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7 Ways to Become Attractive On the INSIDE – #7Ways

hello belief nation today I’m going to
talk about seven ways to become
attractive on the inside so find that a
lot of entrepreneurs are self-conscious
they may not have the self confidence
that they’re looking forward they rely
too much on other people’s validation
and acceptance and I get that it can be
hard when you’re starting the business
you don’t have customers you don’t have
momentum you’re not making money you may
be losing money you’re afraid of failure
you’re afraid of how people might judge
you and if you’re out there you’re not
being successful and so today’s your it
is important because I want to hear the
things that will help you love yourself
more be more attractive to yourself
which will help project a better image
out but also allow you to have more
success in your business so number one
is being grateful there’s a lot of
studies that show the connection between
gratitude and happiness and it’s an
amazing practice to get into a daily
habit of being grateful for the things
that you have around you one of the
things that I do with my team is every
day we have a private Facebook group and
we share three things that were grateful
for as part of our morning routine and
some of them could be major life
important things if you’re thinking
about your friends and family and your
health and all that and some of them may
be just silly things that you may not
think about on a regular basis you know
I’m grateful for YouTube I’m grateful
for the Internet you know the internet
was not here I would not have the
business that I have right now so it’s
something to be grateful for and what
you’ll find is the more you do that the
more you are grateful the more you
appreciate the things that are around
you the more likely you’re going to be
happy the less likely you’re going to
need the acceptance and approval and the
of others in them and the less you’re
gonna worry about how people judge you
the more confidence you’re gonna have
the less you’re gonna worry about things
that you might lose if something bad
happens in your business the more you’re
gonna be able to better handle the ups
and downs that come with the
entrepreneurial life and so it’s a
practice that I recommend to everybody
at least try it out for a week start the
morning to think about three things that
you’re grateful for and see if you don’t
feel happier throughout the day and also
by the end of that week
number two is create habits to remind
yourself for a lot of people this is
what really makes the difference between
lasting change or just having a blip and
then falling back into the life that you
had before because a lot of people get
inspired by a speech or they watch a
video or they read a book or the hearing
interview and then say yeah I’m gonna
make that change I’m gonna be more
grateful you know I love that point I’m
gonna go and just be more grateful every
day and then today you’re grateful but
then the next day you forget and the
next day you forget and then you’ve
forgotten about that entire plane that
you had and look how many times has it
happened to you and so what’s important
is that if you want to make a change in
your life that you form a habit around
it so that you can be consistent around
anything around making sales calls
around working out around eating
healthier I’m drinking more water around
working on your website whatever it is
if you schedule it into your calendar
you’re much more likely to stick with it
so for example in my group we made it a
private group but there’s a bunch of us
in it where every day in the morning we
have to say the things that we’re
grateful for and because I know other
people are gonna be reading it and
they’re posting theirs too
I’m much more likely to come and follow
through and it’s in my calendar so it
shows up every day that I have to do
this thing and so creating that routine
for yourself is really important
schedule it in books um accountability
whatever it is that you want to work on
so another example when my wife and I
are lying in bed about to go to sleep we
ask each other one thing that we’re
happy about that happened today it’s a
new experiment that we’re running with
and I think you’re seen to see the
things that we’re both happy for and it
helps also relieve the pressure and the
stress because sometimes you just have a
really stressful day a lot of bad stuff
happened and being forced to think about
something that went well that day can be
hard but also changes our perspective
that you know what it wasn’t that bad a
day after all in my life you know is
actually pretty good
and so again being able to share that
and building it into a regular routine
is super helpful so whatever it is that
you want to stick to of this gratitude
thing or what you love about the day put
it in your schedule and commit to
somebody else you create a routine in a
new habit that helps it stick
number three is help others instead of
just trying to make a show for others I
find a lot of reasons why we’re not
happy and we’re not self-confident and
we’re not loving ourselves enough as
we’re always trying to just win the
approval of others and you buy the stuff
that you don’t really need to impress
