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#1 SKILL You Have to MASTER in the 21st CENTURY | #BelieveLife

I think that if there’s one skill to
master in the 21st century is stability
to learn rapidly if I become more
valuable then I will be able to give
more do more and change more rich people
were always learning we’re asking
questions we unlistenable what’s that
belief nation it’s Evan I believe in you
and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
today let’s live your best believe life
and learn the most important skill to
master in the 21st century also if you
want to know what Tony Robbins Mark
Cuban Will Smith and others have to say
about building unstoppable confidence
check out my 250 for confidence series
where every day for the next 254 days I
will send you a morning video for free
to help you build your confidence – like
the join is in the description below the
fact that human beings our strongest
drive is the need to stay consistent
with how we define ourselves I’ve always
been passionate some people thought you
know it’s a it’s more OCD than anything
I was excited about taking a shot the
fact that it was so strange
okay let’s kick it off with number one
learn rapidly with Jim quick I think
that if there’s one skill the master in
the 21st century is the ability to learn
rapidly it’s if you know what it is they
call it in the military a forced
multiplier mm-hmm a force multiplier is
like an input goes in but you get
exponential output from it it’s like
optimism being positive is it force
multipliers right you know in cone
palace of that and so certain things
like learning how to learn like metal
learning or improving your memory
improves everything improves your
business and proves like you know you
can remember people’s names you can
remember sales presentations you could
remember things about of people because
like for example it’s hard to show
somebody four people are watching this
they’re entrepreneurs right and they’re
wearing business development hat you
know it’s really hard to show someone
you’re gonna care for their business
their future their family their health
or fitness whatever you’re selling them
if you don’t care enough just to
remember things like their name or name
you know or somewhere that or their or
their kids name or their birthdays you
know so that’s a memories of multiplier
their memories and multiplier in their
you know like relationships just
remembering those those moments you know
like you know not even just murmuring
anniversaries remember to take out the
garbage that kinda stuff but remembering
you know the first time you and your
loved one you know took that walk on
that beat you know what I mean those
kind of moments that make everything
worthwhile yeah but it’s it’s wonderful
for every area of some memory I do
believe that tomb of the most costly
words and business for example or I
forgot you know I forgot to do it I
forgot to bring it
I forgot I mean I forgot your name it’s
been worse like did you get those
forgetting someone’s name and I’ve seen
this time and time again they could hurt
a relationship it could kill deals I’ve
had people call someone by the wrong
name and they’ve lost multiple million
dollar deals just on that number to
improve yourself with Tony Robbins he
can’t have a standard education and
expect to have an extraordinary life
it’s not gonna happen the one
breakthrough for all leaders is constant
never-ending improvement and that means
educating yourself and continuing to
develop even greater emotional mastery
because that’s what affects whether you
execute enough the opportunity for self
education is there we have to change our
psychology from I’m gonna do what
everybody else does
and I’m mad because it doesn’t work
anymore – the reality is this the
greatest time to be alive if you’re
growing you’re learning you’re educating
and you’re developing valuable skills
it’s like if you go to work for
McDonald’s I don’t know I think the
average I read recently is seven dollars
and seventy five cents an hour in the
United States working for McDonald’s the
skill sets the value you provide can be
taught to anyone in about 20 minutes
instead of complaining you gotta say
where are the skill sets valued in the
marketplace and how do I work harder on
myself than anything else because if I
become more valuable then I will be able
to give more do more and change more my
interviewed Warren Buffett asks the most
important investment you ever made in
his life he already said it was I was
thinking all the companies they’ve done
you know he said Tony going to Dale
Carnegie said what he goes because by
developing myself that’s the most
important investment those skill sets
learning how to persuade learning how to
speak learning and influence all my
ideas would’ve died on my lips if I had
me able to influence and I learned it
from that little course most valuable
thing I ever did in my life he said
number three always be a student with
Mark Cuban I focus on things that are AI
driven artificial intelligence driven
whether it’s machine learning deep
learning learning neural networks
medical applications but within ai ai is
a buzz word that everybody’s using right
now you know every in and to that point
you know we as all guys we go back and
it’s like 1995 we talked about the
internet and I would say to people back
in 1995 look if you don’t understand the
Internet you’re not gonna be able to do
business and now that’s just blocking a
tackle and it seems obvious back then it
wasn’t right I could even take you
further back to my first company you
know what we did was a company called
micro solutions and we did local area
networks on wide area networks and I
used to walk into companies and say
