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I remember that as a child I came home
and I repeated the tables to my mom and
whenever I was wrong, he told me one
very simple word repeat word that
as you imagine I could not stand why
I have to repeat I know , I know why
we are often convinced that we know it
be competent to have the
situation but it is not so and my mom
timely repeated to me marco repeat the
repetition is not sexy and pallid often
but it’s the key to the game you think of
michael jackson with his famous
moonwalk in or where it walks backwards
he did not invent it, but made known to
him with his unmistakable style
how many times he has repeated that stuff
there billions of times to make it his own and
to get it done faster
think about why tennis or
ping pong is played with a basket of
balls with the coach the reason for
which you use the basket is not to do
less effort so at least you do not have to go
always to accommodate the ball the
reason that you are training with the basket
hits a number of balls a lot more
wide in the same period of time if
for example, you should train the wrong side
you must understand what the movement is
correct the reverse will be so it will be
so it will be so it will be as it is
correct technique and once it has
identified the correct movement at that
point keep repeating only
that as long as it is more repetition a
another problem that does not like why
the result you see in the long run
I’ll give you another example a few years
ago I arrived here in England I go
I had all my teeth from a dentist
distorted in the disaster, look at some
old videos of the teeth I look like
dracula this dentist looks at me with
tenderness and tells me look blue
if you go on like this in a few years
when you’re old-schooled students there
throw in the trash and you’ll have a thousand
problems because because if the teeth
all crooked then you can not even to
cleaning them is a real disaster then what
you can do to put a device
even if you’re 40, there are never
these little appliances put some e
take away a little problem that you
I signal it to put it 20 hours a day
you’re sure you have character
consistency to put it 20 hours a day
he is there and so I have done
I fired this device
held over two years for 20 hours a day
that every time you have to take it off
inside must put back at the beginning you from
bothered like real pebbles in the mouth afterwards
a little has become a habit these
devils of teeth that they then want
always come back to their position
ouch we move half a millimeter
mm at a time and then the results there
see in the long run and repetition
daily that brings this
result the repetition poor of
no one ever wants it because
a little like the loser younger brother
of creation that is cool that is cool
that exciting that engaging that the
viral video that turns you from one
perfect stranger to be more
world famous day to death but
it is precisely that pallid repetition
boringly boring, which is the key to
long-term success of
the long-term sustainability
next time
in doubtful suggestion we repeat
let’s repeat let’s repeat let’s repeat
let’s repeat let’s repeat let’s repeat
let’s repeat let’s repeat
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