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Monty Live…100.000

go live show live with life with life live
I never do direct on youtube
I said it but sorry and what to do
I asked around when I pass them
one hundred thousand said and you have to make videos
celebrativo monte there is instead
the innovative seemed like a thing
badly understood
I told him I recorded a video in
direct so there is someone I do a
climbed greeting and thank you live if
there is no one short, it is not
that now nobody then did not want to be
also this tool direct on
youtube you can share dumb
microphone ok and then bye bye bye bye
hello hello hello everyone here we are
to those tools what is this
they are the filters what dance is
filters the filters of the only beers
incredible sadness no some better
this docu as you see this more
disturbing silver screen there is
truly the horrible wait for sect
there is also this here to cute this
how did I do that history ok
anyway I just wanted to say hello I wanted to
thank you I wanted to say that precisely it is
a pleasure to see this this this
channel grow we have not passed the
one hundred thousand and I wanted to give some
indication in general then the first
indication is that a year and a half ago I have
made a video saying youtube is dead
and I am absolutely convinced of that
video in practice my basic concept
this if you have to start from scratch today
youtube is saturated is full there is too much
stuff is not possible if instead you have
already a community behind as in the
my case no sooner we got to 600
pass thousand on facebook and then then
it becomes much easier to have one
presence from another part
and then in this case of youtube
instead it returns to be interesting
people are here to watch videos
I watched in the video milk on
youtube for which these are a bit there
reflection, however, if you start from scratch it is
really difficult
that is, if I think about the time I have
past me on youtube I believe from
2005 think a little for which
actually tough he said this like
in short, I wanted to regardless of
this thank you to see if there was
someone in the chat answers maybe some
question on the fly I’m doing these
live webinar if you are there at one o’clock
come on the facebook page you find i
webinar we are doing for the launch
of my new startup is called
slasher, however, I put the link
in the description and you see them in
preview what we are doing is
a community for professionals and yes
candida until Saturday at midnight with
this is interesting check it out if
no the same I saw this news
interesting to google you saw one
billion and go to htc to take the
division to make the various mobile phones
interesting and therefore I must say
that the world is moving fast on the web in
here we are after it’s free and an hour
we talk about all youtube platforms
facebook linkedin in st and can be
cute me from a bit of opinions and then
who is in connection between all the
questions that you want but usually we are
a few thousand and it’s nice from one
of two
on the facebook page you can find it there
here is what part of Genoa a6 asks no
one is that I clicked and says actions
doing more clicks on how you see i
webinar if you’re on facebook ask renata
greedy and no
you can not or maybe you probably will
connect to the page the circles from
browser and then play and find it
images antonella a a ceo a sketch
antonella then says if you start from scratch
where to start publishing content
from facebook absolutely yes parts from
facebook because you can do one
specific content on a topic not
I know antonella di craft do
and then that content promotes it
specific to a very precise audience
precise and youtube this remarkable that is
facebook is notable about this
compared to other platforms a
advantage mica to laugh in short time
a greeting to marco agosti my friend Marco
gurus see you soon
in your opinion, how many can use the
hashtag luca bos cardellos 0.3 percent
of the population
I do not know I’m bad with i
hashtag really bad and if to his
baron says it’s free then it will be
payment we webinar is free and
just migrated are ten want to melgrati
what we are doing
nice, however, if you go on the group
slasher on facebook slasher written on
usher bootcamp see recorded videos
they are really cute old ones
cute them maltinti thank you hello and then
drop the fabio mister London hello thing
advice says jan schenk campus to a
boy contacts de ma very afraid
opens a small business looks
given that we say I am not entitled to
give advice for the life of others me
I limit myself to sharing what I do
I what I think that maybe it goes
good for me but it’s not good for another
the first thing I would do is do one
serious analysis and examination of conscience e
self-criticism and really ask myself if
I want to put in my oven stuff
for my business
I made a video yesterday about this
theme is a bloodbath when you
puts on your own and that is, you must have
really the skin is hard because pighi a
lot of sticks because of that
you must be ready to be honest
I will say but maybe not the case number 1
and number 2
maybe start from an experience it goes to
work with someone else in one
situation where you learn makes you a little bit
bones begin to understand this can
the third is a second aspect
suggestion could be in place of
throw yourself into an activity where new
of physical objects, that is, if tube le
business thanks so I object to the boxes
or figurine is a physical object
that had taken the grave press
sent then there are the returns then there is
the assistance to customers there are the messes
and then I started from digital objects
that is easier to understand if you are a site
editorial or if you sell a video course of
something where it teaches recipes of
that is, it is clear that you do not have one there
risk where you burn yourself and lose the grain
heavy I would do one step at a time and col
my advice this I would try
really to go with the feet of
lead and so you know even better
at that point you see and then there must be
a moment when you decide understand
take and decide you’re never comfortable
the decisions at least for me was
