see every
Instagram or Facebook picture I want to
see every snap that you’re writing
because I need more that if you want
more belief in your life you’re gonna
love my content you’re gonna want to
consume as much as possible because you
need to believe in yourself on your
mission more the same thing for you what
is your message what are you trying to
get out there and does that booze out of
every post that you put now if you hate
believe they believe it’s stupid believe
isn’t for me you’re gonna hate my
content to write like you’re not gonna
want to watch anything you are not
watching any more on this video because
you don’t like the message and that’s
fine I want people to love your message
or not I don’t want you to just be
another person doing the same thing
right and so understanding what your one
word is understanding what your message
is and then having that ooze through
every piece of content makes a huge huge
huge huge huge difference in the people
that you’ll attract and the shareability
of all your content
number four is model success whenever
you don’t know how to do something this
has been my default go-to if I don’t
know how to do something I try to model
success I try to find somebody who’s
done what I want to do or close to it
and see what work for them what are they
doing that is really working and how can
I take pieces of it to help me and it’s
not being the next Steve Jobs or being
the next Evan Carmichael or being the
next Gary Vaynerchuk or whoever it is
that you looked up to it’s taking pieces
from them to help you be the best
version of yourself and so every time I
modeled success I couldn’t do exactly
what that other person was doing because
it didn’t feel right to me not because
I’m stealing their ideas just because
the way that I work for them I needed to
tweak I always needed to tweak it but I
understood their strategy and once I
tweaked it I could make it my own and
that’s where I started having success
where I had a media coach helping me at
my agency to be better we would review
videos and she would tell me every week
something to work on and I always tried
like you give me a task I’ll try I’ll
work it I’ll try to do it but it never
felt perfectly right because of that’s
her view that’s what she would do that’s
what she’s seen working her own stuff
and I can’t be her and I always needed
to tweak it to make it my own but there
was always a growth lesson everything
she told me I could always find a way
after some uncomfortableness of trying
to then say I like that I’m gonna go
here and do this and so whenever you
don’t know what to do model success find
the people who’ve done it bring it to
work for your company
number five is getting the media more
and more and more and more traditional
media are looking to the people in
social media as experts so whatever it
is that you’re an expert in right you
should be an expert at something you
have expert opinions on things and
anytime somebody’s writing the story on
something they’re always looking for an
expert and so be looking at who are the
reporters in traditional media that are
covering your space and then anytime
they write a story about it you’re
reaching out and you can give some
commentary on it and the next time they
write a story they’re gonna remember you
and what you’re all about and what
you’re doing understand that reporters
have a hard time reporters are not the
experts on a lot of things they always
need these guests people to come in and
give them more insight and context to
help their stories because they need a
source for every story that they write
if you are a credible source that has
great information you’re making their
life easier you’re making the life of
that reporter easier and you’re gonna
come back to you again and again and
again anytime they have something that
covers your niche and so I’d be reaching
out to reporters especially for using
social most of them are on some kind of
social platform whether it’s Twitter
whether you know it’s its Instagram
whether it’s LinkedIn you can find them
on social it’s way easier than ever
before comment on their stories show
yourself to be a successful expert to
know what you’re talking about to add
value to their content and then the next
time your interview they’re gonna be
talking about you you sharing your
amazing opinions
number sixes get some help I’m not a big
believer in spending money until you’re
making money but if you found the path
to be able to make some money from this
whether you’re doing social content and
that helps drive business for you either
selling product or services as soon as
you start making some money from your
social path then bring on some help
bring on people to give you assistance
for me on YouTube the first person I
hired was an editor I was doing
everything at the start and I had money
I just don’t like spending money till
I’m making it I could have taken money
and start started at all and got the
lights in gear and camera and all that
but I didn’t know if I was gonna stick
with it and the worst thing you can do
is spend a ton of money on something try
it twice and then give up on it and
you’re sitting with all this expensive
gear in your basement then you can’t get
rid of and so I was the camera man I was
the researcher I was in front and behind
the camera I was editing I was doing all
the analytics everything I was
everything from my YouTube channel to
start and as soon as I started to get
some traction and it was generating
sales for me I hired an editor and that
allowed me to move from a video a week
to a video a day and now we’re up to
three to five videos a day depending on
the day because I’ve built up I team
we’ve got more people working for me and
so thinking about what you’re really
great at are you great at designing are
you great at writing are you great at
copy are you great at being in front of
the camera are you great editing or
graded strategizing like what is your
strengths and then as soon as you can
afford it bringing on people to
compliment your strengths to take over
your weaknesses so you can be even more
prolific with higher quality stuff that
you can put
and number seven is you have to be
passionate whenever you are passionate
about the things that you are doing you
will get better results if you are
creating content because somebody else
is creating content or you’re posting
something up because you think it’s
gonna be a hot thing but you don’t have
any interest in it it’s not gonna work
you’re not gonna get the right people
you have to create the things that make
you excited that you would want to show
your kids and grandkids that should be
the acid test if you’re making a piece
of content whether it’s a video or a
picture or a blog post or whatever it is
you’re making a piece of content make
something that you want to show your
grandkids to say look what I made and if
that passion comes through into every
piece of content that you’re creating I
promise you you are going to attract
like-minded people who also love the
work that you’re doing and will be your
ambassadors for you where all you’re
trying to do is chase clickbait titles
and you don’t actually care that much
about those topics you’ll get some
people coming in but they’re not gonna
stick they’re not gonna join your
movement they’re not going to really
want to follow you they’re not going to
really share all your future stuff
because you’re not deeply connected to
the message and so it’s super important
that when you’re creating this content
you feel connected to every single piece
and you want to show the to your
grandkids so those are my seven tips on
how to build a massive audience super
quickly I’d love to know what do you
guys think what was your favorite tip
what is most relevant and applicable to
your business that you’re going to start
immediately working on did I miss some
is there an 8 9 10 that you guys want to
add to the list leave in the comments
below super curious to figure out what
you guys are going to say I also want to
give a quick shout out to Daniel Daniel
thank you so much for picking up a copy
of my book your one word but posting an
awesome review on Amazon
along with the two pictures I really
really really appreciate the love and
support and hope you’re enjoying the
book so thank you guys again for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one where it is much love
I’ll see you soon
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