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4 chiacchiere con Marco Montemagno (integrale)

here, however, pope
and beautiful go spread place never
I was there
yes yes yes that
it feels
but he knows it
get hurt without it
I think
it’s just that
Meanwhile, start this year control
ok but also send you
Good evening everyone thanks for being here
first of all and thanks to our guest
who came to talk here at
My name is David Villa, I am King
the current president of sea polito us
we are a student association of the
Polytechnic University of Turin, which deals with
social innovation and is part of the
community sit social innovation team
Our goals as you see are those
to create and stimulate planning
student is to create events
like those of today that can
to raise awareness on innovation issues
so for us occasions like these
they are very important to do it we use
two instruments that are those of gods
projects and that of events as well
today our projects have had
enough success they had
enough success is at the level
national that do not in fact project like
delta ways or as a dropper or a
of rate as kipi currently have
really happened and at the moment
also of the contests for example of the red
bull or national ends are a lot
content with these things for how long
it concerns if you want to have information
you want to get involved with us
you can contact us in any
in fact, we are on every platform
digital platform and you can write
our mail that polito snail so sign up there too
just for information or something and now
I will leave the word briefly al
professor paolo landoni who is a the
Professor of the Polytechnic University of Turin
also the creator founder of the
our community or social
innovation team is a pleasure for us
have it here
obviously I wanted to thank him both
personally be the name of yes given for
helping us anyway in ours
path up to here and especially for
have also helped us on this day
with his presence
thanks to everyone and thanks to him too
I organize that I find this
Good evening, I will not steal from you all
couple of minutes maximum because I know that
you are here for Marco and not for hearing
other things, however, I wanted to see that
some both here and they will follow the
direct or later are not of the polytechnic
of turin do not know it is cleaned
tell you two things very quickly
also of this community that is called
social innovation teams site and I wanted to
we also say thank Marco from
part a little more institutional from
part of the teachers to be here with us
the university luckily then again
a place to go to
presentations to give a little bit of
interest this is not trivial in the
situation of the country in which in this
moment there is a little attention to the
culture to science, etc. but there
I said the social innovation team if it is
a community in a term a bit
abused, however, for us it seems not to be
out of place because it is a community that
there is not only Polytechnic of
turin as well as here is this
student association there are others
student associations in others
Polytechnic University of Milan
at the University of Turin University of
pavia and there are also associations
towns like sit Milan and is located
davide has already mentioned something
projects that we do not take you away
time advocacy projects I care about it
emphasize only another small point
which is the support we give to
companies with significant social impact
this gentleman I had a social pact
a definition a bit broad for us wants
say for for profit companies that however have
also an attention and a real commitment
towards the environment and the
companies these companies often are
calls hybrid companies precisely because
they are a bit halfway between the profit
and no profit
and this community that hosts you today is
partly dedicated to support of
these entrepreneurial initiatives
we have already supported and many different
they are part and others will still take
part if you have ideas of this kind
which can be both for profit but
also have a social impact
you are welcome as you are welcome
all those who want to give us
a hand on these issues is here in Turin
of course but also the other locations
universities and citizens and I conclude
then thanking again for Marco
be here with us Polytechnic of Turin
and also with two another thanks
special to David who has just spoken
and to all the wonderful team of six
policy that organized this event
but who also did and is doing
great things
thanks to all thanks the valpe live
for absorbing
here we are
wow let’s say a friend at the university
that always manages mountains I want to live
life intensely before becoming
an old fifty-year-old shit and me
I said I open myself can live intensely
no, he tells me all these things to do
to do a thousand jobs I want to go to
see the pink empire dolphins and I want to
get yourself a life head that gets older
monti monti bellin s’invecchia then
you get to 50 years understood in four years
I’m 50 and so I have two problems
first that falls into this category of
old shit according to mine
friend and more are also bald ok that
I did not expect it there is actually not me
I expect
and then coming here then in reality they are
here only to answer questions
doubts curiosity or things that you
they affect the themes so maybe of the
of the communication of social things of the
gender but, however, reasoning on how
actually I see you as super
lucky in a great situation
situation is of competence because
joking before quibell in just you’re
studying arriving companies understood to
asking you to become works for them
I did jurisprudence never has me
called a company as soon as I am
graduate is not that understood came
companies go up there ever worked and you
instead you are in a wonderful sector
regardless of the engineering mentioned there
occupy it whether you go to the old one
ilona work and thick hicks or car or
management engineering
Odd management engineering maybe a bit
less though
was a joke
and I swear it’s a joke
especially because when I make you one
sincere true confession
I would always dream of being an engineer
always tried to make them engineer the
problem is that I was not enough
smart to do this stuff here no
that is, putting me there and things saying rober
nothing gun I can not have that
brain there that you have then I see
a series of huge advantages you have
today you have a you are in an industry
super7 the university that is certainly a
top no from this point of view that does not
It often happens so this seems to me
you have the advantage of being gods
so you are not the one who has
less than 25 years
ok invite to bastards and you have hair
which still helps life with the tuft
I do not all have to say, however, in most
part you are also kyphosis at that point if
put these features together
kat daring and serious indeed you are
in a very good situation this
excellent situation and even better
I do not know if you can say more in Italian
great or something like that today
there’s all this social world that me
I live closely both as an entrepreneur and
as we say communicator and trap
professional crowager with i
my videos that is a crazy opportunity
because in any case even if we take
the worst job scenario
if you take harari who wrote of
recently his new book after models a
how to say a very dramatic vision
of work because automation will be there
and catch us all ok is not that pecks
only one category of people
the works will be automated in large
part of a lot of jobs
and in any case if one starts from yours
assumptions and more puts in a bit
of communication skills to create
its own online brand
no, but come when the fuck you want
guys, then we have to start over
let’s start from there no no calmly with
calm there is no hurry
we are waiting seated factors retard
the bus in those numbers that you see it
as you engineers so much that you care
so much work is the same and the network
greek I do not want to bring you bad luck though
markets are made I repeat I have 46
years and I have seen the markets be moments
wonderful to be bad times and
when the market at a great time
like this no how it can be for you is
super when the economy then
it starts to falter at that point
it becomes more difficult
if we combine this with the theme
automation is a serious theme this
the effort is inevitably in my opinion
that one must do you all is that
not to reason only on which
I will work great because in mine
I’m exactly your age too
if it is not, but it is what work we will have to do
to be a grown up that is a different concept
because maybe a job that we are
doing or some activities within
a job we are doing
they will be automated and therefore we know
that we must have more skills
maybe inside that world there and it is
this mental elasticity that can not
help for which here is this in my opinion
a little bit my starting point is
super happy if I can give you some
point of view here are some opinions on
this world star captain social media
communication platform what that
it seems to you and do not ask me a shit
of engineering because I do not understand
really a saw though on this if anything
paolo intervene you and for the rest in
I’m actually here because they told me that
it was played ping pong is true that as
it works
that we give you microphone waiting
we recover a slaughter applause
the microphone
hello works great thanks thanks
so we came here if we are
new slam a startup founded by
students and not just the Polytechnic e