people that you don’t really care about
right and so the way around that is to
approach in a much more genuine way
where you are trying to interact with
somebody to help them not to show off to
them so it doesn’t matter what new gear
you bought or how many records you said
or what you did yesterday as a way of
showing off to them but connecting with
them in a way that you’re understanding
what their fears are what their goals
are what they’re trying to accomplish
what their ideal life looks like and how
you may be able to help support them on
that path whether it’s just listening to
them and being an ear to help them or
maybe you can actually contribute
something along their path when I sit
down with all the people at Toronto
dance salsa every quarter I have a
meeting with the people on my team
individually and I always ask them
what’s the ideal version of your life
what does that look like for you what
are you doing and then I try to figure
out how can I do my best to help them
along that path even if it’s just
listening to them and giving them
encouragement and they might be afraid
of taking some of the steps they need to
take and giving a little bit of a push
that can help but maybe through the
business as the business owner maybe I
can help them give them more
opportunities or train them or give them
some other chance to do that thing that
they really want to do or maybe it’s my
connections in the entrepreneurial world
and the stuff that I’ve learned in the
videos that I’ve watched if there’s
something that they are really concerned
about learning about growing through I
can push them on to resource that might
help but it’s not about me trying to
show off to them it shouldn’t be about
you trying to show off the people and
look at me and look how great and
successful I am meanwhile you go home
when you’re you know really afraid about
how you can show up the next time
instead of that focus your energy and
trying to help others because that is
what really nourishes and fulfills the
the number four way to being attractive
on the inside is step into the fear of
being judged anytime that you feel
yourself cowering away from the
situation being afraid not wanting to do
something because you’re afraid of how
other people will look at you will think
about you then you have to go and do
that thing and something that I have
trained myself to do that whenever I’m
afraid of how somebody will judge me for
then I have to go and do that thing to
release the fear because usually they
don’t care and if they do why am I so
concerned with other people’s opinions
of me so an example I talked about on
this channel about the different colored
socks that I wore on purpose because I
was afraid of how people might judge me
for in different color socks an older
story told was where I was walking to
Toronto in sauce and I was dancing you
know grooving had my music on and
dancing on the street and then I got to
the intersection and then as I got
closer I saw people and so I just now
kind of conformed to what everybody else
is doing and I thought well this is
silly why am I doing this right
and because I was afraid because I was
uncomfortable and so I forced myself to
on the street on the busy street start
dancing again right and so whenever you
feel like you are doing something
because you’re afraid of being judged
and stepped into that fear as another
example early this week Alex from a
Toronto that it’s also bought a selfie
stick so he could do snapchats more and
he like there’s a button on the selfie
stick that can record his snapchat he’s
all in on snapchat at the moment what he
doesn’t want to do it in public because
I go I’m I don’t do in public is that
because people might feel like I’m
really narcissistic and a big egomaniac
but he’s willing to do it in private
right and because of that fear of being
judged now I’m forcing Alex to go out
and do it because you need to release it
you need to get that out of your system
and the more you do that just like a
muscle the more comfortable you’ll get
doing it over and over and over and over
again so if you want to love yourself
you want to feel attractive you want to
be outwardly attractive as well then it
starts by stepping into the fear of
being judged so that you can release it
number five is spend more time with
yourself now this might be an introvert
thing you know this is my list and I’m
more introverted I need to spend time
with myself if I don’t I get antsy I get
nervous I get stressed I can’t just be
around people all day long I need my own
time I need my time with my family and
eat my time just me and my wife and
ain’t my time just by myself with nobody
around me if I don’t get that I start to
stress out a little bit but I think also
in general we spend way too much time to
the last point of just trying to please
other people and try to be in the
in-group and fit in and always be
invited to the parties and you don’t
spend enough time with yourself thinking
about what do I really want you know
what do you really want what makes you
happy where do you want to spend your
time instead of just catching up on
Facebook and being a part of the group
all the time where you don’t have your
own identity it’s only that group’s
identity or someone else’s identity
spending time they really understand
