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10 THINGS Dan Lok Does (And YOU Don’t) That Makes Him SUCCESSFUL!

closing skill I believe it’s one of the
most important if not the most important
skills you need to master if you want to
be rich you’re thinking about just well
here’s what I do you want you will not
be able to charge a lot a much better
way to look at this is my high school
geography teacher told me why don’t you
pay attention why is so stupid you’ll
never amount to anything in your life
need motivation watch a top ten with
he’s dan lock and here’s my take on his
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one master the skill of closing do you
know how to close can you articulate the
value of what you do to your potential
clients do you know how to ask powerful
questions that compel people to buy
are you comfortable talking to strangers
presenting your ideas demonstrating your
product or service
closing skill I believe it’s one of the
most important if not the most important
skills if you need a master if you want
to be rich when you’re talking to
customers you’re closing when you’re
talking to vendors try to persuade them
to give you better terms guess what you
are closing when you’re talking to your
employees you are closing
rule number two focus on the thing that
matters I think there are many many
opportunities we can take advantage of
but I think in life there are only
certain moments where you accomplish
more in seven months then you’ve got
complex in last seven years it’s a very
different kind of opportunity right so
when you have those opportunities do you
recognize I will be able to accomplish
more in these seven months then what
I’ve done in the last previous seven
you got to recognize hey this is one of
those opportunities I’ve put enough this
up I’ll better not let this slip through
my finger right it’s a very different
thing and but people don’t they don’t
have the awareness to recognize this is
what that is right you would feel it and
you would know it’s very simple you know
hey you know what if this is just like
the internet back then if this is what I
think it is and this goes the way that I
think it would go holy Sh
like where would I be right that’s all I
could think about right the first mentor
if if I can learn a skill if I could I
wasn’t even thinking about that but if I
could learn this skill a high income
skill of copywriting and that would take
me at least off this trip mill because I
was not making money my business were
losing money I wasn’t
anywhere my mom wasn’t paid my mom like
take care of my mom or than what they
need to do so if this works and I could
have someone that I could go to like I
would take advantage it on and that’s
exactly what happens right because I was
making like next to no money to making
10k within one year like it doesn’t take
a rocket scientist right to figure that
out and then from there because I’m in
the industry consulting and then
speaking it just branches out from there
and then when I talk that skill went on
the internet I’m like wow this is like
there’s no competition this is crazy I’m
able to get in this early back in 2004
right like wow that wasn’t even thinking
about there’s no competition no one is
like marketing a ton online and then I
was selling like ebooks and stuff like
that way before evil was popular right
we’re selling in
Exe file does that compacting your on a
PDF you need to how do you have a
software in order to read the e-book no
no no that the unit a lot of
software in order to to read the e-book
right and it’s like this type of stuff
so that’s what I mean I don’t think in
life we get more than three like if you
you get this done you accomplish this
it gets you everything else what is this
thing you get this you get everything
else right you can be really help your
mom pay off the debt by the car get the
girlfriend get everything else just get
this done everything gets done
then why don’t need to worry about this
I’m gonna worry about this I just need
to worry about this then I get
everything else but what most people do
oh maybe I did there is a little bit of
this earlier there’s a little bit I
didn’t try to catch everything I’m like
holding it with two hands like I’m like
I’m I’m so focused and that’s why my
life you see even at today like really
no joke why I’m only good at a couple of
things maybe a handful things everything
else I’m like useless you know like the
most basic thing in life like cocaine or
I don’t know how to do it because I
never spend a minute of my time on those
things I don’t know how to turn on the
laundry machine I just don’t know I
don’t know how it works because I’ve
never done it all my focus is on this
nothing else I block out everything else
and just this all these day-to-day stuff
doesn’t matter rule number three compete
based on value in the marketplace a lot
of the people when they want to price
this service is what most people do
right especially when they’re getting
started they’re going to the marketplace
and they’re thinking let’s see what
other people are charging right if I’m
offering let’s say a copywriting service
well let’s me look at what other people
charge and they say people will charge
this price and some people charge this
price you see the range well you know
