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Adesso basta

now the sentence is enough benevento
now enough is a picklock
very powerful at work sooner or later
said must be said because if you start to
working for someone is a certain point
this you take advantage of, you feel comfortable c3
or you get to say now just enough
this will go on all my life
it stops the same way now enough
It’s that perfect nudge when you
you want to put on your own you know you’re not
a little sure if you doubt them close
now stop
down from the skyscraper and some built
renault high airplane and 36 the flight
before crashing and trying to fly
like spider man you do not know if you will be
like spider man and in the same way
now enough will be to that sentence that you
Save the clutches how many are you for
crash to the ground and say better
stopping here was not the spider man me
I’m wrong I was actually lupine iii
here and I address jumping but also if you
work the same for your business
if you are on your own if the entrepreneur yourself
same now enough is that little phrase
that you must tell yourself periodically when you
for example, you can work 7 out of 7 365 yes
it’s always full it’s not a time for
to think
chapter that’s important now
enough and that moment
and amazing how at work sometimes
you get to a point where you are alone
two words that come out of you
now stop
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