we came here because I personally
I’m a fan of you I follow you for a while
time and then I know you’ve been a
professional and ping pong player
so we are well 25 years ago
I add in the sense as a concept of abb
it’s like riding a bike I do not cisco
one never forgets
we came here to propose a challenge
a challenge as particular as it is
wins but you win you do not win anything
but if you lose you have to finance it ok
laura phantom we must escape
now because if you do not mind I would
start from the beginning from novice
and what if I show you
this photo what you see supermario a
video game
I do not know if you are a videogame
no no and I am it I love it
video games have this thing that you
they immerse themselves in a world of transparencies
sounds of beautiful colors but there is one
significant proportion of the population
whose only possible experience with a
videogame is something like this
I’m talking about the blind and the gods
visually impaired for whom the technology has
made big steps forward for
let him communicate to read e
to write but unfortunately the same
attention has not been reserved for
ludic sphere a blind still today
definitely can not play with the
own smartphone with a pc with one
console and can certainly not practice
independently sports such as tennis or the
basketball without the help of another person
good for this is born novice to provide
the blind and visually impaired people a
easy intuitive access and above all
to every form of entertainment us
we want to create a new way to play
that goes beyond limits
of the individual and the limits between the
individuals and to do this we have
created the controller that soon
you will try it is a controller that
allows you to play without having to
view using only touch and hearing in the
our controller captures the movement
of the hand and returns of the
vibrations and allows you therefore seen
that is this still a prototype we have
developed our first game and a bit
to honor the first videogame
of history a little because it had already come
in mind so we did ping pong
and how it works now that is my there
they are my partners who are preparing to
you’re here ok you’ll put on headphones and
will hold the controller from the headphones
will feel I did not really know a shit
it’s a lot of veil because we are
preparing ok matthew really we are there
known a minute ago out here that
he does not even know how it really is done
you can imagine from the figure from
headphones to you will feel the direction from which
the opponent’s shot arrives and you will have to
beat and hit the ball if you hit
the ball will receive a vibration
on the hand as if I had one is not
electric shock does not explode
directly no, otherwise you will feel you have
in the headphones you’ve lost having taken
a point
ok ok nothing I just wanted to thank
the Italian union of the blind and the
visually impaired with whom we work together
they allowed to understand how much the
our work was important because
let’s say we satisfy a lot of need
heard that it is that of autonomy and
in the leisure activity that
unfortunately he is not satisfied
absolutely nothing at this time
because there are blind-oriented products
but which are not usable in
autonomy as there are products that are
very easy to use on their own but not
I’m not blind oriented at all
not to mention all that not
it is neither blind oriented enea usable
independently for a blind person
we want to fill this emptiness because
even if it does not seem
this is a problem felt by one
large slice of the population since
only in Italy we have a million 63 of
sighting and visually impaired who are from
which 285 thousand with less than 55 years e
let’s say that this leads us to have
about 160,000 possible customers
these are we can see you two are
the others are busy doing the
we are a team of engineers and designers
economists I like how you put yourself in
high above all of small details for
some of the details are this the team
and these are our advisors including
the fab lab la skull entrepreneurship and
innovation of the lambs foundation ma
above all the Italian union of the blind
and the partially sighted because they did it
understand how much the right to enjoyment
where it should be obvious for everyone
how many have made us rediscover what
it means playing using only the
I feel my hearing reminding us that there
essential is always invisible to
in conclusion
question but you are already made up as
ok company interesting but the product
so you have developed is a prototype
so yes now we’ve never had it
tested on someone else yes ok for
know we have not tested together with
someone else is together
to the Italian blind association that
someone else is still alive but I have to
check later calls well then
a small little overview then
headphones that are placed from the arca point i
hair waits
ok then in practice little tutorial
no small tutorial then hand
you will hear when it hit you can beat
when you want when you hit, you will hear
before the noise of yours of your shot
hear the noise of the ball
rebounds on the opponent’s table
opponent who answers then hear the
noise on your table but like the real thing
ping pong because the sound will be
spatialized you will feel the direction
of the last shot on your table
where he must answer, feel right and
then left
ok let’s start with the easy version
difficulty or it goes wrong I do then
controller so thumb here ok then but
I have to press something or not he does everything
happily levi you have to hit as if
they were playing ping pong on loads
the blow and then when you want to hit go
faster left or right
and then we are there
it’s perfect
oki closed eyes
otherwise it is certain then when you want
right or left
barring the bar with the needle 1 to 0 the hack was a bit
slippery when you want
ok there is a nice exchange in progress it was
screwed back to the ah well by force
we made it difficult for us to have one
sample here understood the concept e
let’s say that for us seeing is more
complicated microphone in practiced by a
spatial audio for the said he, however, is
true you feel it where it comes then of you
let’s react based on the place
where it comes up for guys compliments
we take a break
I just wanted to say something short this
here is our 1.0 ours
prototype we are working on one
platform a software a little more
complicated and also to other applications
so keep everyone informed
we are follow us everywhere social
etc. that we are working thanks to
thank you
I hate losing two to zero made tale
only these then and then if there are any questions
raise your hand and maybe someone arrives
with a microphone area recover them
I did this thing where to a certain
I was at the home of some friends and
this this mine dripped me a table to
ping pong and then tip elected by
mountains come there was a lot of people
there were my children there were friends
of friends friends of children said
ad ain cantù play and then you start to
to say that he is a great champion
consider everyone to see my children
so and gave me a slice of wood in
hand which is like saying ping pong games
with that gadget linen and you can not
give then carry out one’s own network
another sport and as if you gave him to federer
I do not know the pot then federer and maybe
good with the pot but if you can not
nothing I can not stay there and then I have
played I lost in front of everyone
it was a bad worst scene only
compared to this I have to say two to zero
so I will reflect I will arrive more prepared
next time
it’s okay and so if there are no others
questions I would go
if like this and a good question
because also in my opinion the mechanical cad
to this problem the usual works the
version 3.7a
no, I was about to say so then I ‘m
francesco there is not so right for
introduce myself in second then mine
question was in episode on social media in the
sense according to you any idea managed
well it can become famous also for one
short period of time ie
turn in the sense I have a small one
obviously meme page I do not know if you know
the kind and the high I just say that mine
sweet half is convinced of having invented
the term years ago because it works the
world of communication pr england
she is convinced she has invented it and
put on the market closed brackets
as my sweet half myself every time
that I say yes it’s true you’re right but not
I think it’s as well as other roads there
I am and therefore I wanted to know if
obviously in a completely hypothetical way
could with a certain idea also used
from someone else because it happened
this very funny thing that you
I tell a second
I let out a video myself this summer
which was published a month later
identical identical to lewis and of course
he made the numbers he deserves and
I obviously no, however, as he did
arise the question if every fact the
vertical on the head you have not eaten
a kg of cereals in two and a half minutes
that he did it much earlier
no no I did many many many many
photo of me placed vertically up in
horizontal on a lot of things and him a
month later connected to the same photo that
it must be done but in addition to studying conte paolo
ok and so the goal is sorry if I did
this small and personal knit though
I wanted to know a second from you if it is
so possible that anything
managed well, become a famous minimum
in the world even simply in one
I think this looks at if one
I have a company or a physical person
a company can really communicate is