maybe I’ll just try somewhere in the
middle that’s how it should be people
price to the service that’s not a very
smart thing to do because right there
you are competing based on price instead
of competing based on value so what
dictates your price it’s applied the man
so the first thing you need to look at
is with what you do is it a blue ocean
meaning are you are you unique enough in
the marketplace are you uniquely
qualified to solve this particular
problem for your prospects so back then
when I was a copywriter I wasn’t trying
to be a copywriter for everybody I was
trying to be a copywriter only for
speakers trainers and people who put
together events the reason for that is
because back in the day when they do an
event there’s always a very high payout
it’s a high ticket offer right they do
an event it’s it’s possible that they’re
selling two thousand three thousand
dollar ticket and they could have
hundreds of people in the room and they
need my marketing piece my direct mail
letters to put butts in seats to feel
those seminar room so they know even if
they pay me $5,000 $8,000 $10,000 to
create a campaign in their mind or well
you know if I sell two three seats it
pays for tens fee it’s easy to justify
so you need to think about when you
price what you do what is the value that
you’re providing and how can you compare
the value you’re providing
with the service that you provide so
you’re thinking about just well here’s
what I do you want you will not be able
to charge a lot a much better way to
look at this is okay how can i package
what I do so now I’m selling a result
I’m selling an outcome or better yet I’m
selling money and a discount I’m selling
money at a discount what does it cost
the prospect not to do business with me
that’s a very good question write down
what does it cost the prospect not to do
business with me then you get price
accordingly rule number four have a
clear vision I think that number one
leadership quality is vision be able to
create their vision they have clarity of
what the vision is and then be able to
communicate ticularly their vision to
your team consistently on an ongoing
basis I think that’s the most important
thing you notice lousy leaders you ask
them about what their vision is is
usually very fuzzy right there’s all
YAWEH you want to grow our business or
we want to grow our revenue by how much
I’ll land what does it look like right
and how does each team member how do
they contribute to that revision see the
team there is high performance every
single person or team they know how they
play a part and being a part of that
vision so what I do all the time is I am
selling my vision to my team all the
every single month when we have a big
team meeting I do that but getting a
team meeting here’s a vision saying the
same thing again and again and again
sometimes I would make the vision bigger
sometimes I would pivot the steps of
what we need to do or are we behind or
we ahead but this vision is so critical
so what I do as a leader all the time of
thinking about where are we going where
are we going and how much clarity do I
have for myself how much clarity do I
have for the company how much clarity do
I have for the team so I think that’s
the number one leadership quality also
if you want to learn how to have more
confidence check out my 254 series it’s
free the link is in the description
below after you practice Marshall you
develop this natural self confidence not
cockiness but you develop this natural
self confidence rule number five learn
public speaking the number one fear that
most people have is public speaking now
why do so many people why are they
afraid of speaking to groups most of the
time because they worry about if they’re
gonna sound stupid or how do they look
or they are afraid because they might
say something wrong all these things but
you look at great leaders almost all
great leaders they’re all great public
speakers such as Steve Jobs right such
as Tony Robbins one Buffett one of the
skills that change my life is public
speaking when I joined Toastmasters
years ago because I wanted to improve my
English and also reduce my accent and I
was improving myself through public
speaking I’ve developed confidence
self-confidence through pop
speaking so ask yourself are you afraid
to speak to groups do you know how to
present your ideas to groups can you
communicate with conviction and
certainty can you interact with your
audience maybe you get sweaty palms
maybe you are like me in the beginning
like your face would turn pale all right
your knees would be locked that’s okay
it is a learnable skill but in order to
be rich public speaking is one of the
most valuable skills that you must
master rule number six don’t learn from
peers learning from your peers is
sometimes you learn the wrong thing they
kind of they tell you about this tell
you about that they have an opinion
about everything and because they’re
your peers and you like them and they
like you and you listen to them and you
thought you know what yep yeah I guess
that’s the way how to do it comment
below you have this experience right you
learn from your peers to listen to them
it’s like oh my god that’s like the
worst advice ever and you implement
those advice and you actually took
action and you’re like that’s exactly
