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“5 Year Goals Are RIDICULOUS!”

for you to know where you’re gonna be in
five years is ridiculous
I love this process of climbing don’t
put pressure on yourself to prematurely
snow has arrived we’re used to it we’ve
got a potshot the car then head on at
it’s the best right okay I want to get
to some questions how can I help how can
I be a more service hopefully you guys
got some value out of that what do we
got what do you what are you working
through what comes to mind is you’re
sitting with all this information in the
past two and a half hours yeah okay
yes two or three the most important
attributes I mean what are the recurring
common denominators you see overly
performers I always default to number
one belief but not just because I you
know it’s my one ward and I love that
but the separator between people who go
off and wane and not as the belief in
their ability to get results well
there’s so many people who have amazing
natural talent who could win but they
just don’t believe themselves enough so
they don’t do it second one I would say
would be they just start like the two
percent difference they just start they
have an idea they just start they don’t
talk themselves down from doing
potentially crazy things they have
ambitions and they just find a way to
get started and they don’t accept the
status quo
and then if I pick the third I would
probably go with the judgment one where
they don’t let the media their friends
their family the people around them tell
them that their idea is stupid and maybe
stupid but they’re gonna go off and try
anyway and those things come up over and
over and over and over again whether
it’s a business person an entrepreneur
an athlete a musician anybody who’s
risen to success it keeps coming up and
a lot of the rules that I show they’re
actually not that different
it’s just set in a different tone in a
different voice Eric Thomas is gonna
yell at you Oprah Winfrey is gonna hug
you but they’re saying the same thing a
lot of the times it’s not that big a
difference a lot of these rules are the
same across just success in general what
are we doing here we go I have this
later on and I know what I want to do
with my time what can you tell me to do
from I’m all about process and
consistent repeatable process and making
sure that everything gets done
efficiently because I don’t have a lot
of time outside my nine-to-five what top
three things like what process to
produce what you’re producing
I love systems I’m a systems guy I live
by my systems and it’s what lets me get
so much done at the beginning don’t put
pressure on yourself to prematurely
optimize you can’t be perfect on your
system until you know what works and so
at the beginning that’s messy and you
have to be comfortable with it being
messy and not making progress because
you’re exploring and trying to figure
stuff out this is the most frustrating
part of the whole process with me when
I’m learning something new I need to
figure out where the boundary is because
when I’m learning something you don’t
know you it’s it feels like you’re
chasing a cat’s tail constantly in
different directions and that’s such a
frustrating part it’s where I have to
talk to myself the most to see how I
will figure it out because I want to
quit and pullbacks I’m not getting this
I hate this I’ll figure it out I have to
just keep going until I can figure out
where the boundary is of what
information I need to take on if you
look at certain YouTube channel there’s
a lot there’s a lot to take on is
there’s Adobe Photoshop and thumbnail
design and videos and gear and canter
like all this stuff is a lot and so
where’s the boundary but I need to
really know right now and then once I
get the boundaries then I can I get
great I get so pumped because I can
figure out how to optimize it better but
at the beginning just I would be hard on
myself to prematurely optimize because
if you’re optimize the wrong thing you
suck you’re gonna lose like you won’t
get to where you want to go I just want
to have somebody else actually keep on
the back end but I want to give them
very efficient so I think you need to
decide do you want to be the best at
this and then teach or do you want to
trust in somebody’s expertise to come in
and teach you how to do things at the
beginning I love tasting because I end
up applying some weird duck
mentality the things so then you have to
do it so if you’re looking at my
Instagram I had 6,000 followers last
year in Instagram we just crossed a
hundred thousand yesterday most of its
come on the back end in the past three
four months I was I was in it I decided
I’m going to take it more seriously
halfway through last year so I’m in it
I’m posting six times a day I’m
researching and finding common I’m
figuring out my hashtag strategy I’m
responding to people I’m commenting
other posts I’m Harding
because I need to I need to taste it to
understand it did I have what did I find
that I made the time like I want to make
Instagram more of a priority so I tasted
it I did lives everyday I did stories 3
to 20 times a day I did it all the
experiment because I I know I’ll find
some weird stuff in there that other
people aren’t doing and then I compile
it to my business so the hashtag
strategy I use I think is really genius
and now I can teach my guy how to do it
the Instagram live thing I have you guys
watch my Instagram lives you’ve seen
some of them when you I’m gonna go in
deep on Instagram but when you bring
somebody else in on a live both of your
audiences get notified yours and hers so
said great
this isn’t me such a hack I had my guy
reach out to everybody in my network who
had more followers than me so we can do
Instagram live together so in a way
driving to Pittsburgh I did one with
