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Lavorare piú duro o lavorare in modo piú intelligente?

you find yourself hooded because there is
a diatribe going on among those that
they claim that to get better
result at work we must work on
more and those instead argue that
you have to work more
Smart you have it present a
the fanatics of any solution
it’s working harder to get more work done
h24 in 65 work work job work
on the other side those more to the scene
kolles that you put there think they think
little r’n’b arfè that is there in there
these hours to read every day yes
sits penn stack and all lighting
I say my flat spot right away
question is bad mail is not that if one
he works hard then necessarily
it must be a brain-damaged one and the other
side is not that if one works in a way
smarter more cerebral plus ce
I have it with then it is one that does not have
want to make a bat is a mix is
always a mix but I mean you never have
tried to change a diaper a
little child who not only do
change you can stay there harshly
how much do you want to look for change it
they call the gearbox and I would not change it
you never have to work in it
clever to play a game
in front of which distracts him and then work
very hard to change the diaper
as fast as possible
no intelligent but hard work
also always this miss then depends
It depends on the moment of life just
circumstance context maybe one is one
mother at three hours two hours a day
time and how do you say no work h24
can not work at 20400 reasons
time and must work so
cleverly but hardly those two
hours to get everest or almost
said crazy this there some questions
that the last few years are helping me
a lot to work better at least I think
question number 1 exists one more way
smart smarter one way
better to do what I’m doing
and I make an example of a movie player
pong and I know that I like these
example because we all are a bit there
it’s inside us deep down from
ping pong players
I have spent years will be a lot of
repetitive patterns no ping pong do
this scheme of steps is the only scheme
open so-called 26 ii and shots of the
great dance born to the right and left
These tennis groundstrokes and games
you were a great straight a great reverse
no problem
that table tennis aside all the service
from the answer if I go back
I would dedicate eighty percent of the time
service and response of one more thing
pallosa more technical more than
intelligence more than geometries more than
angles and 20 percent of the time instead
this stuff that gives you more
satisfaction is strong shooting le
cannonate but then do not get there said not
you get there miley unless you have one
good service is a good and sport c was
clearly a better way to
train that I did not make it
best smarter hard but al
same time would have given a better
second question that I always ask myself to
who can I delegate this activity
this clearly works if you work
in itself, for another, a case not
is that one can then say the fact
this activity is delegated to him not
do it again because it touches you we are yours
boss teese mazzola however if you work in
just as it is used to say that one
it can do anything but on the other
side you can not do everything you can not
think of growing up the idea alone
always to whom I can compete like
I can take away from the operation in
every situation and always the idea that you
pushes to work better at least to me is
a thing 12 third useful question which ones
they are my best skills
I give an example if you are a great and
commercial and spend time on the farm
to do the administration there is a
it’s a problem to know which ones are yours
skills and implement them more
smart smarter than to work at
no matter how many hours you put in
put your strength on the point
weak opponents if the price is of
talk but they do a great deal
difference at any moment can
get more on the skills you have
said just once again him
the smart warren buffet that does not count
how big is the circle of yours
competence what counts is to be
aware of the perimeter of staying
inside the circle is stuff anyway
work smarter and
clear that in the company a bit of a mess
because you need your understanding you are firm
there in the position of the Hon
and what are you doing giorgio is thinking
I’m thinking that works more
intelligent senior bwv that giorgio
round demanio and the buffet of slips
immediately workable date
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