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Blockchain e Videogame

crazy that I make wars at home
that have taken however it is true that there is the
terror, however , I finally got him
that of Captain America is a species
to go from 20 years 14 and 9 for oil
taken the shield of capitan america 4449
18 and 19 but they are like 40 children if, however
now the capitan america study has been published
to extract the disks in practice and nerf
with the kardon america style and all
protect and in more shots, but I understand it
I always have the terror understood so if I do
let me mount a bit of this here al
maximum from operator then like
you’ve known all the books then
he lives behind my house
lives in via marzia that is not brighton
that is the right no there is another thing
of fia of honor is that we are in
reality home and bright also silvera e
on the buses there is written brighton
and it does not seem like it should ever like type 3
centimeters more in here and the place of the
old people you were not really old look at
that he is not particularly young
inside and then it’s a lot like saying his
rhythm I do not know at least it seems I do not know that
What it is going well that I did
asked more of piper than more pai e
in to the stuff that you do like them
I pay in a partner advisor I do not know if it is
official how we can define it we give
a definition that then got well for
all low evangelist here is not it
so evangelist below where many are
I liked the design I liked the
project entered his brother in law
society that saw it bisognin and that’s it
in short, the title of level support
of campaign to marne the initiative
however, gaming is that he is perfect, not
to carry on a project where it is
he says ok
let’s talk about videogames let’s talk about blogs
change in theory the perfect person
speaking according to this scheme that exists
the operator that we try to disgrace
explain according to this scheme what
he does that translated into simple words
then game if we have to go later
simple and simple to simplify mining
bringing it within everyone’s reach
you play and parallel to fi mining if
we must be playing a videogame
that his widow, the phone does not
whatever but those that are in
inside the ok platform you develop
you who are videogames between platform
we develop the games we are in
part developed by us in partners and in
part provided by partners to give back
that makes the outside game play to mine
videogame to the miur to enjoy you find well to
nizzi and beams three games in which they are
already included in the code
source more than twenty titles that
you can choose based on your questions
of discharges at that point begins to
to play
what’s different than downloading me
a normal game nothing
ok technically nothing sure download
your game games and in parallel the
gamer director your game time do
mining based on your level then
level while you ‘re level 1 super
lucchi and then arrive up to level 20
course moreover more go on more salt
level that puts more your power
demining increases
ok what to offer mining I’ll make a being
human mining means having the
possibility of extracting tokens and
bring your wallet inside
once it has been a wallet that
it is always inside
We fire simple wallet if a
own wallet miscellaneous wallet
very simple portfolio where it does not have to
have knowledge of blogs there in
particular coeli the question is what me
I’ll do these because you’re not
undermining bitcoins or valuable tokens ok
sorry for which more siriu games are good
or spend more time than the result
based on parameters there are powers
explains are different parameters that it is not
only the timing was fun at that
point I accumulate my say ni
encrypted hand that this creates that
it’s called sgm and both in perfect ok ok
at that point that makes us very good
then this point and two options
indeed three possibilities the first the most
trivial deputy an exchange and you change them
in your traditional dollar currency
euro so you’re technically producing
of perfect money and it’s the first one
level to the simplest part that more
easy to understand the second instead
the most part bringing back to the gamers world
you can use them inside a
world of
of games that are those inside
to the platform so you can spend them
to acquire liquids they are called
special items within a game you
you can buy normally to buy
I do not know the extra move is life in it
plus the strawberries all the bananas
exact detail the skins and so on
and where if you spend money instead here
do not turn off the money but use the
skins cones that has the cumulative a
we indicate is obtained thanks or to yours
skill or time that is very good
come back exactly and then increase it
your power within the game
your ability, in short, your imagination
tyler bakers who more beautiful
the different situations this is the third
Instead the possibility lario
interesting that has its own pure world
gaming uses it to make challenges
because this in my opinion is an element
very very much gaming world and it is
absolutely innovative or I have
inside this game of these games
games are single player game alone
the classic catch up style game
that are games where stop