able to make any initiative
famous in the sense of popular knows how
put it in front of the eyes of the
people ok
whatever, however, what I can
say this in twenty years I did
so many projects that are snubbed that the
morosa mind and I dealt with
promote both of the beautiful initiatives of
this is very proud of the projects
really shit and when you promote
a really shitty project a
Product lowly people will then sgam
at that moment of popularity is a lot
very short because after a while people
he says ok I know
follows beautiful but then not so much
manages to use and then understood he had to
change the world and that problem there
or think every time a company
puts a sack of wheat to make one
promotion inevitably all the
but they know then maybe use that
Product and cirò this stuff here is a
fetecchia ends there, however, technically
absolutely yes if one knows how to communicate you
puts you in front of everyone’s eyes
any kind of product service that
it is a bit the positive and negative side of
this social world all the way
problem, for example, let ‘s talk about politics
but there are internal elections , however
I have not seen as results in the states
united do not know that he won trump mica
trump 50 and 59
I did not understand not only heard it’s okay
I know someone will have won
democratic but it would not be in that case
the problem of using the
online communication linked to
politics and that if you know how to move
do damage is in fact have been made
damage and you can do it a thousand ways then
understand if you know how to use the part of
advertising like cambridge did
analytical you can target public
very very very specific and you of
made normal user that you do not know how
this world works, not even you
because in essence I do not do anything else
that I’ll put a message to you
in front of and I say ok let’s see how it reacts
I do not want to get you to vote or get you
buying just wants to see how it reacts
I do a test ab I ‘ll show you
a reddish image green image
on the rossano image a click
on the green image click on this
ok more green images and so on
I will continue to animate it, it will remain black at
fennel dc but fuck this
green image of these shoes here is
fantastic I brought you there you do not
you are not even aware and so this is it
the great problem of communication
today and the tools we have that
they must have regulation
an ethic if not if we make the west
hello marco here we are in Jacobs name sorry
jacopo dialogue
then we put that one of these
any students are going to
launching a start up has social impact
as forlan gifts to jesus applied
which advice the most advice
important that you would give them then the
premise that always seems important to me
will do and that I do the entrepreneur e
I do small digital startups this is
what I do at least in this phase
of my life I never did facebook
I have never done tesla spaces where here
probably half of the room will go to
work shortly there is true it is not
so it is important to know my feedback
compared to this level from the point
view of communication
in my opinion this is an important theme
the social impact, however, I open
brackets in England came out the
climate change report
you saw the most recent one in
England newspapers have spoken
exclusively of that because it is
full alert I want to tell brighton e
November is understood people take a bath
you can say what you want that is not
a verified fact because only in the
but after it has really changed the time is
completely changed then they can
be a thousand reasons but climate theme
the truth is that when these come out
big problems or when you want to deal with it
to do business, however, also have a
social impact therefore be useful or
do something positive for good
no how it should be for any
the problem is that from silicon valley is
been totally exploited no
this system that is I do the company that
It makes electric scooters and every
scooter that you go to rent us
we plant a tree in the mazzon ya ok
but he really cares about something, however, no
Is nice
ok so this is an issue for which
number 1 as my advice is if one does
a company that truly wants to be true
social impact must be 100% true
percent that is the DNA of that start up
it must be of people who really do
they live it
and it’s important for really it’s not
adding marketing to make you happy
the marketing department that can be the
he can sell the second in communication
suggestion that I would give and that in each
case as far as one can do
wonderful activities and what they are
genuine minds important to humanity or
even in the room you have to then
communicate correctly and often
the error that lists features
not benefits you in communication must
always talk about the benefits and the
advantages for people and maybe the
advantage is not the reason why me
I buy that I know a thermostat that is
especially eco ok maybe it’s not that
do not care about the heating
global but I care what savings of
more to say no and then it is bad to say it
but in communication you must leverage on
benefits that the customer then for that
social impact a benefit of a
benefit in communication for me
the mistake that instead one considers that
that thing is rightly so
important that anyone says then
I’m going to donate for doctors
without borders because it is a just one
activities to do instead of maybe give
or a company makes a donation because it is
a tax saving is bad yes though
in the meantime, that donation to the afa and helps
an important cause now there is a
example but it can be any type of
association therefore in communication
reasoning on the issue of the benefit of the
benefit is something that you do not need
never forget here
here girls no questions nothing this
jordan peterson that’s this
intellectual that which has a lot of
interesting things to say but when
He talks about the relationship between a woman and a woman
crazy stuff now jordan peterson se
you happen anyway it’s an interesting from
to read
Hello everyone, my name is antonio antonio
hello I wanted to ask you more than anything else
So you first talked about advantages and
I would like to mention a very famous company
now everyone who hoover this company
offers advantages however mine mine
question was what you think
about marketing and style too
of communication that huber applies for
give these advantages compared to the
competition that there is therefore to the various tac
taxi drivers that are there
how much do you think this brand can
say can explode or die
life of this brand look at you I do
two consideration number consideration
one to evaluate a company according to me is
always important to evaluate who
behind it
and who is pushing you behind huber
you have practically all the silicon valley
more or less almost all ok, the more you have inside
softbank that the fund that from 50
billion who now make 100 from 100
millions that will have 50 million
investment a year there are inside
the huber operation is very simple
They are going to go public to the
their valuation at 80 100 million that
that is to make happy and investors who has
I invested that stuff up in history
It happens
ok on the way to get there the
Huber’s philosophy was extremely
aggressive but very aggressive and
I personally do not agree in the least
with that kind of marketing strategies
two years ago I remember I made a video
where I talked about this topic and from that
from now on I can not take one anymore
taxi in Italy because when I take the
taxi the taxi driver says thanks mounts
you have defended us the truth is that I do not
I defended the taxi drivers, I was defending a motorcycle
of an equality I’ll give you an example
the huber strategy to take the
planetary domain has been a lot
simple diabolic they said ok to us
we do not give a fuck about the rules ok
0 we go
we enter a market we have a super
technology we are very good at that
we are the best at getting you from one
point a to a point b in the fastest way
at this point we do so
we put the app in a city available
in Turin
the rules are irrelevant
ok let’s give each country manager
rules to follow is what we do
is we provide the app we do
turn the word consumers start
use them say but this is cool
crazy because it’s crazy cool
when you use it as soon as the market starts
use it
obviously the taxi drivers what they do
they raise their hand in their way
and then go to the square understood the
they burn spots are what they do
a taxi driver the taxi drivers are not going
down light but rightly say
stop all of us are regulated there
we have the meter we have the
check these arrive and not
they respect the rules and there is marketing
evil of huber huber does not wait
other than that moment there that the taxi drivers
they arrived in the square and they said fuck
these of hoover probes bastards i
journalists arrive and write huber
the app that does not respect the rules
the consumer reads newspaper says wow
there’s a new app that works by I say
the hunger install a moment
and at times when they did the
taxi drivers events the rate of
huber installation see charts that
so it is understood hockey stick and in the
Hoover’s headquarters are there
I love you or we took another one
ok after that at that point with the hair
so travis calani that the founder up
when he was there he was saying ok, fantastic
that point we have the government against
taxi drivers looking for drivers who
they kill them so much they kill the driver
not just us managers
