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is hugely important that if you have a

dream that you have to dedicate their

life to it I had caused this kid to

throw his life away that that feeling of

regret turned into a sort of a fear of

what’s that believe nation at seven my

one word is believe and I believe in you

I believe you have an amazing gift

inside you that I want to see explode

out onto the world now I started the

mentor me series to try to hang your own

people who’ve done a lot more than us

and hopefully by spending a little more

time with them some of their views or

attitudes their mindsets seeps into us

to help us become the best version of

ourselves so today we’re going to learn

five powerful life lessons from Will


let’s kick it up with lesson number one

face your fears something that probably

a lot of people don’t know about me I

don’t put the ocean the ocean is like

the ultimate woman she’s beautiful and

she will nourish you but she will tear

you to shreds also the ocean is my worst

fear I don’t know what it is or where it

came from but there’s something about

not being able to breathe

I’ve tried snorkelling before and I was

my 50th birthday is this year I just

wasn’t gonna go into the back nine of my

life without having attacked my fear of

the ocean so we’re about to scuba dive

the Great Barrier Reef you know I’ve

never scuba divin scoubidou scuba I

never been scuba divers before so we’re

taking a boat ride out and we go through

a storm

probably 25 years old in my mind I would

be here one day so I’m ready I’m ready

this is stupid hi I’m not going is it

okay to punch sharks in the face back up

with your shark ass back up with your

shark ass

shucks ass back up I got it

the question isn’t can you handle the

situation the question is can you handle

your mind can you manage the thoughts

and the emotions that are trying to

poison your progress

forget managing the situation

manage your mind training your mind to

lesson number two dedicate your life to

your dream was 94 something like that

they were open to Planet Hollywood I

found myself in a room with Arnold

Schwarzenegger Bruce Willis and sly and

I was like oh my god I got these three

guys in the room and I was like okay I

want to be the biggest movie star in the

world and I need you guys to tell me how

to do it and Arnold Schwarzenegger he

said he said if your movie is only big

in America it doesn’t matter you’ll be a

movie star only when you’re a movie star

in every country in the world you have

to travel you have to go you have to

meet the people thanks for the tip fax

son fax that became the way that I

started looking at movies I wanted to be

in every country in the world in that

part of my career I refused to do

anything that wasn’t in the best

interest of the goal I had set for

myself and there’s probably a 12 year

period of my life where I did take a

train I have a drink where I didn’t go

out on the weekends that I was so set on

my goal it created a serious circle of

protection and

elevation because I refuse to do

anything that wasn’t in my best interest

it’s hugely important that if you have a

dream that you have to dedicate your

life to it and that every hour of every

day has to be dedicated to bring it into

fruition to things that you dream about

listen number three decide to inspire

people I went to a Catholic school up to

eighth grade with all white kids and

probably two or three black kids but if

you know predominantly white school and

then I went to my neighborhood high

school in ninth grade that was 99% black

kids so the first day that I walk in to

ninth grade I walked into the lunchroom

and you know it’s like five hundred kids

and for to this day I don’t know why I

did this I’m sure it was because I was I

was nervous and you know I got that I

have a thing with fear I don’t like

being scared so I’m sure I was I walked

in I looked around and I said scuse me

can I have your attention can I have

your attention please

he’s here he’s here right now thank you

thank you people who got to looking and

there was just one dude and he was

sitting there and he looked up to me

said man don’t nobody get that you here

right and I said hey just give me ten

minutes your girl going care right and

he was like and you got to watch that

not that not is not a good night he was


and I was like okay so I went some

walking up the steps we’re out of the

lunchroom and I forgot about it

so we’re gone and I’m walking up the

steps and he had taken one of those

combination locks and he put the lock in

the palm of his hand and put his but the

the loop around his knuckle and he was

holding the lock in his hand and as I

was walking up the steps he cracked me

in the side of my head with the lot and

I went down I was out I don’t remember

nothing I still got the lump on my head

you can’t see it cuz I got my hair but I

stood like there’s still a lump so I

remember I fell down and I hit my mouth

on the steps all of that stuff you know

so I went up so I’m in the principal’s

office all attacked the police come and

I got the ice on my lips and I’m sitting

in the principal’s office and my father

comes in he sees me and you know I’m

telling the story now the police are

there and I remember I saw this kid they

put him in handcuffs and took him out of

the school and I’m looking sitting in

the principal’s office and I’m watching

the police take him out and put him in

the back of a police car and I just

