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Qual è la mia nicchia?

at one of the last events I’ve done
asked the people to introduce each one
he used to name profession and profession
he was a student accountant pharmacist
personal trainer lawyer surfer
professional musician entrepreneur
naval psychologist of everything and more ad
a certain point belen a boy gets up
standing when it was structural says
mountains excuses now I tell you craft
what I do but explain everything to me
here they tell us that we must have it
own niche you must have yours
precise community to which your speaks
fair customer fair everyone does his
profession for his business
everyone is different from the other but what is it
your community has it on everyone
no the fact that when you see people
so different certain that there is confusion
that one expects the word niche
but we use it the same anelka to niche
be a target nielsen a specific stuff
18 27 years blonde wto 184 drinking coca
cola light and that the fireman has
instead it’s not just stuff there
the niche is a common interest
we think of a niche at random the niche
of ping pong players
professionals never in the cie has ever
niche of ping pong players
professionals range from 0 to 120 years of
that niche is part of the prize
nobel in medicine and the student who
just abandoned the averages and goes to make
the plumber all belong because
they have the ball-shaped DNA inside
ping pong with the butterfly pig brand
this is the niche as Fred says
Wilson’s ability is to see
through the fog
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