like that doesn’t work that it’s not how
things work now the biggest problem with
learning from your peers is this I want
you to imagine this okay let’s say you
want to learn how to speak Chinese right
you’ll let us speak Mandarin because
China is booming you learn a new
language okay and you and your friends
get together and you don’t know how to
speak Chinese and he doesn’t know to
speak Chinese either so imagine this
you’re both locked in the room in
locking room for 30 days and I say okay
I’m gonna come back in 30 days now
chances are when I come back what are
the chance of you knowing how to speak
Chinese after 30 days zero why because
you don’t know and he doesn’t know how
could you have two people who don’t know
something and suddenly when you put them
together suddenly magically they would
know it no that’s not how life works now
that it’s a little bit a an extreme
example but it’s not so extreme think
about this in terms of success in terms
of creating wealth in
of creating like financial success in
business a lot of people a lot of you
you take advice from your peers and they
tell you hey you shouldn’t do sales this
way you shouldn’t get your customers
this way
you shouldn’t grow your business this
way you shouldn’t invest your money this
way you should invest in this way and
that way the problem is you and them you
are the same level you don’t know what
you don’t know how could they possibly
teach you and why the hell would you
listen to them when you’re at the same
level two people don’t know something
getting together and now they learn from
each other can you see it is a mess it
is a disaster right it’s just back and
forth back and forth lip service rule
number seven sacrifice think about
anyone who is like an athletic they want
to be athlete they want to be a gymnast
they want to be a basketball player they
want to be a football player you’d love
to look at anybody how many hours they
train every day you look at anyone who
is like at the forgetting on Olympic
level anyone was like at the
professional level how many hours you
have to swim every day look at microfilm
how many hours years and years and years
and that’s why I feel the very best of
what they do
there’s no sense when you there’s no
such thing when you just when you’ve put
your energy in four five six things
something’s gotta give something’s gotta
you can’t versus if you focus on this
you will never get to this point when
your energy is like like that you can
only get at this point when it’s like
this this is single focus but when you
focus on this by the time they say
you’re 20 years old you’re living like
this you’re making six-figure a year
your friend is like dude it will take
them I don’t know 10 15 20 even 30 years
you might never even get at that point
ever ever just think about that so you
want to pay the price early or you’ll
find a trade pay the price late rule
number eight master one thing let me
tell you something that no one talks
about and why I believe for 99% of the
people watching this video
right now that multiple sources of
income it’s a bad idea it takes a
tremendous effort to build up just one
source of income it takes a lot of time
and effort just to sustain one source of
income when you try to do so many things
put in a comment what are some of the
things they’re doing right now to bring
in multiple sources of income maybe
you’re doing drop shipping maybe you’re
trying to make money from the stock
market maybe doing day trading maybe
doing real estate you do so many things
a jack of all trades and master of none
how much money be honest are you making
from each thing so instead of trying to
make a living money here give me money
there little bit of money here a little
bit there you never get good at anything
rule number nine find good team members
now one of the things that I do when it
comes to bringing new people on board
that could be an employee could be a
contractor it could be a salesperson it
could be any of the walls that you might
have what I like to do is imagine that
that person is in charge how do you know
they may be talking what I do is I will
always give them a lame horse first
that’s right a lame horse I give you a
perfect sample so one of the key team
members that we have now played with my
director first he comes to the company
he wants to help me to boost my
Instagram following that a time I only
got a few thousand followers on
Instagram so I wasn’t taking a lot of
tension to it I’m like I was a little
skeptical with this work with this don’t
work and Blake came up with this amazing
proposal and plans okay run with it now
in the beginning I didn’t have give him
a lot of resources I think in many big
powers and do what he could I gave him
very very little he was asking me to
even get a few photos for Instagram runs
at home take whatever I have see what
you can do and he was able to do so much
enroll in history and following as well
as generating revenue for the company
with very little resources now that’s a
lady force but I gave a good jockey a
lame horse see how far he could go right
and afterwards to say okay this is
pretty good let me give you some more
resources and rule number 10 the last
one before a very special bonus clip is
prove them wrong my high school
