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5 Pieces of Life-Changing ADVICE from Simon Sinek | #MentorMeSimon

we’re often given this advice like do
what you love yeah like what am I
supposed to do
yes like its find your passion like
thank you like great what I like I don’t
know what to do tomorrow I think money
is there’s nothing wrong with money it’s
just we have to understand the purpose
of money I think that hubris is
dangerous I think to think that you’re
an expert in anything is a foolish
pursuit wanna soar get a mentor
what’s up believe nation is Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be part of your daily
success routine so today let’s learn
from one of the best Simon sonic and
some of his most life-changing pieces of
advice mentor me Simon
also if you want to know what Simon and
other successful entrepreneurs have to
say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below I’m interested in
your opinion let’s go around the room
it’s too late the skill to hold your
opinions to yourself even though I’m
gonna sell you the most beautiful hammer
I’m not gonna guarantee the structural
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one live your life on purpose so I was
living in London and attending law
school I was becoming disillusioned with
the law I happen to be dating a girl who
was in advertising she said you might
like advertising and boom I have a
career in marketing like I fell into it
so many of us fall into our careers and
fall into our jobs and even if we do
pursue something we want to do
sometimes it takes diversions right this
is this is what I mean by living our
lives by accident
which is we largely leave the direction
of our careers and sometimes even our
own happiness to others our bosses you
know all of that thing so what it means
to live your life on purpose means you
understand the direction you’re heading
but you remain agnostic as to the route
most people try very very hard to plan
the route in other words what’s your
planning people say well first I’m going
to work here for three years then I’m
gonna quit and I’m gonna do this and
then for four years and I got the route
plan and the question is where are you
right and that to me is what it means to
have purpose it means to have
destination right it’s like waking up in
the morning and saying I’m going on
holidays missus oh where you going said
I’m going on vacation I told you you’re
like where are you going
vacation right and how are you gonna get
there like well I’m taking Route 95 so
you’ve got the route planned but you
have no destination and you see this in
companies all the time you know why does
your company exist growth great why are
you growing why do you need to grow what
does growth mean because we’re a company
we have to grow and so they figure out
all of these paths for growth but they
don’t know where they’re going
I would rather someone wake up in the
morning and say California I’m trying to
get to California and I don’t care what
route I take I’m gonna start down Route
95 and if I find a better route I’m
gonna take it if there’s traffic on
route 95
I’m gonna take a a side road so this is
what happened in my career people kept
telling me that I was unfocused because
I kept taking side roads I wasn’t
unfocused I was going around obstacles
so that’s what it means to live a life
of purpose it means I live every single
day of my life trying to get to an end
point in my case to create a world in
which the vast majority of people wake
up every single morning inspired to go
to work feel safe when they’re there
and return home at the end of the day
fulfilled by the work that they do that
is the destination I’m trying to reach I
don’t know how I’m gonna get there but
I’m gonna try every path I can to get
there highly highly focused that’s what
it means to live a life on purpose
we’re often given this advice like do
what you love yeah like what am I
supposed to do it yes
like let’s find your passion like thank
you like great whatever you like I don’t
know what to do tomorrow for me passion
is the result of something right so if
you work hard for something you don’t
believe in that’s called stress and if
you work for so hard for something you
do believe in that’s called passion so
it’s finding the belief it’s finding the
cause it’s finding the purpose and the
passion then shows up so it’s not about
doing something with passion and then
finding the cause it’s finding the cause
starting with why and then the passion
is what is what results rule number two
understand the purpose of money money is
fuel and fuel is very important I think
this I think money is there’s nothing
wrong with money it’s just we have to
understand the purpose of money right so
the company is the car and money is the
fuel so I don’t care how amazing your
just causes and how wonderful your
culture is if you have no money you
don’t go anywhere like you most you
might have bought the most beautiful car
you got no gas you got nowhere to go the
purpose of a car is not to buy gas the
purpose of a company is not to make
money the purpose of a car is to go
somewhere and fuel helps you get there
right the purpose of a company is to
accomplish something to advance a
greater cause to contribute to society
and money will help you get there very
necessary very important but it’s not
the reason we bought the car in the
first place rule number three break the
rules let me tell you a story so a
friend of mine and I we went for a run
in Central Park the Roadrunners
organization on the weekends they host
races and it’s very common at the end of
the race they’ll have a sponsor who will
give away something apples or bagels or
something and on this particular day
when we got to the end of the run there
were some free bagels and they had
picnic tables set up and on one side was
a group of volunteers on the table were
boxes of bagels and on the other side
was a long line of runners waiting to
get their free bagel
so I said to my friend let’s let’s get a
bagel and he looked at me and said that
lines too long and I said free bagel and
he said I don’t want to wait in line and
I was like free bagel and he says not
let’s it’s too long and that’s when I
realized that there’s two ways to see
the world some people see the thing that
they want and some people see the thing
that prevents them from getting the
thing that they want I could only see
the bagels he could only see the line
and so I walked up to the line I leaned