at this point what just happens i
politicians enter the field even more
Huber visibility by their manual for
other is also public have the
guidelines and start leverage up
the end user who appreciates the service
to contact the politician and say no but
I want to drink the city when a
politician receives 1000 and 5000 and 10,000 emails
of people who say, look, I do not vote for you
if you do not leave me this app at that point
the politician must clearly choose
understood his way and begins in
this way they attacked the whole
obviously having unspeakable messes
that is, the quantity of brothels
that took home huber is out
from the world
and indeed trevi nick scale then was
forced the founder to take off himself is
arrived the lectio of xperia and to give
that tranquility to say no is enough
we are no longer that aggressive start-up
but the market has now taken it
so understood it is the usual strategy like
say google
to dominant position or microsoft from the
dominant position years ago then
pay the fine
Meanwhile, the cia took the market if you a
I said guaramonti in five years
pay 10 billion fine, however, ok
in the meantime, take the entire mobile market
it’s okay I’ll tell you where I can
sign 10 billion and in the business plan
so this is the problem
I do not like that strategy there
I find it ethical I do not find it correct
said this if you reasons from the point of
view of marketing success
perfect what you can do marketing
thousand ways not then chaining naked
in front of the Polytechnic and write to you
I’m looking for work and people
But he knows if you want to do that
then go to the big brother then you can
doing a thousand things depends where you put the
Your cell here is personally there
I have to see an ethics in communication
if I do not feel like a worm for others
I note that I talked about it before
in the other university that is not beautiful
like this because
to be honest I think I have opened
beyond saying, unfortunately, after leaving
at polytechnic and the university of shit no
I’m joking, however, if one reasons to return
return to your topic is a reason
only on the topic of the views here
how to get views
he makes a certain kind of choices, I said
first if I wanted to do visualizations
I do not get myself to do Montemagno
I would be here to make videos on luxottica things
marketing the three techniques for 7
moves of hokuto nanto of the business ie
that honestly I do not even know why there
look at my videos I swear I would do gods
video where I take my sweet half
that is a phenomenon
ok I turn the room on her and that’s it
I say speak she speaks and I do understand
10 million views on video because the
phenomenon so I can not walk
and as we walk, he says wait
70 there is a rare four-leaf clover of the
eastern patagonia just here under the
seen no where I understood this
incredible wellness or i do
bobby bizkit video that mine
black labrador
enough that in four he makes that video
many more views of a bald shit
that speaks of business
this is the truth depends where you put
the bar echoes the bar for me
why not throw microphone but only
to see if I’m wondering this year
I do not know how you left me leave me
perplexed, however, we try the same then
a form of social innovation can
be for example that of trying to
educate your target towards one
new technology of which he does not know
nothing does not know and maybe just for
this is not even afraid because we have
fear of what we do not know
and then I wanted to ask you how he does it
this type of start up to promote the
own product
and how he operates a kind of
demystification of change dc psi
of these new example technologies
internet machine learning things number
one according to me one must free the
Neapolitan that in itself as you teach me
which is true but never is true it is true
but I can be I say it often is
sentence because I have Neapolitan friends and is
really so I’m online I feel
I always have to free that creative idea
that that angle that allows you to
survive in this total chaos no
what’s up
coming to the other theme there are two
aspects number one people have
fear of generally changing the new ones
technologies are always something that
that scare and there has always been this
there’s nothing to do
I had done 35 days in a row
piazza duomo years ago on a project of
disclosure of opportunities
internet for people
then he went to Piazza Duomo in Milan
the main square had a one
screen a small a small pedanina
and then some front chairs like one
forty chairs in the square
main and for 35 days in a row I had
two hours of time each day for
explain what the opportunities were
internet and people
imagine one who arrives I was totally
unknown I arrived then hello
we talk about the internet is understood with i
Japanese who passed the screamer of
piazza duomo that arrived sat down
he screamed for that he just screamed he did not
nothing else is what you make yourself
account that people have a time of
much longer management on the
technologies compared to what one
think if you go to a block event
chain today we all know more or less
what brussels 3 nov excellent but we are
engineering here and brussels
You go to 20 blogs and you say wow the
world is only on chain blog is alone
bitcoin is alone and tir hume and instead it is not
and yet a super niche a lot
limited when new ones arrive
there is time to put in place I’ll you
I give an example facebook
I had done I really feel
old to say but it’s all online is
so easy to go and see when or
facebook started to get a little bit
foot because at the beginning it was only
college was called the facebook and not
it was open to the public
then they opened it I opened one of the first
account in Italy usually of the first are
in the first 10 thousand you pretend and I used it
a little and I thought but who will ever use it
our facebook
then after a while seeing the curve of
I said caspita after the blogs because
first I made a blog company arrives
this stuff here social media social
network was the word and I remember that
organize something that was called
social media tour where companies
I was going to explain the opportunities of
you know when I was talking I used to say why
a company could open a presence
on facebook to promote and sell i
own products but you know that people
he laughed but I was not serious is not that
I’m making a joke and people
laughed mire demo and do so and this
It was for years it took
years years on a simple thing
imagine yourself on more complicated technologies
it takes time it takes a lot
disclosure of the cloud
I remember one of the first ones followed
cloud campaigns made by pm and
cloud has been talked about I do not know for ten years
and even now it is companies that you recognize
however my cloud data but it’s safe is not
sure it takes so much disclosure time
thank you
and a question came from the classroom
streaming 2000 then I read from riccardo
believe in the fantastical revolution 4.0
how do you think it can affect the
people and their work and theirs
beyond the statistics on which
jobs will be there in the future and which ones
will be the most requested there are no
which you consider to be more important than others
I start from this book of harari that
I recommend that you recommend first
venture 21 rules for the xxi century me
it seems to be the Italian translation
and there is a whole initial part on the
work that really seems to me
interesting where in essence if you
follow this logical path and today
we have a world of technology that
it advances enormously the whole theme of her
to artificial intelligence super leftovers
in an incredibly fast way
we know for sure that they will come
automated a flood of activities for
certainly it is not if it happens when it happens
so if you agree on this subject
there are only two possibilities
hypothesis 1 and that you block politically
this progress
so you stop and this is enough for us
stuff should never happen we stop
I do not think that happens and in general
it would be stupid to do it because when
talk about maybe new health
technologies can understand you save the
life to prevent or treat
it’s a cancer that is stuff that really does
changes the quality of life of the
populations for which you can not
block and say we use it only for
This is why you can slow the
regulate eg car that you
they drive by themselves
another theme who is delighted with
driverless car
ok let me point out that I saw every one
engineer in a driverless company
car is worth about 10 million haha
I’ll tell you about the three engineers
they raised their hands but then maybe
let’s talk a second but the theme of the
cars that drive themselves are connected
and at the end of the day the technology is there
But whoever feels safe , I’ll do it
a question if if a car you drive
alone and on the road ok is the dilemma of
so-called trolley you know to say
matron dilemma ok let’s say a car that
you drive alone
it’s going and at some point you are
comfortable to read the newspaper on the car
that you drive alone
just follow me but I do not know
because he saw a little careless, that is yes
still uses the professors still use of
as recent as no, leave me alone
a car that lived alone is going
you are comfortable sitting on the car
driving alone
at some point there is a child who
Cross the road and suddenly
the car that drives your car by yourself
must decide or steer and crashes you
against a wall and you believe or kill the
what do you want the car to do?
