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“L’evoluzione dei blog” – Marco Montemagno 5 ottobre 2006

today we talk about blogs
I have a personal blog
on skai tg 24
television I talk about the blog
good evening that polo
paolo via bisceglie
red love radio rock to me
blog rsc
in short, I always talk about i love the internet
I’m glad to see what he thought I saw
face iotti that like me
lives in hotel surroundings in formulas as if we had married the blogosphere
so love
what are blogs?
the echo of the chisone. com
the fact that she is a girl who gets a bit more
however, the extremely varied reality over the years has had masses
revolution in a very context
very innovative article
and I think that at the beginning the fact that
buy a bit ‘an amateur matrix led to believe
that it was a new one also the difficulties in understanding how I am different
fact that the blogosphere saves on how this band easygoing
when instead it is a hell of a lot more evening
we do not know that
hasta la muerte double repercussions
blog as a personal diary on the one hand influenced the term
the other aspect
second that affected the fact that we block collect photos of enclosure
dressed in the Star Wars and that was the bathroom photos of people jumping on the beds
the hotel gets on
castin tostochè parodies of all kinds but this is the curia says no
so it turned off the sun was a bit
a motorcycle something amateur
we do not know what they are
much more
the blogs in my opinion are
we are us
we are talking right now
about billiards billiards d
final eurocamping bedroom 50 1978
I must say that
they stop shown
the possibility of creating information the different way
tenth the author of peter media journalism sites the possibility for the
become protagonists of information
It has certainly been thanks for times
this phenomenon has taken hold
people people
So, today, the new pos for some companies you have to know that you have to talk
with these people and its inhabitants
you can not behave like a house
and the blogosphere I have to say
helium and stories and numbers but credits paolo star we grow rhythm
simply impressive
and if we want to try to understand the reason for this growth
among the main reasons according to me if the fact that the world does not allow l
information from below
informal information
but at the same time authoritative training
in this context
initial could not fail to take into account the phenomenon of blogs and
so we have seen here
tons of newspaper covers
rt 20 events book
for everything related to
I saw her.
in the end me is divided into dvd bags by white personal trainers
why do not we forget it
blogs have begun to undermine credibility
frictional video to question putting pressure on traditional media
built with a handicap and also likes them
bible because I can not assault
of the fortress of traditional information is something that has a
its truth fund we have the blog archive there are depicted as
pigments king who bite traditional journalism no and I must say that the
request for training hours
enough so fans all vat
complementary professional training
has taken hold fat blocks had a big breath
illustrious scart there have been in this post processor
darren car
they are historical sight of the piece
forced dismissal
winrar a scandal
pulled out the edge of the blog
then we laughed a pazzini game
another warm up
bus 3 just for coastal edge
beyond Italian dialects
also – I love. make points
blog contacts the eye of the blogosphere married on the weight of the foot i
blog have tried to pull out a little
so it amanda behaviors of reproducing files
today I brought wow
Chinese press video after deaths from the beginning
the only master text cooked and eaten as they say in jargon by a user
with a pen that has been created
videos are just the contact sound blocks I know in soccer between the various
10 and lot * gigantic scales24
the company operates was forced to collect scrap for millions of dollars and then
another example of how if companies had to take a
photo resistance of the premises and also according to me d
it’s clear
send what to go herald
the next edition respeto
the dtt then emiliats companies that to talk
rabbits and then consumers
they pass from blogs
I consider blocking if you change converse with this
universe that now so important
then we come to what not just the blog it my blog
iblog today I love according to me assumed does not have an interesting development we have diaries
We also have personal multi blue professional uses termopan craft
in this chess board b after notification because I want to talk categories
practical examples I love naples boeing the magnificent 5 to involve
Motorcycle blogs in the world currently make more than 2 million unique users per month
5 boys
michael held up if you are passionate like me about technology and internet
hardware new applications
he is the number 1 at this time lido vasco album
Monetary makes 60 thousand dollars a month tells me about a person advertising on the
his blog
another interesting case keiros
has no lock but is a star with his tt to the site that collects news
reported by users
they were lovers and autographs on the breast and washing problems he was
However hey is worth 60 million dollars this guy and is not immune to
swamps in the blogosphere not even him
another example must bring a video with someone else’s blog declination
that speaks right. very famous oyster but with advertising this week
180 thousand dollars a week cancer 240 thousand dollars a month ago reports how
spam on this video clip blog dog
two and a half minutes does not move too much
another example the blog networks this gentleman who made the diploma and weather
we’re here do not get married with a scarf
fashion owner
and has put together many blogs within a network
another form so same speech applies to the
the weather –
with his bunker
networkedblog and then peacock mac background
wines ask for information
open the possibility to speak directly with
maybe a few users
if we have the blog of the mothers blog of the pope to the 21 k globes they reach trist
few users
mandala to color
the great influence and this in my opinion syria that contains the concepts that i
they are not counted
diploma today
this theory then reality was like saying that formalized in what
it was a so-called 15th
the possibility java chris anderson
because the producers of the latter to be counterfeit
the enemy goalkeeper can put together many product points
the messenger going to live together with lentils we are able to do
almost giveaway magazine those that are
to those who are the big hits not you song agreement between theory and in
entry to the fee
it’s important
let’s hope in Italy then to conclude
Italy very much staffed with pomellato is more and more there will be
we have an authoritative blog like that
and this gentleman who you know all beppe cricket comment
I do not have the number updated but I think it’s over 100,000 unique users a day
in spans
therefore great weight
rai tv blog nadia macrì chopping boards can cite my experience proposals king
we have one hundred and thirty own best unique users per month
on my blog dedicated to comment on my blog followed by a specialist there are others
reality other projects pon will inevitably leave this in my opinion is one
opportunities for all these developments
that we have won we last report interesting
the blog has moved on April 30th
to the conferenz of values ​​for Italy and therefore I have been recognized
I do not have the conclusion if I have to be honest if I’m not sure of the fact
that blog
like an extraordinary opportunity
for companies for users
and can improve if market information
budget only with imac is a cue for reflection a phrase taken
the latest book of is exploding marketing guru
supports stars located
the small
It’s the new big one
thanks thanks for the xstreet attention
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