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people this one day jean michel
save that was a great player
Belgian table tennis the belgium tiger opens
one of his communities is his academics
it works like this once a year
meet and play together a couple of
days and during the year online he can
give no feedback on the game on the shots
of each and then we can meet
with other ping pong players for
become the best players in the set
the day that he was already throwing me this
I give a small bottle of blood
then here is inspired by this idea by a
I launched the little one thing a year
similar is my community where one
once a year we meet two days
and I take stock of these themes of the
social media marketing business piro
piro and throughout the year this community
which is called slackers slash English
this bar when one asks you
trade is the communicator seller
this is slasher b during the year then
one is online once
I take one week ago his other
one meets one knows oneself one finds oneself
and customer partners to a true community
just fair if I was the seller
classic of the videos I should put them here to
make you the list of all that slash
include it is near each entry 200 hours of
video archive of 5 thousand market value
euro two annual physical meetings of 63
thousand euros away so to say the fanatic for the
end of all these imaginary lists
Remaining such an unpredictable 700 billion
but only true today for the next 33
seconds and a half do not miss out
the occasion is worth 100 lire instead
forget it’s stuff from on the site yes
it’s interesting if you call it found
details information is the price if
you like candidates because there is
a selection to enter and if not there
like me see you guys online soon
but who in my opinion does not even have to
think about it ast stuff which students why
This is a community for i
professionals for who is to rowing
work every day he is pulled col
wheat must not throw away money
tina history if you keep them
much better for him in those to whom
I’m on my balls for you
community then on the balls not
we start well and there are hardly any
congratulations and in general that has a lot
exposure time probably not
needs to register for communities
of the kind because at the end of the accounts the
information to communicate better
online to do digital business stuff
so you can find everything online there are not
Secret formulas mysterious things e
just who knows what saint knows about it
no it is not so you can find everything online, you
you have time to put yourself in pain
finally, history has the advantage of
community like slash
but there are others also works a lot
well, and you have people like that
you who maybe do the lawyer
accountant and 3 person in our
case they are so many professionals
they typically have not studied to have
a digital marketing competency of
some kind and these as you need them to
save you time basically not
you have time to study for your own business
it is not time to make mistakes that
you will inevitably do not have time to
go through all the mistakes that
instead, who works in the field or if done
over the years and therefore you want to avoid doing
faster and go more straight to the
point to get polito result of
have visibility over customer are
this is a bit the concept is how to say
you can learn how to play basketball from
just absolutely yes you put in there you train
studies there is a tidal wave of courses like this
on the other side if there is a coach or
if around there are players who like
tex train to try and get the
their title is clear that it is easier
slayers give us a look and then the last one
what I want to introduce that for
pass the selections you have to beat me more
on pole there is a bit like when I am
current baba in China there was no point
there is the photo of jack but the founder who
does the handstand upside down
down of all the new people that
they come to work in alibaba must
make it vertical upside down because
you have to see impose on all the views
different equa you have to beat me a bit
sorry you travel above thinks you could
be an idea
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