geography teacher told me why can’t you
pay attention why is so stupid you’ll
never amount to anything in your life
I’m gonna fail you in this course my
manager and my first job you
good-for-nothing before you’ll be lucky
you may ever get a job at McDonald I
don’t have a Lamborghini I’m not
interested in a Lamborghini my favorite
the ae86 the ae86 represents the classic
underdog who punches above its weight
class and show the world that you don’t
need an expensive car you’ll need a
powerful car to win a race the character
it’s every opponent that comes its way
with position with skill and the ae86 my
whole life are people telling me well
then you can’t do this you can’t do that
you can’t emigrate to a foreign country
and start all over again you can’t drop
out of college and be a success you
can’t start your own business you have
no business degree you can’t do the
writing you flunk English
twice when you were in high school you
cannot start a business on the internet
no one makes money on the Internet
you can’t be a millionaire you can’t be
a multi-millionaire you can’t become a
best-selling author no one would buy
your book who do you think you are
you can’t hit 10,000 subscribers on
YouTube nobody watches your video you
can hit a hundred thousand subscribers
on YouTube you can’t hit a million
subscribers on YouTube you can’t feel it
global organization using social media
you see in life there will always be
there will always be doubters there will
non-believer and then there will be you
proving them wrong now I’ve got a
special bonus clip from Dan on why you
should not expect failure that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that it’s
time for the three point landing
questions let’s go from just watching
the video to taking action in your
business here we go question number one
what’s the one thing that matters that
you need to focus more on number two who
are you going to prove wrong and number
three how can you provide more value so
you can compete better what if it
doesn’t work what if whatever you’re
trying doesn’t work one of the things I
teach all my students all my high ticket
closers sometimes when you’re on the
phone with the prospect and they are
asking the question the prospects asking
well you know you know is there
guarantee if this doesn’t work like how
do you handle this objection and the way
I teach it you don’t try to justify oh
yeah it’s going to work and and we have
a 30 day money-back guarantee with a 60
day money back guarantee and let me tell
you all all these clients that we have
all these customers that we have and
what kind of results they’ve gotten no
that’s not what we say the way I teach
them how we handle this objections is
this so the prospect says why is they
guarantee if if this doesn’t work is
that you can I get my money back you
apply well do I get a bonus if this does
work boom right there that’s how you
reply now what does that have to do what
that’s closing of the deal with this is
the problem with most people is they are
thinking about you know what let me have
a plan B amount of Plan C so they
whatever they’re doing it’s a business
right they’re pursuing this business
they’re trying to let’s say do ecommerce
or they try to do affiliate marketing or
they’re trying to do
Shopify whatever it is that you’re
pursuing right and they ask themselves
wow you know what just in case that
doesn’t work let me let me let me have a
plan B and and maybe let me let me let
me also let me learn how to do like you
know speculate in a cryptocurrency or
some like that right
and then from there Oh in case that
doesn’t work maybe I’ll also sell some
in the flea market or something like
that right like you have Plan C and then
plan B oh you know just in case maybe
plan D maybe let me also study some kind
of program in schools in case at least
all these things don’t work has to get a
job right one two three four
guess what here’s what happens the
expectation expectation of failure leads
to failure you are already expecting the
thing doesn’t work and then guess what
then it doesn’t work because you’re
expecting it not to work that’s why
you’re the plan B that’s why you’re the
plan C this is like imagine you’re
getting married and you say to yourself
you know I think my husband is nice but
just just in case this husband doesn’t
work out let me get a second husband
just just just in case right let’s let
me never have a husband B and just in
case your dad doesn’t work let me make
sure I have an other backup I’m a
husband C and D in case husband a
doesn’t work you see how ridiculous this
sounds right
no when you commit you make it work
hi this is Dan Locke if you’re a fan of
Evans work if you want to know exactly
how to model my success I want to invite
you to join me for a special online
training all you have to do is click on
a link below you can join me for
absolutely no charge so click on link
if you want more day in lock check at
the top 50 rules video I made on him the
link is right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there the more we try to chase them on I
want to make the money I want to make
the money then you can see these people
they’re so desperate they don’t make
money you don’t make money if your life stinks is your fault
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