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Sottovaluti il magico potere delle parole?

in 1998 99 if yesterday a listed company
in the bag and adds the dot com the
dot com to your name on average yours
shares rose by 70 percent and the
magical power of words and that
that we associate abbreviations words only
or we come to the present day in
england a company that added
block chain to the name blog scene is a
little word that even you hear me say
more often than his actions
they increased by 300 percent or
I’m just another example
arrived this little book by den Arielli
or arieli air nose dollars and sense
I opened it so you saw or opened
randomly this image is seen
beautiful are two cheeseburgers in us
there is written 5 dollars cheeseburger
in the other there is a space
craftsman description golf romache
places and craft of graf feb bovin
composit with ei rumba in ruck tmed
I hope at this point for 35 dollars
the words we use when we communicate
they are so important for that they change
radically our perception of the
for better or for worse than ours
two hamburgers this applies to both
burgers are identical change le
words the different perception is that
instead they are actually different but
if the best one is that on request o
maybe a lot more work a lot more
preparations ingredients of other
simply call him a good one
cheeseburger then loses
any credibility and the same
why we often see of the
super people smart and when he describes
what he does looks like an escape from
home and maybe the problem is a phenomenon
in that case and that underestimates the magic
of words and does not use the right words
to give the correct value compared to
what he is doing
as he said nanni moretti the words le
words words are important
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