Patrick me David who has value tainment
and we did we have them lined up
constantly so I said at the beginning
anybody with a hundred thousand plus
followers in my space lineup at
Instagram Live reach out to them and
they’re saying hey thank you for having
me on your show you’re helping me more
than I’m helping you I got twenty
thousand followers you got 150 thousand
right you’re you’re the one bringing in
these people right so it’s like it’s
such a huge hack and so that kind of
because I am the weird duck creative
person who can figure that stuff out and
so I need to taste it otherwise I don’t
I don’t I know I’ll come up with
something different that can hack it
through but but the way to do is to be
in it before you can delegate it so so I
delegate it once I figured out the path
but I don’t figure out the path till I’m
doing it which is messy and inefficient
and just playing around with it I got
into Instagram because I love the live
where you can bring people in picture
and picture you can’t do that on YouTube
I just love that they did I can see the
person instead of just reading the
question so I decided to dive deep on
the Instagram and I loved that that I’m
so far behind everybody the judgment
right when I started I got 7,000
followers like why do you only have
7,000 followers you got 1.7 million on
YouTube what are you doing I love it all
the guys who are ahead of me on YouTube
I’m now chasing down on Instagram and so
many people are buying followers and
fake engagement it’s like people DM me
all the times and hey I’d love to you
don’t understand I love this process of
climbing that if I was buying stuff I
wouldn’t know what was real and what
wasn’t and that would destroy me I love
the process if I love die I know how
even bought any of my YouTube
subscribers or views or any of that
stuff I love the process of figuring the
game out so much I’m doing work with
somebody who a lot of his stuff is
bought it’s like I can’t tell the
difference between what’s real and
what’s not
and I would hate that if that was on my
own channel because I love figuring out
the puzzles so much so it’s living in
the puzzle until you figure out the
thing and then you you optimize that
thing give it to somebody so for my like
design my designers way better than me
I’m not a designer I can hack my way
through it I kind of get it but my
designers better but the the growth
hacking around the hashtags in the
posting time and the geo-tagging and all
that stuff comes from me doing it if you
really want to win like this is going to
be a core competency of the business and
you you get into it and then I feel it
right now with advertising Facebook Ads
some of you may have seen like a
Facebook ad a YouTube ad or Instagram ad
that I put up I don’t know anything
about that world I know the theory I
have guys on my on my team are connected
to me helping me do it but because I
know what I’m trusting them and I know
what could be better and to do it I have
to get into it so one of the things on
my list when I get home Wednesday I’m
going to spend time diving into Facebook
guys I’m gonna come up with something
that is gonna be awesome
but it’s gonna be frustrating the
beginning cuz gonna be slow I’m not
gonna get it and especially something
that takes so long to get like data two
days to get dated like drives me nuts
right multi-channel no I don’t I think
as soon as you eliminate the focus on
that community you’re gonna lose those
people so I think a better bet would be
my guys a better bet would be I’ll take
my Instagram live video and then turn it
into a YouTube video so it’s an
Instagram live with Robin Sharma we had
him on couple weeks ago and then he’s
throwing his new book great and then
we’ll take that and turn it into a
YouTube video put it up on the channel
but at the same time even when I did my
my morning show in my dance studio if
you see me with somebody else and we’re
just talking you just sitting in on a
conversation but I’m not engaging with
the camera we lose people because always
not talking to me great does it all
grant cardone if you follow grant or
know of grant he’ll do his idealize
where he’s talking to the phone and
connect with people and his other ones
where he’s just showing him doing his
show the show one doesn’t get engagement
because he’s not engaged so in trying to
do everything if you’re scattering your
attention it makes sense logically but
in the actual execution it doesn’t work
because people will bounce because they
know you’re not talking to them
everything how far out do you play in
your vision and does it change
I’m there’s a concept I just I don’t
know a lot of your backdrop yeah that’s
another weird duck thing for me so again
take it like for what you want again
we’re going to go into all the areas I
don’t even have a cell phone number we
can get into that if you want I think I
have a lifetime goal of what I’m trying
to do I want to solve the world’s
biggest problem untapped potential I
think most people either don’t know what
they should be doing I think everybody
has Michael Jordan level talent it’s
something that’s something that just
either don’t know what it is or they do
but they don’t believe themselves enough
to chase it down and so we’re all stuck
and 95% of America wakes up and drive to
a job that they hate cuz we’re stuck so
I want to get people unstuck I’m never
gonna do it on a global scale everybody
in the world is never gonna happen it’s
an impossible goal I love that and I
wake up every day and I try to do a
little bit and so even though I have
markers like I want to take me in every
city in North America with Amelia most
people or I want to hit 10 million on my
youtube channel really what I want to do
is the world change an impact and then I
