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Che lavoro farai da grande?

but what you will do when you grow up asked me
always shaved but we talk about this
trickery phrase we all have in
head always sooner or later we’ll talk about it
after the abbreviation mortola senate died here
you were born in the country of half-truths
where he escaped from ruby ​​luca you’ll be a grown up
the question will ask this question
has always put in great embarrassment that
I have no idea what I will do from
great now assumes that the
great sooner or later you define six
great at what age when at age 33 7
months 67 seconds you’re big and finished
the other the problem of this question
fetid is that one assumes that sooner or later
then you get this box home the package
there is the postman in 3d there is in you great
I am there is the heel there is written what
it will never be what you will do when you grow up and you
atrici mataj I knew that the tya the
peeled ice cream
but it’s not like that you never know what you’ll do
in any case I must say I do not know if
you did the same thing but that’s it
that happened that every time I have
I thought what I would have done when I grew up
always clamorously thought of
make ping pong players for many years
and it did not happen that way
then I said no , I had seen the lawyer
I can not remember the movie with matt damon
what was the name bellis and a very good one
a very young matt and nothing is not
also went with the lawyer then a
period I think I was sure I would have
I did the web master programmer
studied this book by Larry Wall on the
pearl sin that then I realized
that not even in ASP and I knew how to program
two lines is denied just a cagnaccio
in their saying, oh well , I wonder what I will not do
the developer every time I get one
of head when you think st question that
I always do too often
it is to be said to one of the most disgruntled was
what will you do when you grow up?
what will be great in my case today me
I find myself doing an entrepreneur
little bit of things like that but the technological world
I do not know in six months in a year between
five years what will I do you know what
you’ll be big I do not know what I have
noticed is that though there are some people
from the beginning I have a friend for example
that from the beginning and Rome
I was 8 and already had that
legal mind a little twisted was
already a lawyer since childhood as well as
there are people who maybe do not do one
specific job all life though
they are more or less in the same sector
gravitate around a topic that more
or less always that a friend in the
social has always changed so many
many missions of different kinds
many different vocations but in the end the
theme is always the social one to help them
the bad luck wants most
of the people I first do not have the most
pale idea of ​​what it will do when it grows up
and it’s a question that created you one too
great frustration because what I will do
when I grow up I should know it is not
then a good solution that I have
found over the years has been that of
changing the question is here helps the good
charlie munger forced body buy it
his booklet costs an eye of the head
if you find it but it is worth all the wheat of the
this wisdom in the pure state and the
old charlie for example
of the attitude which then will not be translated
so aptitude name translates into
Italian hopes in super soldoni
concept and instead of asking you that
what to do great and professionally
with life I have no more idea but
professionally one says no we see
what are my corners of advantage
what are my main attitudes
old charlie basket phrase that says if
you play games with someone else
that has an ability a capacity
vocation is an advantage when it does that
play and you do not have it for yourself
losing to me seems like a better way to
deal with each other I do not know what it is
think of you, but it seems easier to me
concentrate which are those punticini on
which I can have a say in how
say morning I arrive here and I tell you
guys come to the championships of the
world of mister olympia arriving there there
I’m doing an ass like this to these bodies
Big wind builder more than
schwarzenegger and the rock together
however a questionnaire you rightly
you would say mountains assured that when you grow up
I want to do that stuff because I do not
you’re really explosive physically but not
It seems resonant is a bit unlikely 8
here you get to get results is
it’s better to go and get ice cream
we guarantee you that there are no hair
in or much more competitive advantage
to put a question inside me
profitable that’s why otherwise what I will do from
big and too theoretical my head is not
you brought me to the results
let me know how to deal with this
topic and then what I will do when I grow up
frankly there was not the answer thing
you will do when you grow up I do not know
let’s focus on whether it’s next five minutes 5
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