couldn’t believe it had escalated to a

kid being removed from from school and I

was laying in my bed that night and I

was just feeling like Shh and I had the

recognition that I had caused this kid

to throw his life away

right and he was kicked out of school

and I never knew what happened to him

but I have a sense that it didn’t go

well beyond there and I felt a deep

sense of regret and a deep sense that I

had caused an emotion in a person that

made them do that and that that feeling

of regret turned into a sort of a fear

of how much power I had and I was like

everything I say and do has that kind of

effect on other human beings and in that

moment I decided that I would never walk

into a room and do anything other than

inspire and uplift and enlighten people

and help people to be the greater

versions of themselves and I would never

do anything that would cause people to

or to rile up the darkest dirtiest parts

of people I only wanted to enliven and

enlighten and inspire and I remember

laying in my bed that night and I made

that promise to myself and I made that

promise to God and it’s something that

has completely shaped how I approach

people how I approach moments how I walk

into rooms how I deal with every human

being on this earth lesson number four

never chase money


my experience has been and then you’ll

with us when I changed careers I was

never changing to some

the burning I was changed into something

I love right and that to me that’s

really the only way to keep the passion

if you have two choices one is on a

piano and another one bowling

we can make more money bullying but you

love playing the piano more you got to

play the piano it’s like you’ll tear

yourself apart if you’re not doing the


right now there’s something that she

loved more than everybody and listen

number five the last one before a very

special bonus clip is you have to work

hard there was a moment when I was about

nine years old

and I was at the resurrection Baptist

Church where that was the church I went

to growing up and my grandmother was

always in charge of all of the recitals

and Easter recitations and all all of

that stuff so I was playing a piano and

I remember my grandmother was standing

back offstage and she put me last in the

show and everything and I had learned

Farrelly’s and I was playing for a lease

and I’m going and going and going and

I’d never learned how to end it right so

I was just playing play and play and my

grandmother was standing backstage and I

was looking at plan and that look of

pride and happiness on my grandmother’s

face is that’s my life force everything

I do I just need that look you know in

my wife’s eyes and my daughter’s eyes

it’s just

you have realized and I’ve realized very

very young that there’s no easy way

around it no matter how talented you are

your talent is going to fail you if

you’re not skilled you know if you don’t

study if you don’t work really hard and

dedicate yourself to being better every

single day you’ll never be able to

communicate with with people with your

artistry the way that you want so it’s a

that moment I just remember so

distinctly and how good it felt and and

now I’ve got a really special bonus clip

from Will Smith on how to improve

yourself that I think you’re gonna enjoy

but before that I want to know what

lesson is most applicable to you what

did you take from this video don’t just

watch another video what did you take

from this video they’re gonna apply

somehow to your life leave it down in

the comments when you write it down it’s

much more likely to actually happen

thank you guys so much for watching I

believe in you I hope we continue to

believe in yourself

and whatever you’re one where it is much

love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the

the concept of improving lives runs

through the center of everything I do

and then I realize that the the way to

improve lives is to continually improve

yourself right so with that every every

morning when I when I get out of the bed

you know I I haven’t fixed everything in

the world yet so there’s always

something to do and in this film I read

an interesting quote the Siddhartha

Gautama the Buddha he said that good

people have to get out of the bed every

day and try to empty the ocean with a

ladle right and I thought that was you

know I knew that was profound and I

paused for a second and I said all right

what the hell is a ladle right right so

there you know I just I touched it on my

iPad is ladle oh it’s like a big spoon a

big book okay so try to empty the ocean

with a soup spoon you know as the the

mentality of how you you wake up every

day to try to do good in the world so

for me I’m I’m really driven by

continually trying to elevate my elevate

my mind and elevate my spirit and care

for my body and to be able to love as

many people as effectively as as

possible with this mystery of life that

I’ve been given raise your standard

Apple at the core its core value is that

people passion


not one drop of my self-worth depends on

your it’s suppose to mean I don’t ever

give up I’d have to be dead or

completely incapacitated

hey believe nation if you want to see my

all-time favorite top ten gross a

success I have a very special secret

video for you these are the individual

Clips that I have personally learned the

most from and applied to my life and my

business check the link in description for details

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