don’t really have short-term goals or
five-year goals or ten-year goals I
think if you have a five-year goal for
yourself you’re thinking small I think
too for you to know where you’re gonna
be in five years is ridiculous I think
if you think about you now versus you
from 2014 how much you’ve grown and
changed as a human to think that 2014
you could predict where you’re gonna be
now is ridiculous
and you could actually do it but then
you’d be playing small compared to what
you’re capable of doing so I don’t even
know what I’m doing when I come back on
my tour like I’m gonna come back a
different person in April when I land
back in Toronto then when I left so I
have no idea what I’m gonna be working
on it’s still gonna be something
kick-ass and awesome I’m gonna pour my
face into it but I don’t know what it is
yet right
and so having that flexibility actually
I think allows you to do more so wasn’t
even going to stay with my company
she’ll back another job well I’m gonna
write another book am I gonna do another
tour am I never gonna travel again I
don’t know but for me to think that I
know I’m going to be in five years I
think is crazy so I think you could hit
your goal but you would end up just
playing small compared to what you’re
capable of doing
so that’s weird duck big decisions with
the heart small ones with the head
always big decisions with the hearts
phones with the head your head only
understands a world that currently
exists so your head lives in the land of
practicality this is what this will
exist right now that’s what is possible
right now well your heart will create
something new that hasn’t been done
before and so very often they’re
fighting headed versus heart gas and
brake at the same time and your head
usually wins you want to play in the
land of the heart where you can go
create something you want to be out
there you want to play you want to be
bold but you stay in the land of the
head and so you have to release from the
brake whenever they’re disagreeing you
make a decision you say okay I’m making
this you guys set some bolt equipment so
I’m gonna do this this is my goal like
this is happening I’m gonna thinking you
know every city in North America with a
million plus people okay head we’re
doing this now help me figure out how to
do it instead of fighting me on it so
once you’ve decided then your head will
help you because your heart can’t figure
it out your heart’s not logical enough
your head will figure it out but you
have to get them on the same team
because you’ve committed to doing the
so I would say one I try to surround
myself with people who I admire who
inspired me to want to do more and push
harder so I love my own channel for
myself my channel helps me believe in
myself it’s selfish and then I share
with you guys so I love having Oprah on
my channel
I love having Steve Jobs or Elon Musk or
whoever on my channel because I’m around
them and they pushed me to do more and
the more you’re around that the more
pushes you to to do more and be more
then I will have to remind myself in the
moments when I can catch it of what I’m
trying to do so if you were gonna go to
a networking event or are you gonna come
here like why did you come here what do
you want to gather this thing and you
might never raise your hand cuz if
you’re introverted you never say
anything and then you don’t get the
result that you want you know when I
said who wants a come from dance you
you’re the first one of anybody so yeah
okay here we go
what’s that but it still it’s an ongoing
process it’s that it’s that very thing
if you came with an attention say I want
to I want to make the most of this
experience I don’t know what I’m gonna
expect i watch this guy on youtube and
we’ll see what happens because it’s
coming to Cincinnati but I want to get
the most of this experience you could
you could do something like anytime
there’s a question I want I want to put
my hand up
even if I’m nervous or scared I’m gonna
put my hand up and as a challenge to
yourself and then you do that and you
now are more capable of doing it the
next time this is a constant reminder of
why are you doing the things that you’re
doing and I think I think being
introverted as a as a plus I think it
starts with the mindset of whatever you
have is not a weakness it’s an advantage
so you know my agent wants me to be
famous and like spread the mission
spread the that’s the biggest fight with
me my agent you need to be faking the
problem with you Evan is you don’t want
to be famous like yeah I don’t need to
be famous well that’s the problem when
we fought for two years on it and then
he made the connection that if you’re
famous you can actually reach more
people and spread the message it’s like
I get it okay I need to be famous how
does an introvert become famous
I don’t know well we’re gonna figure it
out right that’s the journey that I’m on
and so I need to constantly remind
myself with the mission that I’m on and
how this is gonna help me and every time
you do it like that will still haunt you
forever but you keep a little playing on
the bigger stage each time so now I’m
not nervous get in front of the camera
and talking right I’ve done it 6,000
times it’s not as nerve-wracking but
going out to doing more of these and
going on bigger stages the nerve still
come in and so it’s reminding myself of
I’m good at what I do
I have a message that I want to spread
and I’m gonna just do my best every time
I go up there
so putting this event together was
definitely a team effort and I wanted to
give a shout out to some of the people
if you want to continue on my journey
and see the event that I did in
Indianapolis check out the link right
next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you there
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