you’re gonna have to hook these pcs
together at some point that’ll make you
more productive more effective you know
give you a competitive advantage and
people are like now I just carry this
floppy from this PC to that PC yeah okay
but today we’re at the same type of
inflection point with artificial
intelligence you don’t have to be an
expert and be able to put together your
own neural network you know you don’t
have to know what weights and biases are
but but you have to have more than just
a cursory understanding just like you
have to know the difference between you
know different types of websites and you
have to understand ecommerce if you’re
in the e-commerce you have to have a
cursory understanding of how apps work
you’re gonna have to have at least if
not more cursory understanding of
artificial intelligence because it will
change everything we do and if the
internet was 10x in terms of change to
business artificial intelligence will be
or more if you go to my house right next
to my bed there’s a book machine
learning for dummies you go into my
bathroom there’s deep neural networks
for dummies right if you go on there’s a
something for dummies in every room of
my house you know they could go to ways
I know but I’m just telling you put the
time I mean I’ve taken you know I can’t
even tell you how many hours now I spend
every week if not daily working like
I’ll go into Amazon AWS and go through
their machine learning tutorials don’t
think to yourself I’m not technical
enough or I’m not gonna get this or I
don’t get into this or it’s too much try
it get as far as you can because it’s
like doing a basic website and a little
bit of HTML just having done that you
feel smarter and you feel a little bit
more confident about this you know I
don’t want to be an alarmist but I’m
trying to scare the hell out of you
because it’s important number four
elevate yourself with Will Smith the
concept of improving lives runs through
the center of everything I do and then I
realize that the the way to improve
lives is to continually improve yourself
right so with that every every morning
when I when I get out of the bed
you know I I haven’t fixed everything in
the world yet so there’s always
something to do and in this film I read
an interesting quote the Siddhartha
Gautama the Buddha he said that good
people have to get out of the bed every
day and try to empty the ocean with a
ladle right and I thought that was you
know I knew that was profound and I
paused for a second and I said all right
what the hell is a ladle right right so
they’re you know I just I touched it on
my iPad is ladle oh it’s like a big
spoon a big spoon okay so try to empty
the ocean with a soup spoon you know as
the the mentality of how you you wake up
every day to try to do good in the world
so for me I’m I’m really driven by
continually trying to elevate my elevate
my mind and elevate my spirit and care
for my body and to be able to love as
many people as effectively as as
possible with this mystery of life that
I’ve been given and number five the last
one before a very special bonus clip is
continuously learned with dan monk
number five poor people they know it all
rich people continuously to learn you
see poor people are always very
opinionated they always want to tell the
world about the opinions about politics
about sports about the society about the
government about every single thing
that’s around them versus being humble
willing to learn rich people were always
learning we’re asking questions we are
listening rereading books continuous
learning versus saying that I’ve gotten
are painting above everything you know
why they’re always in opinion poor
people because the only way to get
living attention
no different I can see people there
watching my video watching my sales
video closing video and I just look at
that ahead laughs and they comment
Oh Dan you shouldn’t close this way you
should close that way just say this when
was the last time you can close
something show me what is the last time
you close something for $500 $1,000
$2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $100,000 what have
you done so you’re painting doesn’t
remember your income can only go to the
extent that you do your wealth can only
and the number one lesson I could offer
you where your work is concerned is this
becomes so skilled so vigilant so
flat-out fantastic at what you do that
your talent cannot be dismissed stop
comparing yourself to other people
you’re only on this planet to be you not
someone else’s imitation of you I had to
learn that the hard way on the air live
anchoring the news one night in my 20s
when I first started broadcasting I was
moved to an anchor by the time I was 20
and I was just pretending to be Barbara
Walters I was just trying to talk like
Barbara act like Barbara hold my legs
like Barbara and I was on the air and I
hadn’t read the copy fully and I called
Canada Canada and I did that on the air
I crack myself up because I thought
Barbara would never call Canada Canada
and that little break through that
little crack that little moment that I
stopped pretending allowed the real me
to come through your life journey is
about learning to become more of who you
are and fulfilling the highest truest
expression of yourself as a human being
that’s why you’re here if you had to
think of one word that’s most important
to you or that sums you Apple
if you like this video check out the one
I made on the 5 morning routines that
will transform your life I think you
really enjoyed the link is right there
next to me continue to believe and I’ll
see you there I went for 10 years with an average of 5 to 6 hours of sleep
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