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5 Pieces of Life-Changing ADVICE from Gaur Gopal Das | #MentorMeGaur

some people are so poor so poor so
absolutely fool that all they have is
isn’t it amazing how many plans we make
and isn’t it a reality not everything
goes according to our plans we’ve only
learned to take and everyone has to
fulfill my expectations everything has
what’s that believe nation its heaven my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe you have got war Gopal das
level talent adds something and I want
you to find it embrace it and use it to
make a difference now I started to
mentor me series to try to learn from
people who’ve done a lot more than us
and hopefully by spending a little more
time with them some of their beliefs our
mindset the way of thinking seeps into
us to help us become the best version of
ourselves so today we’re gonna learn
from one of the best gal war Gopal das
and how to improve your life mentor me
let’s kick it off with rule number one
increase the standard of your life
whether you drive a Forks wagon or you
drive a Bentley the road remains the
same isn’t it
whether you speak on a Samsung or you
speak on an iPhone X whoever you’re
calling remains the same whether you’re
flying economy or you’re flying business
the destination area heading remains the
same isn’t it
whether you’re wearing a simple fast
track all you wear an Omega or a Rolex
the time remains things it’s quite
amazing how we work ourselves up so much
with increasing the standard of living
that we forget to increase the standard
of our life and which is why wherever I
travel I make an appeal to people
there’s nothing wrong with an Omega and
nothing wrong with the Bentley god bless
you with that and if you have it drive
at no problem but it’s trying to enhance
and increase and improvise a standard of
your living please please do not
compromise with the standard of your
life it’s not the standard of your
living that makes you happy it’s a
standard of your life that makes you
happy and very often we forget to give
attention to those things that can truly
make us
which is why I always say things that
I’m talking about they have utility
value right not happiness value travel
business rather first-class travel no
problem drive apparently no problem but
in doing so never ever compromise on
those principles that also improve the
standard of your life and therefore I
always say some people are so poor so
poor so absolutely for that all they
I consider that life of power district
in life if all you have is money you’re
the poorest person in the world because
there’s more to life than money and
there’s way more to life than what money
can buy and therefore a many times say
if you want to truly know how rich you
are drop it here and see how many hands
come forth to wipe that deal ladies and
gentlemen a happiness a happiness and I
increased and of life is not in things
it’s in people it’s relationships it’s
meaningful heartfelt deep bondings of
love that brings fulfillment to the
heart it was meaningful exchanges of
love that we share with each other and
relationships that brings true joy to
the heart and isn’t it the greatest
irony it’s something that brings in the
greatest fulfillment be very
conveniently neglect in just running
after increasing and enhancing a
standard of living rule number two go
with the flow
ladies and gentlemen isn’t it amazing
how many plans we make and isn’t it a
reality not everything goes according to
our plans even in the game of chess we
may come completely prepared
with our strategy to win the game we may
even make our moves thinking that
everything will go according to what we
the reality however is once we have made
our move we have no control over the
moves that the opponent will make we
have no idea that the opponent has also
made his or her plan whether it’s the
game of chess or the game of life not
everything goes according to what we had
envisioned in our lives this is exactly
why there’s a great need to go with the
flow should not be rigid about what we
had decided to learn the change our
strategy as per the need of the moment
ladies and gentlemen
adjust your plans adapt to the
challenges that life throws at you adopt
new strategies to match those of your
opponent to life apply the greatest
virtue of flexibility don’t be rigid
let’s learn
a very important lesson from the river
Ganga as she emanates from the Himalayan
mountains with her plan to move and
reach her destination
she is not rigid she is extremely
flexible as sometimes mountains through
challenges in the form of rocks on a
path she does not stop she will either
go above them or under them around them
but she keeps moving until she reaches
her destination whatever challenge comes
on your pathway
just keep moving rule number three don’t
live the life of I what is the most
selfish one lettered word I isn’t it
everything revolves around I I phone
everything revolves around the eye and
what does I stand for i stands for
expectations i should be treated like
this i should be loved like this i
should be dealt with like this i should
be respected like this i should be given
these mini marks i should not be given
this they are all leading a life of
super high expectations everything
revolves around my opinions my desires
my likes my dislikes I love this I want
this I don’t want this
ai ai ai ai ai you think life will be a
very happy life when it revolves around
AI from our childhood we have grown up
like this you only learn to take and
everyone has to fulfill my expectations
everything has to be up to my
expectations the more we lead a life of
our I will always be frustrated because
people don’t exist in this world to just
fulfill your expectations therefore
ladies and gentlemen the most selfish
one lettered word is AI which stands for
expectations and therefore avoid this
word how do you avoid this word be
realistic in your expectations a big
shocker amiquay problem knee but
understand that not everyone will
fulfill your expectation and secondly
avoid this word I by trying to scare
others you know why because when you
want to be served you’re dependent on
people they may not serve you when you
want to serve who can stop it when you
want respect people may not respect you
but when you want to give a respect who
can stop you when you want to be loved
you will not be loved but when you want
to give love who can stop you when you
want and charity people may not give you
in charity but when you want to give
charity who can stop you and therefore
learn to begin your journey from I to
you the more you want for yourself will
remain frustrated the more we want to
give you will remain happy rule number 4
choose greatness so his question is how
