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Sul lavoro Ti basta aver ragione una sola volta

at work according to mark cuban
the American entrepreneur is enough for you
reason only once we understand the
after dinner the other day I was talking to the
phone with a person I know e
I said that you’re combining
beautiful he said look nothing alive of
income of how you yield and if I have
bought but told of the b with the moment
right and now I’ve done some
milionata regardless of whether there
it will be people who will lose a lot of
wheat that the affair decree currencies in
his case himself said look ago
so many errors of assessment a
lot of failed projects miserably
avalanches then a decision was enough
just to be okay to be
clearly affixed always relative e
then there is the talk of how you keep it
that economic situation as you do it
grow that another speech but if
we think about work is not that
I need billions of decisions
wrong so many years because I always have
reasoned by an athlete where you say for
take home the match or take a
lot of right decisions in
continuation during the arch one match
and during the arc of multiple matches during
the arc of the whole year is a lot of
decisions always right away forever
reason then instead it is not so we think
maybe singers who made a hit
they hit us once and then
point have the royalties going
forward from a lifetime and I was a few years old
he also sting and brought home 2,000
dollars a day diver breath you take
we followed a cover first or in the
Sting case has made several beautiful
but it is to say a song from
that financial turn that then you
allows us to build ourselves only e
magically 1 you forget all the
mistakes you’ve done before the usual
ruined case of those who ruin
they did ingrid birds, they say before
they did 51
videogame that never worked
let’s pretend they were not 51 was in
40 20 10 any number perhaps to the
end of count that is irrelevant
it is important that a right decision is made
their business has completely changed
trivially it may be the choice of the
right platform on which way
now that goes well with what it is
your talent is these two little girls
fifteen year old twins lisa Elena
monthlery that have amassed 24 million
of fans on the music hall if they know how to
manage this success well at that
point one single decision and apt
will lead far from the point of view
of business
and if a just thing just seems like one
little bit there is no problem we can
also approximate that there are a thousand
exceptions warren buffett in this case
then it will be to a counselor when
he says that as long as you do not do too many
mistakes too many bitches but this me
it seems that warren concept for
have a good dose of success
just make a few decisions as long as you do
they are right
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