driving alone child or oct
loud guys
that is , ethics at the Polytechnic before
I’ll do it all over again
raise your hand if you want the car to save
the car owner
ok someone selfish shit ok
raise your hand if you want the car to save
ok then I ask you a question though
let’s say in general we do not save the
child and I mean I mean ok
the question I ask myself is this if you
you have to buy a car
I am the seller of the car and I tell you
look at a car you car a car
in case of an emergency it kills and saves you
who is outside or then a car that
maybe pay premium and the algorithm
that in the emergency home is saved in the ass a
you want what you buy sincere
so the problem is this here
understood the technologies then pose
cultural ethical problems also of
no security to say but knows that there is not
no one who is driving that car and
then I think this is a little a little
the theme to be considered, however, is only one
made of time because coming back to the
question what really does it for me
difference become people and
super super professionals ready to
reinvent yourself inside probably
of a sector or several sectors is not
said that maybe one sector does
the lawyer is not your case there
they are lawyers
but what are you doing here, sorry?
ah ok ok but you also have a law here
an infiltrator so if you have a
lawyer for example and at some point
you’re at a level that you do not
there is no need of the no of yours
activities to appeal
there is a flood of activity if I graduate
in law I did a year and a half of di
enabling patrimony but the tide of
activities that you can automate between
ten years maybe the job of
lawyer no longer serves at that point you have to
be ready to reinvent yourself another
place what’s my advice then me
advice is to be mentally ready to
this is nothing wrong
reinvent yourself continuously and then
pay a little attention to that
that we say before that is if you start to
put some of your presence on
this social world is a bit like you
retirement parachutes because if the
things are bad you say ok but in the meantime
I have my own community of people
he follows me on the topic hicks and follows me
because I’m very competent about which one
topic or maybe you are students
you can not already be super
specialists but you can tell that
that your path can that much
interest in a certain type of public
because you have time to delve into for
read to tell what you see
in a very transparent way it is not that
pretend to be phenomena
and then this according to me this
social presence helps because it is a good one
retirement I live so whatever
happen there is a community of people and e
pull in 20 and you’ll understand what to do
I mean, I wanted to do business
ping pong players up to 22 23 years
I was convinced to make ping pong players
then I was convinced that I was a lawyer
then I was convinced of working in companies
to be a webmaster and then I said veno
do an entrepreneur and then from
entrepreneur I did bo the publisher
the event organizer to it
chauffeur books that makes books amstrad
of business
the community says
of everything more and it’s an approach is one
philosophy that one here is not one
competence that saves you everything in my opinion
even fake maybe if a girl
he can even ask a question
saying hello and fake but at least
let’s pretend hello
here is hello everyone is also in reality
I would have two questions then g ok
in the meantime, it has been a while since
use the bot
and therefore one of my questions is directed towards
the use of the bots which for a bang yes
he resigned the day
what do you think are the most uses
smart now and if indeed
maybe you even have names to propose to
professionals to whom you can turn to
seeds and I also do another or
or you want to answer this go
just try to get the second one done
question and see if then I remember the
before it is difficult at most me
I remember
ok the other is yes as now instagram
it’s going more or anyway always
it would seem so from the numbers and so on
on the one hand, maybe as you are, you are
managing between the three socials between facebook
instagram youtube and high strong also
someone else and then in particular for
I’m working another boy on a
brand and the target would be i
at the same time, however, it is therefore
tendentially not instagram however to the
same time because you said
forty with this tone of voice a
po ok
at the same time, however, it is about
interior design and therefore a lot for
images that are very are you’re g instead
ok so in this dynamic I’m not
super good in the last good questions
the first is the pot I’m using the pot
on messenger I have made various texts in
we are well ichat I have none
affiliation with the tools that that
but I quote what we are using
many chat is called there is also the rocket
fuel and we are using it for one
new video course I’m about to launch
we have collected 30 thousand 32 thousand people
In fact, candidates are here for
promote it at a discount of 30 no
We’ll give it to you for free if you have it
want to have 50 lessons on social media
if we then agree, let’s see
coupon free entry and maybe there is
something useful
closed brackets so it’s one thing
I really understand the urticaria
when I say free
but maybe afterwards we can do it if
was one with a hat maybe one
free donation apple trees however is that
maybe it’s useful again because today you’re one
so chat but if one says ok
how do I start from scratch and go
up on all the social tried to
summarize exactly how I do
platforms production positioning
all facebook instagram english between
monetization promotion therefore
within that video course one
time to see all these themes today
we can not talk about it among the others
super happy if someone follows him
maybe something useful remains
we organize laura with con paolo if me
say you tell us
returning to the bot I must say that today i
feedback is excellent what I have
discovered and that I pass you like
report this when you speak up
messenger with someone and very intimate e
the feeling and why the fuck are you
writing on messenger you are
companies want to sell me a product is not
much rituals you immediately while instead if
one you spam has understood the email in
continuation says okay is spam
that thing you have to do a lot
we had done a test months ago and it was not
I did not like it and it was good
perception was that I was too much
aggressive because then imaginative me
it’s not that I follow that part of mine
communication is the team that does that
but it is the image that then passes seemed
understood that I every two minutes you
I sent messages and went badly in
this campaign instead of what it has
worked it is a very tone let’s say
informal but then maybe to some
that’s no good
But I have a very large audience, no
which ranges from 15 to 60 65 for which it is
difficult to find a tom that goes well
for everyone
be very careful and privacy
ask permission and send
information that can be useful
of practical advice techniques
so this works however to today has
an incredible opening rate
incredible that is if you send an email
today I know the opening rate is 15 for
one hundred 20 percent and the click rate
of people who click on the links or 5 for
one hundred 7 percent 10 percent instead
send a blow and maybe it’s a badger
90 percent opening, that is, one
crazy stuff
but we are now launching the
course and so I regret not having the
numbers today but I can tell you
exactly how many people have
bought thanks to a communication
mainly on the bot
this was the first theme according to theme
instagram an error that is often done
and to think that you must reach i
your customers with a communication
direct apart that you have a lot of
over strong on instagram also in Italy
men and women, however, imagine that it is not
So you pretend it’s not so you
reality you can reach them anyway
indirectly because you make one
the son of the forty-year-old on duty
reads and says I saw pope there
this type of initiative is this
kind of product I guarantee you that
when my son yari that mine
secret ghostwriter who saw gathered
I talk about it tells me this I watch it
I look at it both because I know that every time
that if anyone makes me, he takes us
a lot both because my son is not
What can I say they do not care
I have not learned that it does not work like that
the parent movie however instagram is super
Right now
instagram advertising works
very much the demographic hi thanks to
facebook that are hyper-granular
so you can reach in a way
precise that kind of public
it costs little in proportion to use
the tv the radio what is therefore below
priced compared to the value that brings you
and I would go inside with all the shoes
issa inside than on the public they
we have a new question from the classroom
streaming then by loris