what you want out of life and who you
are as a person where you want to really
be spending your time is important and
having regular check-ins whether that’s
once a month once a week once a quarter
depending on your personality I think
it’s important and again I think
introverts might need that a little bit
more but if you do it and you’re really
truly more deeply understand yourself
and spend more time with yourself you’ll
be happier and you’ll have more success
number six is having an environment of
attractiveness and so what I found is
not just scheduling it in not just you
know writing things down but the entire
environment around you has to support
you on the goals that you want to do so
what makes you feel attractive on the
inside like what speech did you watch
and then can you turn that into a poster
that you put on your wall if you look at
the videos that I have when I film at my
home I’ve got five pictures behind me
each of those represents something else
some of them are from a specific speech
some of these just a reminder that when
I look at it and I walk into my office I
feel different and that’s the point when
I made my closet at home I wanted the
closet to inspire me and I told that to
my wife
I needed the closet to inspire me and so
people opened my closet and they say you
Batman or Superman like why is
everything the same but I did that for
me because I wanted to be inspired when
I opened up that closet I don’t care
what other people think about how I
organize my closet and so thinking about
your own environment thinking about your
workspace think about where you’re
working right now as you’re watching
this video what’s around you is the
environment around you allowing you to
be that best version of yourself does it
allow you to feel more attractive to
yourself do you feel like you’re adding
a lot of value you’re gaining momentum
or is it neutral or is it negative
because a lot of times we surround
yourself with people who just beat us
down bring us down we fill our heads
with media and news that’s negative that
doesn’t support us that’s irrelevant to
our goals right so instead of just
living your life by accident and having
an accidental environment and being just
reactionary being more purposeful with
the people we spend time with to build
us up with the books that we read with
the videos that we watch with our
physical surroundings with the music we
listen to with the food that we eat all
of that is really important to helping
you be that best version of you
and the number seven way to become
attractive on the inside is to love what
you do if you want to feel confident if
you want to feel attractive you have to
love what you’re doing it’s really hard
to feel confident attractive when you’re
doing work that you hate because when
you’re doing work that you hate you’re
probably not having a lot of success at
it right you’re not moving up the ladder
you’re not getting momentum you’re not
making the money you want you’re not
getting the impact that you want you’re
not getting the recognition credibility
you’re not getting the growth you’re not
getting any of that stuff because you’re
doing work that might be beneath you or
that you don’t feel challenged by or
that you don’t want to learn more about
where if you’re doing something that you
then you’re gonna engulf yourself in it
then you’re gonna love it right you’re
gonna spend the time on it you’re gonna
hustle in it you’re gonna feel confident
about you’re gonna can’t wait to go back
and do it and that is attractive right
to yourself and also to others if people
see you you’ve probably seen this in
some of the your friends and the people
around you when you see them all of a
sudden come alive you’re like well what
happened like well I started this
business where I took this course or
meeting this new person that really
makes me feel alive and so the more you
can do that during your day right
spending time on the work that you love
and if you’re in a job that you hate
maybe it’s time to move on and does mean
you have to start a business but go find
a job that makes you come alive or if
you are an entrepreneur make sure you’re
doing the work inside your business that
has your genius level talent applied to
it that you could be the best in the
world at that makes you come alive that
fulfills you because that’s gonna make
you love yourself more that’s gonna make
you filled with more confidence and
ultimately that’s gonna lead to you
having the success that you’re after so
those are my tips on the seven ways that
you can become attractive on the inside
I’d love to know what you guys think
what did you like what did you not like
which one resonated the most with you is
there an eighth ninth or tenth one that
should be added to the list leave your
comments below I’m gonna join in the
discussion and finally I want to give a
quick shout out to Matthew from katryca
Matthew thank you so much for all the
support on the channel and for picking
up cup of my book if you guys watching
if you want a chance at a future shadow
in the video make sure to grab a copy of
the book and email a me receipt so that
I can keep track thank you guys so much
for watching
continue to believe or whatever your one
word is and I’ll see you soon
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