in between two people put my hand in the
box and pulled out two bagels and no one
get mad at me because the rule is you
can go after whatever you want
you just cannot deny anyone else to go
after whatever they want
now I had to sacrifice choice I didn’t
get to choose which bagel I got I got
whatever I pulled out but I didn’t have
to wait in line so the point is is you
don’t have to wait in line you don’t
have to do it the way everybody else has
done it you can do it your way you can
break the rules you just can’t get in
the way of somebody else getting what
they want
rule number four develop mentorships
here’s what I’ve learned about
mentorship mentorship is not something
you ask somebody to do like will you be
my friend it doesn’t work like that
when you find somebody you get along
with you share values your shared
beliefs you spend time with them you get
to know them you develop trust you take
us you’re vulnerable with them you open
up to them and you discover that you
become friends it’s what happens you
start off as simply acquaintances in my
experience mentorship is exactly the
same there were people who were much
more experienced than me who had wisdom
that I didn’t have and I when I would
call him they would take my calls and
when I would ask them questions they
would always take the time to give me
answers and over the course of time they
became my mentors like they became my
friends and I remember one time
with one of my mentors Ron brooder an
amazing guy and I was leaving his house
and I put my arm around him I said you
know I’m glad you’re my mentor and he
looked at me and he said I’m glad you’re
mine and it caught me completely
off-guard and true mentorship like true
friendship is not a one-way street it’s
not about one person only giving advice
the other both people are showing up to
give and both people are showing up to
learn but you kind of ask someone to be
your mentor especially someone who’s a
total stranger knock on their door and
say will you be my mentor if they don’t
know you you’ve never met them
it’s like friendship you cultivate a
relationship and if that person is
always there for you and wants to see
you thrive and succeed and believes in
you then perhaps they will become your
mentor like making a friend and rule
number five the last one before a very
special bonus clip is be open to the
unknown rarely are we instant experts
you may have a particular gift or
affinity toward something but you still
get better you know people would pay me
high compliments when I started speaking
and then people who’ve seen me a year or
two later say that I’m even better and I
feel it why is that because you you you
learn more you know I think that hubris
is dangerous I think to think that
you’re an expert in anything is a
foolish pursuit you’re never you’re
never as good as you could be there’s
always room for improvement
there’s always room to get better you
know that does mean you have to listen
to all the advice just you know not
necessarily does everybody know best but
but to believe that you can be better
and to believe that you can offer more
is a constant pursuit you know I used to
think being a public speaker meant being
poised and presenting in a way that was
compelling and speaking at the right
pace and that’s that’s a part of it but
but I have been taking more risks lately
doing things that are very unstructured
and very uncomfortable and I will now do
like if I have an hour to speak I’d
rather speak for 20 minutes and do 40
minutes worth of questions and who knows
how that’s gonna go and that to me is
the best and so I’m a better speaker
because now I’m Way more opened
unknown where a few years ago that that
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
from Simon on how to be patient that I
think you’re gonna really enjoy but
before that it’s time for the three
point landing questions time to move
from just watching another video to
taking action in your life or your
business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one what does
live in your life on purpose mean to you
number two what change can you
immediately make to start living on
purpose and number three who can hold
you accountable to sticking with that
I talked to so many smart fantastic
ambitious idealistic hard-working kids
and there right out of college there in
their entry-level jobs and I’ll ask them
how is it going and they’ll say I think
I’m gonna quit and I’m like why they say
to me I’m not making an impact I’m like
you know you’ve been here eight months
right they treat the sense of
fulfillment or even love like it’s a
scavenger hunt like it’s something you
look for my millennial friends they’ve
gone through so many jobs they’re either
getting fired I mean it was mutual or
they’re quitting because they’re not
making an impact or they’re not finding
the thing they’re looking for they’re
not feeling fulfilled as if it’s a
scavenger hunt love a job you find joy
from is not something you discover it’s
not like I found love here it is I found
a job I love that’s not how it works
both of those things require hard work
you are in love because you work very
hard every single day of your life to
stay in love you find a job that brings
you ultimate joy because you work hard
every single day to serve those around
you and you maintain that joy it’s not a
discovery but the problem is this sense
of impatience it’s as if an entire
generation is standing at the foot of a
mountain they know exactly what they
want they can see the summit what they
can’t see is the mountain this large
amove Abul object that doesn’t mean you
have to do your time that’s not what I’m
talking about take a helicopter climb I
don’t care but there’s still a mountain
life career fulfillment relationships
are journeys the problem is this entire
generation has an institutionalized
sense of impatience and do they have the
patience to go on the journey to
maintain love to feel fulfilled or do
they just quit and on to the next dump
and on to the next ghost and on to the
yeah the most important work ever if you
had to think of one word that’s most
important to you that sums you Apple
that would be connect a little beacon
if you want to learn the five proven
ways to develop unbreakable
self-discipline check out the video
right next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there avoiding temptation is a way of
life by doing one thing differently you can avoid all kind of temptation
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