alberto what do you think of the recent
streetwear explosion and on
marketing strategies of luxury brands
of the fashion world thanks sector that
I know little
honestly made a little chat
a little chat with somebody
saw the video with barengo boy
very smart, very smart
I have to say often talk with these these
guys who created a good following
online and maybe you see them like that on a video
and you do not have the perception of the job that
it’s behind no and generally when you see
one on the video to say the other day
I was shaking the feed
and appeared my video and the first thing that
I thought it is but who is this asshole
there really is an incredible thing in the
sense the immediate reaction that I have
compared to one that puts a video that
he is there to talk as he knows what but who you are
but what do you say to have patience?
we talked before getting in there and saying ok
to analyze instead if you know it is in
they lead you to different conclusions
in the case of barengo I absolutely
hit is is one who knows how to pack in
general also communication as well e
as well as lewis super smart guys
I can do all very smart people
that maybe plays a little bit
fooling though is very smart writer
but it’s the thing that interests me most
this here and the marketing that them
they manage to raise to a status
of celebrities absolutely products
discounted not obvious in the sense that not
they have nothing
all different product level
I give an example if I was born in London
to the supreme everyone you know on first ok
I went to the supreme store like that
to see what it was like to build
that experience and brilliant from the point of
view of marketing for you to arrive
someone was at the London store on
supreme arrivals there is the first row and you
puts in line with everyone clearly in
row in the rain because it’s not that a
London is the sea and so stay there
under the rain
they put a chain in front of you and you
are you standing there give you a kind of
card then your turn arrives there
here we go
no there is the second row is there there is also the
second row then there is the third row
then at that point you arrive along the
so you’re among the sidewalk
privileged you’re about to enter
a guy like a glass comes out
shit sorry the euphemism but it is the
truth is to say worse
really a crazy peasant but a lot
big and so I did not say anything and me
I was on the sea imagine this is the
sidewalk and I was in the middle of the
sidewalk and this came my way
he pushed so close to the wall and you
put this way next to you because you have to
to pass must not disturb and then
you enter practically as a mister bean
to the store when you enter you say that
what will there be in this shop
the void ie entry down the stairs there is
a room that is big I do not know half
of this stage with supported the various
T-shirt dresses so three guys that
they look at you like saying does not make it bought
bought you got out of the cones I did not
so but I look at you really fast fast
and you are there understood that goes around and you say
what will the collection be here?
600 euros
this 1200 ok and take your little thing
fast you push yourself kind of subway
go up there is a cash even more
unpleasant looking at you how to tell if a
bum and bought only this for me is
all purposefully built so that
their ability to build a brand
that can make you pay a super high
price for a product that is totally
indistinguishable from this shirt
here I do not even know what it is and one
Supreme t-shirt you can not
distinguish if not for the logo that is there
on ok
it’s nothing but a crazy quality you say
no, this really is not so and then
it is a resounding marketing ability
this these quest idea of ​​the
collections then we change topic however it is
very interesting
in practice imagine this these
brands manage to create scarcity on one
infinite product that make you think
that there are you have to buy that product
T-shirt languages every Thursday cease
theoretically they would have already finished by
years instead as they do they create many
variations on the theme that are available
only at that moment there and they find it
that day there, so it’s brilliant from the
marketing point of view
many of these brands actually fans
of crazy numbers, however, ask
barengo for clarification
hello hello I’m danilo danilo hello me
table tennis game for table tennis
torino ok category c2
you who the queen category are scarce
category 6 left hand right right ok
so mine is not a question but
dot games
no it’s never mine either it’s not one
question but an invitation to come to come
taking two shots from you was there
we lost people here but we find
two pongists I do not know what category you are
laura now second third ok 22 third
category then we know her
paiola also knows andrea paiola no
technical director
no, oh well will surely be happy with
over at the first opportunity just me
I take the shoulder that unfortunately is
still destroyed I do not know I could
just play ping pong and that’s it
in my moment of apex they proposed me the
contract of life and I said almost
almost and I think they had proposed me 12
thousand euros for one year excluding expenses ed
I was number 5 of Italy
I thought maybe you do not earn a lot and
so either truck or I have not changed
for the money aside that is incredible
this is what you do a sport
I have never earned a penny vin
say that you die you train like one
crazy eight hours a day laps how and for
win a cup for glory and me
I still remember the feeling I had
understood when I won the title ii
eto’o I felt in heaven and alone
for the incredible glory this thing is
beautiful superbello and then we become gods
bastardi capitalists instead and no
here is the theme no of ethics no
the social impact because you have to be one
star okapi head maybe do stuff
nice useful that even a nice impact
because it does not have to be this way
I get
hello I ‘m paolo hello paolo I wanted
ask for information
I with two other boys and two girls
I’m developing an application for the
disabled mobility that has three functions
main that the first of
these are more important than all those of
find the routes without barriers
architectural allows the user to
report the obstacles and then the goal
is to structure a share and
mobility completely adapted to
people with disabilities who at the moment
for what I saw there is nothing
it will serve now in Italy it is difficult too
find data because this
however hungry enough application
because we are also looking for
index the routes for security
my question is on the Italian level I have
We could say break through enough and there is
a lot of slowness also in developing
of dataset to use my application
it is precisely there are some areas in Europe
however some state that is more
developed from this point of view and there
they are incubator accelerators
that are more specialized on then
they are social entrepreneurship
I do not know but what you should and
try to take a look
take a ride on crunchbase you know
crunchbase se angelis
go for a walk to see what the tea does
what does b nator y do with binetto
that is, I would go and see where they are
moving these accelerators start up and
try to understand if there is any reality
who is doing something maybe of
similar or connected and where they go to
draw the data as they go to connect and
this according to me is the most thing
more immediate, however, they did not know about the sector
that I really do not know I would not know you
say where maybe I’m a lot farther forward and
where they are not
thank you thank you
It was a great answer I do not know
this was you doing km
here we are Marco I am Alessandro
first of all if he never told you so
nobody I congratulate you because
you are a formidable communicator
you can laugh at me for a moment wait for them
he says I’m a little worse off
management because I come from economics
so worse than the worst
ugly university before besides to come
I’m part of another economy
organization of the polytechnic which is from
jet name for we deal with development
web as the chatbots we have
spoken before
but also by DC from digital marketing e
we were working right in this
time to open a podcast on the site
internet erika I noticed that you too
you have recently entered the market of
podcast seven months ago and then
I wanted to ask you an opinion and maybe
get yourself some publicity for those
he had not yet heard his
podcast what is what you think of this
such as market potential which ae
they are critical success factors for
if everyone knows what a podcast is, let’s say
registered boat that you can listen to on
spotify also podcasts now
let’s say podcast abroad do
a lot of fans of crazy numbers ad
geologist example absolutely to follow
beautiful you follow him someone