does luck or destiny what role does it
play in victory or success right is it
all hard work is it all destiny what is
now in my humble opinion destiny is the
situations that come to you which are
beyond your country for example you
didn’t choose your parents within your
future you would this time that was
destined you are born as an evil you
marry Bob Premium American lines have
you ever thought like that never did you
ever choose your looks it’s a novel you
choose no one looks as good as your
facebook profile picture and no one
looks as obvious there are other garbage
of no one no one looks with right so
situations situations are destiny
you didn’t choose them they came to you
if someone comes in and certs me I
didn’t choose it it came to me that
situation is this time but my response
to the situation is my choice response
is not destiny what I choose is my
choice and when I choose it that decides
my future destiny this is why they say
man is the maker of this destiny not
situations situations will remain what
they are but how you respond to those
situations is completely and entirely
your choice you have that situation
which is the style
now you have a choice to a heart to
cultivate that attitude that attitude is
not destiny that attitude is a choice
and when you choose that attitude
hopefully victory will come to you right
away even if it doesn’t come to you
right away we have sown the seed that we
pay back the seed that a soul will
certainly rectify now ten years down the
– until down the line or later this is
why persistence sticking it out is so
much essential and rule number five the
last one before a very special bonus
rule is find peace there was a king who
had a great fascination and love for
paintings one time he decided to offer a
very valuable prize to the artists who
would paint a beautiful picture
depicting peace on the final day of the
judgement many artists brought their
paintings with the hope of winning that
valuable prize the King looked at all
the paintings and selected two
in particular and now he had to choose
one out of the two paintings for the
valuable prize the first painting a
beautiful calm lake with clear
transparent waters the lake was a
perfect mirror to the towering mountains
surrounding it a bow it was the blue sky
with white fluffy clouds like cotton
balls floating in space anybody who saw
this painting thought it was the perfect
masterpiece representing peace the
second painting had mountains too rugged
dry bear about these mountains an angry
sky with clouds lightning streaks here
in there
massive downpour of rains ferocious
waterfall cascading down on one side of
his bear mountain peace thought the
people who saw the spade day as the King
looked closer he saw behind the
surrounding waterfall a branch of a bush
growing out of a crack in a rock on the
branch was a mother bird who had made a
nest and within the nest was very
peacefully with great affection feeding
its little ones which one do you think
the King choose for his valuable prize
the second one the King explained peace
does not mean to be in a place where
there’s no noise but is no treble but
there’s no hard work with there’s no
trials where there’s no tribulations
where there’s no difficulties peace
means to be in the middle of all mayhem
and chaos and here
to stay calm yet to stay focused yet to
make that inward journey and isn’t that
the story of real life as well
spirituality is the art of bringing us
to that inner calm to that inner peace
in our real life with all kinds of
difficulties troubles and problems
surrounding us that is the meaning and
definition of real peace now I’ve got a
really special bonus clip from the Guru
Gopal das on how to see challenges as
opportunities I think you’re really
gonna enjoy but before that the three
questions I want to move you from
thinking to action so let’s do it
question number one to raise your
standards what is one thing in your life
that you will no longer accept question
number two what do you need to go with
the flow moron and question number three
what does real peace look like for you
think about it write it down for
yourself leave it down in the comments
if you’d like I really want you to move
from just watching a video to actually
taking some action thank you guys so
much for watching I believe in you I
hope we continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one where it is much
love I’ll see you soon and enjoy the
10 1914 there was a massive explosion in
West Orange New Jersey United States of
America 10 buildings in a factory owned
by the legendary inventor Thomas Edison
were engulfed by flames six to eight
fire departments rushed to the scene but
could not curb the chemical fueled
after having dried all that he could as
Thomas Edison calmly stood there
watching the fire destroy his entire
life’s hard work his 24 year old son
Charles came over and stood next to him
and a childlike voice Edison said to his
son Charlie
go and get your mother and her friends
they’d never be able to see a
spectacular fire like this in their
entire life astonished and shocked by
spatters response Charles asked Thomas
Edison our entire Factory is being burnt
down to ashes bed Thomas Edison replied
in complete compulsion yes our Factory
is being burnt down to ashes but all the
mistakes we’ve made so far in the
factory have also
been burnt down to ashes we will start
all over again tomorrow that evening
Thomas Edison told a New York Times
reporter although I’m 67 years old and
I’m completely exhausted from running
around and trying to control the file
tomorrow I’ll start all over again
afresh and so he did the next day was a
fresh beginning for Thomas Edison and
his son Charles in trying to rebuild
what had been destroyed by the fire
often this is what life does unto us our
dreams are shattered our hopes
broken efforts baffled great people they
don’t cry
they try to rebuild their dreams great
people don’t give up live up to the
challenges that life throws at them
great people don’t go through they grow
through the difficulties that come on
their path they start all over again
with great hope with great determination
with great grit and that is why they
reach the highest peaks of success that
most people only aspire for
that is why I say no challenges no
success no challenges no success
now terrific world domination
honey Empire right I’m grateful I
understand why I’m here I think because
I am so open I wanted to think and say
it’s a bloody brief life all of you have
the potential for enormous success if
you want to know what gary vee DJ khalid
oprah and others know about empire
building that most people miss check out
the link in the description for a free bonus video
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