waiting for waiting room in bathroom bla
bla and data are games called this way
because they are playing alone and usually
they are endless games and endless games
until your ability the game becomes
more and more difficult until he died with
this mode here actually
we apply the ability to challenge
of other users who will also play
them in single player
so I do not play at the same time but
games in dinner becomes a multiplayer
asynchronous I play today
ok to the four subjects I challenge you play
after two and a half hours
we bet the slang coin that
we both mined is if you lose
I win yours if I lose you win mine
but it’s not just 11 and up to 1 in 100
this year, cool for which it is kind of form in
royal exaction that beats then the
ato royal verified however in
synchronous mode ok not
at the same time but one at a time can
also play simultaneously in
However, I do not see the others
players I have a cial of one
leaderboard produce me where I see everyone
those who took part in this
challenge and I see the score of all is
clear that when to notify the
you hear something that struck me
for every guest he will have what he had me
hit the last chatted keep
it was the fact that you think the passage
not only in games but to say also
in music we will be from the fact that
today you have a user who takes and from
of wheat to buy videogame oscs for
a wade of 100 percent agreement
go that there are and the idea instead will be
the opposite ie I get paid for
listen to music or get paid to play ha
said so it’s bad because I pay the
your grip in ull and excuse me paid in
sense or the economic benefit too
from the fact that I’m listening to yours
music knows that tobago
look if otherwise not the school the
model exactly this however own
expose it according to our point of view
which I think is very ethical and
mutually interesting the company e
user value imagines facebook and
imagine instagram imagine whatsapp i
unicorns of the digital what is the
their true value
users who have facebook inside is
a beautiful structure a beautiful
architecture done very well but the true
and the content that users have
generated and the presence of users who
every day they open it so instagram
so whatsapp telegram get facebook
remove all Facebook users for
if you are worthless and for other benefits
and profits make them only the nisa are
facebook then the concept of
redistribution of profits to the
users is nothing new a thing that
already exists but they have tried in a thousand
that does not work
the concept of saying I know you if the
my value as a user and therefore
I share my earnings with you
it works at the topical level but the user
I do not know why not and appeal
the fact that in any case it gives me part 2
my feeling is that you are me
you want to buy to bring me in there is
although not ethically correct
it works at the marketing level
the concept that instead works the
concept that I what I do
within this apple tree platform
I earn mining
it’s called proof of work because anyway
both you are doing a job comes
validated your work and
As a result people are paid if
you give them something for some
absurd reason they do not appreciate it, that is not
give them the right value if you
do a job that what you do
it also comes a feeling of it’s own
self-esteem ie I am then are
earned did not you given us
we have applied what is inside
it is not the prof a work that is at the base
of the chain blog
but the prof of play I did that you
actually you played you played
so in theory a game like four
I give an example if they apply
a model game to at that point if the
preclinical eye 9 an operator at least
at that point also that aims or will lap
crazy and if you have not taken one
up from the room by taking you
taken then if you take type format
using this game model
I could say ok, the more you play, the more you have one
growth of your doubts reach the
goals and the goal china already at 9 but a
that point the business of epic games e
the business game
what is it is to share gains
concept is the same because technically
I’m collecting a hundred I’ll give you back
50 the concert at the business level
model is exactly this I share
game shares however until the moment
of token generation of that
that would ask you for an ordinary scooter
is that I did not give you a penny, that is not
I played I never generated that said
not pulled though this is yours
actually feeling your business
within any platform
digital genre of money just for the
fact that you are inside only for the fact
that you use with the platform that
both advertising is a
information about you big data
that is your presence
your souls your sun be there you are
giving value to those companies that
increases a company that is within 10
users has a value of a genre of 10
millions ahah sender is a mistake
completely of the form value in
however it is given by all users that
certainly if all were not there
users know and clearly would be less
interesting the game but then I imagine
that then one can also buy a question
these tokens you can also buy them
to buy us technically we have
a reserve this reserve is the one that
it is made for the main and therefore
the user plays until this reserve