strong coupling of the podcast slogan is
strong because maybe it lasts two and a half hours
and interviews a lot of characters
he maddened furiously he is very good not
I could not say it
I can not I can not resist every
my understood internal clock says
mountains you have to say the mad raging groups
I was a madman , you must say not
I can resist but I am
then engineered then podcast the
practical advice and this knowing that
a market that goes a lot abroad
and knowing that there is a direction that
brings more and more podcasts and right
Dedicarcisi in Italy we are still
what is the technical reason for those
podcast bam develop more and more
because if you listen to cars for example
something before how you did listen
something that was not the radio was a
casino today instead with the fact that you have
the cars that are connected to it
spotify in blah blah blah at that point
you can also listen to stuff that out
from the usual radio frequencies for which yes
another market opens the same trend
and it’s that we all have ours
cell phone and then if you go to the gym
you can listen to the podcast and you can not
watch a video while if them to pump
but then listening is much easier
so run the high technology
band is also the possibility of producing
excellent sound
ten years ago if you wanted to make an audio
it was a hell of a mess because anyway
where to stay a studio you had the costs of
base was not easy today I spoke with
with flower knowing you, that flower
I do not ask because sometimes you
generations change no and yet col
rosary because I’m collaborating with him
in its transmission not rosary of the
evening and we talked about how to register a
good audio he says to many guardan
they record directly from the iPhone
the iphone
ten without a microphone so to an audio
incredible that it used to be
science fiction so I register stuff
that goes on radio deejay putting the
cell phone like that and talking and he has it
made a broadcast on radio 1 ok
so no one thing that should be understood about
a stuffy slices stuff for which the podcast
absolutely has everything tells us that
this thing spreads the only thing that
in Italy the numbers are low I have the
my podcast which often goes number one in
Italy number 2 and number 3
and it is a negative sign because
means that the numbers are small me
I made the good million downloads that
many are not nearly total
two to ok almost two but not anyway
I’m impressed the best but
they are not really giant numbers though it is
something super super strong on which
a platform that will then test sprecher
does not take a penny to report it but i
founders are Italian therefore moreover
if one can help a start up
to found good local Italian waste
kg and then waste it spreads on the others
itunes platforms and so on
this according to an interesting thing
the other advice is if you start doing
video then making the podcast is a lot
simple because you take the url of the
video you hit it at an online site
that makes the video dl conversion pulls you
out of the three you have from the video
also the sound for podcasts then to say
video you can give a service of
transcription and that text becomes you
text for example of a medium blog il
video can be a bit understood the point
starting or just podcast and you
I say today is another thing and you
I’m interested in this there’s a hunger
huge of very long contents for
Years have repeated me mountains but you have to
make short videos in seconds then
people can not take videos of
three minutes five minutes but who them
watch almost 2 million fans
now it has been and this is the result
because because usual people talk
in theory if you go to analyze data i
facts you realize that instead there is one
clear trend in the fruition of
long content because why people
I listen or watch a video more
pieces is not that I have to shoot two
hours of show roggan all in one breath
about ten minutes here 20 minutes there
however, television has accustomed us to
years maybe have an hour format
where, however, the guest speaks of the three
minutes I did seven years on the sky I had
one guest arrived lasted 21 minutes
maybe he had to transmit it
four questions first question how are you
going this red chair he left to
I had an audio microphone to answer
in the ear with direction and after 10
seconds the régie receives mounts size
size cut cut it and then you
start watching it understood when you’re not
ripsaw shooting but so no and so
the goal is not to converse either
deepen the subject the goal is
that the guest is good at pulling out a
couple of slogans
or that it is a provocative rudeness
that says 2 stuff there is a fuck the
just finished instead online today we have
the possibility to deepen themes
difficult for themselves woman science channels
put a tide of truth channels to the youm
to support a tide the same joe
that is often they are incredible themes
interesting guests tim ferriss go
also sees tim ferriss to the excellent
podcast for which there is great hunger for
beautiful long content I think maybe
two years in Italy for a beautiful one
maybe first
virtual question considering the
situation of uncertainty in the UK break sit
to start with a tech startup to date
would you recommend the united kingdom or maybe you see
more advantages in working here in Italy
then premised that no one knows what
It happens with st break sit for which I do not have
I’m the crystal ball and I do not have the most
pale idea of ​​what the situation will be
today we say that I do not see a big one
impact in reality however a lot of
companies are deciding to change
quarter bla bla bla
I think this is always dependent on one
which market refers the problem is
if your market is in Italy part in
Italy and stop
if you say no, I want to leave
worldwide fantastic but then leave in
many places today then leave the ok
panda in the united states then go into
China I have been three weeks in China
to give berlin there are neither places
where you can go to launch yours
company therefore, according to me, depends more
give ambitions you have a good one
idea I recommend very personal is
starting from Italy dominate the market
Italian and then expand if you make one
stuff that works in Italy
wow and look for a great test because it is not
easy to do stuff that is not in
Italy and thank you dear I thought in one
sassicaia bottle but ok and water is
this is all for which this is mine
simple suggestion
hello guys good evening
I should do it is to be done
I had this brilliant idea of ​​not
make these meetings the university that
honestly I can be honest it’s one
of the things I enjoy most doing in
absolute in my life because anyway
it’s a funny chat a bit
fouling and 1
when in old people you always think it is however
I would like to be useful then to this idea
that there is, however, true, maybe two
people who are here today are doing stuff
that helps them to do something and you sleep
happy, however, equally
when then every time think, however, it goes
always give me one of my own for free
friend because it is said is an idea could
be that the event is free but for
go out pay, in fact today I wanted to tell you
that is so however it was just an idea and to the
maybe we’ll do it next time
the two guys understood out one that says
now hunt for great sin
we did not do it bye bye
my question is about
youth entrepreneurship
what are the ways in which a young person
entrepreneur can build credibility
around with the many that the next
question we already have it look more than
once happened to my life of
talk to entrepreneurs that when
they were shaved or assumed extras for
make it seem understood that the company was
bigger than it actually was or
I remember a friend and worked a deco
we said we sign a big one
we close the contract and then the customer
of if but when it comes to sign the boss
ee them were shaved and then simi of
They were never I am the head and not
they closed the contract for which there is this
paradoxical though there are two aspects
I think the first if you sell online
I do not know how old you are and what I have
understood big
lucky you, however, the crazy thing thinks
when you buy something online
I buy on amazon all the time I do not have
the faintest idea of ​​the founder’s age
of that platform I use ton
we use tons of platforms I do not have
idea of how old it is
it’s not even a question I ask myself
so how does it and build credibility
producing something that works
that your business card a lot
simple thank you
last question as the last question
last question wow from we do it
we still do 5 minutes maybe
hi i am claudio i would like to do another one
I remember someone with you the one
which was supreme in london at you
It was in fact you first that it would also be
a capitalist bastard question okay
the question is what do you study management?