so when he said I put myself on the facts
my yes no I do not know
another thing you can do maybe even
instead of doing an initiative alone
find a partner that maybe in Java
experience and that gives a helping hand to do
these steps
but I repeat you is very characteristic
then at the base and evaluate how much you are there
feel like making an initiative for the facts
this is a little bit the theme for eco
that asks and then that zingarelli hello
kevin is just two minutes we are still
then gladly if you come on the web in a
there’s another moon tomorrow, too
we talk about what can I say she
he tells him for facebook I did the
insertion function sending forward
putting more money is always lost
in percentage the people reached
because it is possible to get around this
obstacle that I do not know what you mean
that if you understand that organic rich
of facebook goes to decrease as you increase
of the page this happens
clearly more to big numbers anymore
it’s not that you can reach them all
but it is not clear to me what you mean
with the insertion function ie
facebook to god I tell you I use it for two
years facebook and you must i say it works
very good if you do it on the right plates
it works very well here is free money
that is, hi dear mountains I wanted to make you
I thank you thank you what
send the same image I need one
culture that thanks to head is a way of
confront and give yourself a little bit
suggestion I would do videos for not
leonardo wine entrepreneurs looks
leo yes in the sense if you think about many videos
that they are for entrepreneurs are
video maybe of communication analysis
of digital marketing as you like this
theme here 3 clear I think from mine
point of view which is the point of view
of someone who makes plans or then they are one
micro entrepreneur are not elon
musk for which I always have this byas
cognitive that is my point of view
on things that are not said to be
point of view is right but the point of
my view, however, there are many videos
that has nothing to do with being
entrepreneurs or not here is the use of
instagram russian illia says how much
important is the use of sta for the
mind of super instagram products a
this fight that is much greater
compared to facebook, one forgets for
which I see I see people selling one
lot of stuff on instagram of whatever
and this yes if you think that instagram
maybe 40 percent larch arrives
in short, being 600 thousand very high
people see 40,000 people like
facebook essay maybe 5 larch for
which is absolutely interesting
it works very well
absolutely then then fabio ciabatta
Come to barcelona we are all here
let it stay london should say
should say if they had on facebook 90
for mine, to the merchants
facebook will work I’ll tell you it works
very well then you know they are not solutions
the magic thing that works very well
is to create a strong brand a product
strong to me strikes every time I see
that these products do not know prestige
supreme and kaki a crazy brand that
to make incredible numbers come in
three minutes and bellini already sold out
so remarkable as like thing
this is what makes the difference
then advertising is always supportive
site is a fetid product or you have a
lousy content you do not go to any
part of this is the truth even if it is
pushes do not go now a part works
linkedin for you ask and seal
consulting then linkedin I tell you
this strange stuff
the strange thing is that if you publish a
only text content on linkedin
and we’ll talk after the Web nar
you reach many more people than you have
published a content that maybe is
much more beautiful a video content each
platform makes history to itself as up
to date there were no native videos
within linkedin and if you
publish text with stuff works
that’s why you need to know how to use it in the
right way
and you have to say with whom you want to talk
But consider doing this test do
only in the text and see the
views that makes and compared to a
video or image also the image
They work well
then glum Trojan says on slasher yes
can register all or only i
I am an employee but I assure you that
i’m slash for all the things i do
absolutely equal parentheses to fulvio
slasher you can short if you want to go
to see I repeat slash food field there is the
link in the description go there there
it’s all the information
my very banal idea is that of
create a community a community
online of professionals of people
enterprising here this is the
right feature then be a
freelancer an entrepreneur
a student an employee
the question I ask is you’re one
he wants to carry on his project
yes no if you make the employee do not you
it is interesting to do nothing else in life
all right
if instead you give homage, however, a dependent
latere maybe I ‘m a musician I have a
My project and sells toys for
children or what at that point that
it’s a community where we are already inside
is a community selected for the
reason that I simply do not want that
enter is not pain in the ass and I do not want to
that you enter not only dentists or
accountants or lawyers or web people
marketing gave mixed pleasant sea
cute and then there it is useful but it is useful
because with two liras you are in contact
with other professionals who have i
problems you have in communicating
pro death online the desires that are you and
so instead of being alone like
a paria akio that is from other people e
every week
we then do a webinar with me and with
various experts of various topics to say
if you go on slayers bootcamp in the group
see the people there is the other day
we did one with a tax expert
tributary all the trouble you have
maybe with equitalia but so shit
if you want to launch a project your part
tax law and you have to know not and
so there are a lot of people there
and already they solve you have serious problems
so it can be useful to everyone then
I repeat to you never like to push ste
things if one finds a good utility
otherwise nothing short but this is it
the intent behind the philosophy behind it
here it goes well marco balzarin i cast from
I wanted to stay five minutes instead
good bye bye dear five minutes marco
balzani where are you?