therefore the value is obviously exhausted
of the token rises proportionally to the
the scarcity of this knowledge serves her
the value of the touch comes down more
obviously salt is fragmented so who
will play at the beginning of course maybe
can make money can earn 2 3 4
5 touches neither a day until the beginning
we go out 0.12 what I have a lot
low then do not mind that verdict that
begins to decline within the
reserve the value in the exchanges
it begins to rise
you are no longer 5 touch the marbles you have less
mine less but the value is actually it
same if the converting dollars one euro
ok so in that case if I want more
you that I do not go to buy them if you want
then go to buy on exilia are e
we are the states on next ex or who is a former
21 wanting can buy them paroli is one
investment question ie if I
I talk to gamers I say do not buy them
because we give them for free
it makes no sense to buy them more
we consider this that mining
traditional usually requires hands
of bitcoin ‘s and pulls a blah blah requires
very expensive equipment if I want to
mine a bitcoin I need to
performance machines to run but not
sending for here instead is not needed
nothing what there is that you need there
He already has it and your cell phone and everyone
they have a smartphone or that consequence
so it has no investment if so
games tells me but I want them compared
it’s about not doing it, it’s all there ‘s already
what you need or if instead a
investor wants to buy them then
buy a different volume vice a
exchange we do not take them to a judge
that point the more people play the more there is
the movement however of the token plus the
token has a value and more becomes
interesting to buy it and warren buffet
he says he looks and I buy a little this game
I’m around instead of apple is very serious
since I called him we have the work but
with this system then theoretically you
you can also use these tools then for
pay other things not so theory then
make agreements with other exams with a few
expenses paid or very good of the concept is
that now we are taking this
we are putting a bull inside
ecosystem to game but this
which can also be used outside then
what we are doing we are
looking for we are closing gods
agreement with others obviously
gaming world to enter the top game
fury from the ecosystem schemes imagines
four nights that has been out of shape e
lost weight in four nights you can
to buy you ethical you saw bucks for then
buy new skins instead of paying
these vi bucks lan dollars neurons
pay with the swing coin
ok, according to you if we move from here to 5
to beautiful pains drowned in the world
of the videogames
this will be the dominant second logic
me the center for the moment
the user will understand if I do not know if the game between
five years will be the leader of the gay world
I connect then riff as a reference
as few in the sense however the world of the
gaming cela blog chain applied to
world of gaming and perfect because it is
exactly try to imagine one
unique currency that you can spend
within all the games
I mean now I go bakers where to buy
of bucks I go on candy grows with offspring
carameline values some each that is 50
different things I do not understand a shit but
I try to think if I play candy
crashes get the game coin that I spend
inside four nights creates a circuit of the
gaming that includes any game
new and I find some gains made on it
some games that maybe you used
months ago a year ago on a bullet and there
I can spend on games new concepts
to make a single coin that a bit
at a time he takes part
is then involved by everyone
those who are the world lines believe me
that the integrated blog chain as a top is
the only one that works
they are convinced that if one of these ma
in the case that you do but then google
but if there is always and immediately that ne
related to the world of trucks is that we are i
there were so many first so I try
say if a player of references potens
np games these here come out and they say that
now the token we try to impose
this here what is the risk you side in
sense is the usual forward do not breath
the embers in the creation of these togas
as competitors
but as if we want to call it
an alliance for people who are nonetheless
they want to bring the world into that
so if I do not breathe another touches
as a heretic but respect as we unite
the forces and we bring this August
model the adoption of done to both
that is both companies but also the
users therefore benefits each other ok ok
you did in the past we have some
cave reserve nothing you did anyway
pass paz also go out at the level of
skills you have immersed yourself in a world
completely different than yours
previous one
I always stay toned blog
we want to talk about macomer e
steps where you made a pass
huge not even to a vision
traditional of the average world
entertainment from this world here is one
greeting cosms then I am convinced that if
you do not fit rotten I’m convinced of it
so unfortunately and fortunately we live
in a world that changes very quickly
so you have to say it but also bruce
lee nabi water my friend then in the
sense of concept is that I started
to see 2010 I worked with hyenas
sure I started to see that the
