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Quelli che incolpano sempre gli altri

This video is offered by ford and up to
Christmas you have this mega discounted scene
extraordinary the other day party of
birthday of young children arrival and
skies entertainer as often there is
in the birthday dresses the children yes
they sit there quiet parents around and
part of the entertainer or a little 22 seconds
net against the clamorous palais
incapable and completely this has come
at the beginning to talk a little bit between
they are not the children start figured out to
screaming starts running while I’m there
that I talk more or less with another
father the entertainer stops suddenly
that raises the voice
no wait for a moment attention here
the parents can not go on like this
out there is a bar you go out quas’at
and disturbing my performance and not
I can work
We can not because we are England
Parents are very polite and POLIGHT and
so they took and he will be right
entertainer are born out and me
subtle instead under ashton inside
quiet but not hidden there I have
put there because seeing it poured but there
already has a perfect video waiting for them
if my perfect video pays him not
always in maio it has only started again
children at that point was a hair
scared you had no city with everyone there
sitting still and after another 33
net seconds
nothing this just incapable children
he started going around like that then
in parents who say from outside but it is
He was going on inside and around
inside and nothing and they are bad experience
and this too is gone
pissed off like a panther saying here
You see very bad children in public
disciplined to unruly parents
you do not understand my art a lesson of
life and work overtime because in
At the bottom of the work we are all gods
performer all for form or we have
our art we try to produce
in front of an audience with ours
produced by our service that every
day you are exactly the same
situation where the fault is given to
customer the fault is given to the public ne
they are all good
if the public is quietly applauding
the problem is
if you are able to stop in three
seconds get on the stage and conquer
attention if you are a singer or if you do
the actor on the screen is an actor who
attention comes out immediately
of the public while instead you see him a
mediocre actor because you can not manage to
capture the same way who knows what
applies in communication and companies
communicating in a wonderful way and
some other companies are very bad
products that fall off the balls and from
others instead of not looking forward to it
the news to the last as we say in
these cases blame others in the cup
customers in the market raise their voices
screaming is not a winning strategy like
the wise would say in these cases not
you have to raise your voice
you need to do, if anything, has improved
your argument
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