so I’m the space engineer and e
asks doardo fantin is true that space
hicks only takes citizens 266 who do not
I know I do not know I had once seen it
a video of lomas that explained
because they assumed what type but
I do not know, try to look but try
in fact, there is mythical luca ferrini
in fact, great luca, however, very good
competent mark to jump in saying hello
mountains where I find investors in
field for example motorcycle I go
for companies or better online I do not know
just like doing it seems like a thing
very strange not just who to look at
so marco works like this two
considerations the first is before
go to my investor
suggestion lived on my skin
try to have at least a prototype
which somehow works by
what you want to do is already a tot
of customers in technical jargon is said to be one
traction starts having customers or users
or a minimum of turnover and there is one
nice earhook that goes on when you
present by the investor in a power
contractually different
I recommend number one this number 2 that
I suggest m
before bringing investors to
home that still take a share
of your company and when you have some
Investors in you know that the company does not
it will be more yours
in essence at least that is true in the world
tech because sooner or later you have to sell it
and not actually more control
sooner or later, here then depends on the
klauser you put in when he enters
the investor would then make me one
question series if you are able to
go on your way with le
his legs
this is a second consideration
third consideration had been unmarked
these two points just look for on
line angel ventur Italian capitalist o
and there is a long endless list of
investors that everyone clearly
investing on different things I do not know which one
both your project considers that
today even venture capitalists do not
they only invest the projects
purely digital but also in objects
physical objects for which maybe yours is one
very cool stuff related to the industry
motorcycling is a technological add-on a
sensor a stuff maybe particularly
innovative and go that I know from magrini
maximum thin banks maybe
invests or there is bona fide with
threesixty precede 360
there is the whole world 10 pharma riccardo
Donadon that they do a lot of stuff
there is p101 with camillo parcels
pierluigi paracchi that invests
above all, however, in the sector perhaps
medical pharma for which to the many here
today also in Italy and abroad it is one
huge gigantic amount you look for
ventur capitalist or go inside to
italian startups in the italian group
startups in on facebook and I find a lot
of start upper to the thousand line addresses
absolutely then last help
giuseppe serio says hello mounts second
what is the best strategy for
break through with where you are with a company
just born of jams a hundred mandams
I love the miser in strawberry milk
I declare it is worth spending 1000 euros
to be able to sell on Amazon even if not
in the gourmet section, look at Giuseppe
they always lie in the long run in
these things for which it always comes
hard to give the fast trick me
what I would do would be this
I would take as an example
manuka honey knows manuka years
It’s very strong here in England
I would take the strategy they did
them on the manuka in where they have a
very high price positioning
this is more than gold, manuka honey
this comes from the new zealand and
I would go and see where they are positioned
them because in that case, for example
pay a lot and a premium price for one
product that completely detaches you
compared to billions of jams that
there are and you try to understand the creation of the
Supreme jam year as a brand
on first, for example, I like that guy
positioning and there once you
you have a brand as you create it by putting it out
of the contents making me see chaste
because you jam the fairies
only with the strawberries you have
grazed for 10 minutes and massaged
with the holy oil one year thinks it and then
when you do the prayer first
I do not know if you show me the deal
because you are so good and beautiful and
better than others and create this kind of
interest of attractiveness understood that it is
much more interesting
and at that point all out of content and
create a strong brand then the sale comes
by itself then you choose the channel for
sell directly on amazon where you
but I like that kind of
positioning here is ok then there
we see
this for this web i narrates with
with the facebook group if you want here
there is this webinar we do at 13
and if you come there in short, let’s talk about
all these arguments of all these
Today we talk about platforms here
so I think it’s a theme
interesting all the various social these
arguments here if you want to repeat in the
description I put the link to ours
parquet slasher if you apply until
Saturday at midnight is a stuff that you
It seems interesting and we’ll see you online
thanks we have spent the one hundred thousand bill
to do more and more stuff on youtube
if you have suggestions for advice
send me there and we ‘ll see them in short
a nice thing matters that you
they seem interesting to deal with either
also suggestions on better than youtube
I’m certainly not an expert and so
I’m looking for suggestions to always do better
it’s okay a hug to everyone bye
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