television, however, is starting from
2005 met youtube in treviso
they started to fall
down enough
exponential and therefore the prize that
when I decided to stop between TV
I could not do anything else because I have
done 12 years eleven years of TV when
I went out where to stop doing yours
question was that fuck face and not
I knew what to do they did not know that with the
merck gambling and I knew it now not
I knew what to do so I put there
I put 5 years to understand what goes
tried to make bikes or blogs
according to the bankruptcy project bikes
a bike just performed cd cdc with that
He also tried to do it
for five years try various things then it is
however I felt that there is the address
for the most thing I like things
the adventures the coolest things and
Innovative brace is an adventure is a
new project there is so much to discover
there is so much to invent and terribly
creative because the chain blog for how much
it may seem like a world originated in
reality and pure creativity
I think I know I feel more creative
that a number that a person numbers is
brussels is pure creativity then
put that dick you want what
you want and then I started going in
that direction of 2015
I had this idea started to
work on it and now we are coming
when he leaves then charles game
the beta version will start in December 2018
the version will come out of the beta
we probably think about April
May 2019 with the full fetal on why
inside there are live streams there is a
beautiful referral program where
however if I can generate mining
on the people involved
there is a program attached ok so it is a
rapper at the program stops roggan
attached to the mining dedicated for
the influence moving pd then inside for i
pai says ok I have huge potential for
spread the project I’m glad that
part of the mining that others do
be redistributed to me
so it’s a project that also includes
not only deprive but also other influencers
which begin to gain on
fact that others for example you know
to make the iron party between the patrols and
gavino we buy it sometimes italian
sorry in this case means that me
the most of the shift days to the wind that
if on the active ones on the prof play of the
other other periods of contribution 100
users on what their proof of play
I have in the touches generated in the message
that come directly from the reserve
not from the users wallet
ok it’s important so you’re not going before ea
subtract know well know how to pull m is a
Argentine for which you play game e
I’ve been reported by more than
uvai sequins like network making a
mining and not 100 percent but of the
110 for you, you cut me
this being a user who gives more than
when I have to give him a mac
more than 10 percent of the game
casey fi that his entrust this
it’s over because there’s live streaming
inside there is the possibility of doing
you look at me and see twitch here is one
biggest gaming platform at
my instrument world we do it through
mobile therefore the possibility of doing
streaming of my screenplay of mine
more by filming myself and then
speaking here there is a world of influence
from inside it until we are
ready in April with the one to ok but
that very cool according to you usual
with an initiative fund yes and last
question when one makes an initiative
maybe this time she broke up
net no not yet ready to the next
safe malice luca root a mira
crazy and mainsail sure only missed for
the open should you should be the
next real and private project a
shovel when initiative you’re never if
work marks 9 st we know that
it works, however, the truth is that then not
if anything, let’s say the direction it takes
misery in the head says ok throw and the
functionality that will be dominant
everything is streaming and then discovers instead
which is far from the very agreement as I agree
he reminds me of steve khun and when he did at one point said
we launch a stuff that sends live
people that what videogames will launch
nurse because we had noticed that one
percentage of furious madmen
obsessed was just playing
videogames and used the tools tool
direct to do what for
they had another idea of ​​their own and then
they moved on what you see already
something that still seems to you
dominant at this time compared to
what you do or 16 noah we’ll throw
there are several different features and initiatives
then we’ll see what’s there then I think
that we are focusing on mining
then the user plays and makes mining
playing but in reality I’m not like that
convinced one hundred percent because
this becomes the functionality
more attractive for example the
night that never has the word to speak to us
mining mine all immediately cos mcafee with
understood and vico iii but there is immediately in the
my mind but if less stacks of servers or
mine in my opinion is changing there
the soul imagines stacks of servers
container ie manning is one
smartphones are sky in your pocket but one
smartphone everything with that you can do
never however generate of the value you produce
two wins then what doctors have ever
true bitcoin you can not do it with too
need servers
ours is a s.gemma a token based
on rc 20 on base and tir hume you can do it
clear big
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