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Quanto guadagna un Influencer

according to the guardian the family
kardashian on average can ask for a
post on their social profiles a post
half a million dollars
let’s try to bring it down in everyday life
this means that mother kardashian yes
raises the morning opens the mail and there is one
request the day and we are a company
we would like to give you some hats
millions of dollars to promote that
little call is another that has come to
that point which makes Kardashian mother opens
the door of the room and beats a scream
kim you have to make the post half a million that
It arrived but we do not want to have
phone that is a kim kardashian post file
that there is a hundred passes millions of follo
turn on down shabat row gives itself one
sistematina square the photo col
cap and cash half pumpkin in
general, however, the interesting thing is the
that the market of marketing influence
it is a market that is evaluated to date
from the market is around one billion
dollars and estimate according to average kicks
is that you arrive between five ten thousand of
dollars in 2020 but regardless of
the question we ask ourselves is why
some people are able to
earn so much thanks to them
online presence or gen two reasons
main reason number one is that a
influencer is a person capable of
move other people is able to
move other people to buy a
produced a service in general in
able to move the thought of one
person that what they did
always the media give you a given
interesting the other day my friend but
reported a ranking of first
communication on the main publishers
all Italian newspapers and theirs
level of interaction on social networks
interactions mean how many people go
on courier social profiles
republic the fact and all publishers
to click on the aic areas to share and
interact with extreme sports as it has
said mountains but if you were a publisher
where would you be in this ranking are
born to see I said casse di
interesting I would be in second place and
of Italy, that is, after the republic it had
like 10 million stuff interactions
like that in the month of august I have it
I make 56 million a month I would be al
second place monti for editors
considering that in Italy there are people
many more interactions of each month on
social in fact an idea of ​​how much today
Individuals are able to
aggregate large communities of if I do not know
the dark polo gang or roosters moves
compared to those who are passionate
of 3 clearly I can
move the masses in their sector
example motif number two an influencer
he can earn well because he is able
to earn the right question that
you should not always ask is not
how much is clear by ferragni the
the right question is how much it makes
chiara ferragni to a company if
collaborate with a company we do a
In a practical case, let’s take the example of kim
kardashian of before and of the cap la
company of half a million caps
to kim kardashian kim kardashian mail the
his beautiful fotina wants hat
only on his instagram profile
we pretend well on his profile
instagram to 100 million users
the first question we must ask ourselves
how many does not reach all 100
millions I see in the post because because the
so the number of people is curly
reached on instagram is not the hundred
percent as on facebook but it’s better
of facebook and then let’s say it makes a
40 percent of curls simplify 40
millions of people shaking theirs
feedback ohno kim with the hat la
question is how many of these 40 million
buy the hat we assume a
conversion rate of 0.5 percent
it means that 200 thousand people buy
I’m blessed cap if the
cap costs 20 dollars these
gentlemen have made 4 million have
invested half a pumpkin and they did 4
millions of turnover
if a company invests right now
on influencer and why it works if not
it works not investing regardless of
image advantages of associating the company
with a certain character another thing
influence does not obviously earn
all in the same way the kardashian
does not earn the same amount as
earn a guy who has 30 thousand
follower clearly there is a ranking
interesting that he made a company
which is called v6 on 130 campaigns of
influencer in the last 19 months a stuff
like that have divided into this
table the various levels as you see
there is an icon level that are those that
have 7 million followers on average between
the blazers almost 3 million followers in
average influencers 853 thousand
in micro influencer 220.000 on average e
the supermicro influencer 50 thousand
follower on average depending on
Earnings per seat earnings of the digits
different that can go from the figures
incredible that make the icons and
they decide the price to a fan
by post or one thousand euro 1,500 euros a
depending on your level
the dispute for companies in this
case is always to establish the true numbers a
regardless of which one has 10 million
50 million followers how many people are
Activate as truly as the community
it’s true and how many suits yours too
produced the kardashian can have 100
millions of followers
but if brown makes you mail them one
review of a cell phone e
he probably makes him sell more
that has five best because it’s more
authoritative more targeted and more specific
last consideration and that often the
people confuse the gain of one
influencer only with these
collaborations with companies but this
It’s a slice of how much one earns
influencer and how he earns if there
Interested in the topic go on social media
media examiner and you see the list of
activities done by an influencer for
earning the last aspect is that
of transparency there was a big one
casino on the fact that who has some
big community then does not declare that
is taking the grain to promote a
product is the direction in which you are
going is rightly always greater
transparency if I influencer make one
campaign with a company I declare it and
then you evaluate if that content you like
or not if you want to buy or not
that product once the joke about
famous people on the internet was that
being famous on social is like being
today this joke is rich in monopolies
from a reformulated coat and we can say
that being famous on social media is like
be rich like those that produce
the monopoly
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