bestial management but right on
this last question we have to ex- pupil
of professor landoni between ok but questions
the big American tech anyway are
full of liquidity right now
so many economists say that this good
is growing is growing and that before
or then it will burst what you think will happen
where the technological market will move
that excuse they will use the big ones
then there is the galloway the four book
if you have not read it, it’s beautiful scott
galloway really cute on google
apple facebook amazon
look at the fact is that there is none
bubble this is the reality in the sense if you
take amazon or apollo facebook i
useful to do it for real
the first internet bubble in 2000 on
problem is that you had two children who
they came with a power point and said
that would have made 100 billion in
10-hour investor gave the
wheat and then they said it is however we have
facts understood by boil that there was not a
own turnover people did not buy
there was nothing like it in the world
crypt watch and some people got a bit
less because the wave already arrived though and
of the people who took milionate
milionate doing the fiom
you know what lesions are of the
offers that you do you say ok launch
the token of the polytechnic
ok polytechnic could make a token
a virtual coin a coin and if you want
buy it and this touches I read it
to the performance of the Polytechnic
I give an example for now could
being an idea will not surprise you anyway
someone does it and then they recognize me
pleasure and
or me or pay me in token at this point
there are people who have done in his in various
sectors without having anything
that is presented with a power point
he said we will do this thing here
give about twenty million but it is from 20
millions because hot is that in that
world there then if you live inside
this world you know very well that maybe
some people shaved when he sees that he has
collected a few million took
understood is not that then really does it
the top developer is a millionaire
takes it and then then the products do not
they are born and there are causes
today, however, the profits are large
technology companies make a tide of
apple in the cia I do not know 250 million ma
figure out of the world can buy
understood all the Italian banks put
if tim cook comes up tomorrow morning and says
guys, let’s buy the banks
of Italy he takes scraps album
take out the cash
ok, he says how much the shack costs here
buy takes out cash buy all the
Italian banks throw them down makes us one
no, but really and this is the level of
these gentlemen and one does not realize
what amazon to say any sector
enter amazon do crazy damage
amazon and second publisher in the world like
investments on original content or
Content acquisitions spends me it seems
5 billion a year
everyone talks about netflix and amazon net
he spends crazy numbers on the athlete world
ysl always amazon these two little ladies
minutes launches into something and then
what will happen is that they will come
regulated in the future
for sure there will be a regulation
they can not do what they like
this is impossible the second great
problem is that the platforms must
give us, too, humble mortals of the gods
rights because tomorrow morning Facebook can
close my account your account
on account he talked about it even before no
marchetto gets up and says montemagno from
shit side we close at home
and me and me there is no more facebook account
What I do I call Count I do not know that I love
Salvini and I say Salvini closed me the
cause we attack is my only one
hope I do not know I do not know which one
hope days you understand that there is
today my only hope of
survival by making content in
Italian language and what saves and of maio
decide to invade the United States and
China and impose it as a language
Italian so my contents can
survive or a major leverage with
marchetto but if not
marchetto to close the account 0
however, to me at the time of blogosfere
they closed their account on youtube for one day
to the other one thousand videos we had inside the
only 24 hours that collected advertising
I get up in the morning I open the computer
show I do not go to the link is not there
the more the account calls mine is gone
the youtube account
imagine dc customer calls but what
It happens and I remember that I called the
at the time it was max magrini that now does
the investor and I said max and it’s gone
the kant
he said look go to this link
click the link and it’s a form was a
form where you should say name e
fast without being able then there was active the
third camp was sorry for what
you have done
yes what a I do not know what I did but
I apologize, I apologize for me for
always apologize and give me back the account
for which this was waiting for you in
mountain view
in the end there re ri ri d’oro account is a
stupid anecdote, however, helps to understand
as may have happened for a day
to the other and the reason was that ours
blogger journalist had gone to the misex
fair network
what misex then allows sex liars
someone knows what timber someone uses
tindall am I’m kidding on the map
and then you seriously study there is no time
to be the rest is practically the
reason was that there was an image in one
video he interviewed a director on me
sex the fair of the dl hard ok
Oh well it was that there was gone
journalist doing an interview type a
rocco are not like that
and while he was interviewing back there was a
poster with an image of a film that
it was not snow white in short for all
will interview series a was that stuff
is not that rocco was there to make them there was one
very serious stuff but there was an image
someone pointed it out and closed the whole thing
account or a friend one and a half million
two million knots plus 5 million fans on
instagram closed the account by one day
to the other so you have to stay a lot
careful and what will happen and this
regulation block shane pande
ready it will have platforms that are
a little more distributed where you do not depend
always understood by an intermediary that
decide if you exist online does not exist
online and at that point this is a bit
however, the evolution is big and therefore
will buy facebook will continue to
buy new ones coming out the
continue to buy becomes more and more
big and then they will come out new too
companies inevitably in short knows the
tech and so it comes out every two minutes
one that you did not expect the five minutes
latest application last question
from the last very last months and months
that I saw a cramp a lot of the
hundredth hand
if I ever really do the plaque and
specifications starting from the first question
is already in place I do not know I do not know why
my life was better
in reality, there were two questions, however
point I do not know but what ever
I only do the first person that soon
however it follows you from a lot and all the
things that are six days and then we say for
some small experiences I had
I in the world of entrepreneurship e
start up in general let ‘s say the first one
What I learned is that there is not
nothing easy is crazy like that
but precisely the first difficulty that yes
meets is also what you often do
then reveals insurmountable let’s say the
made of starting all at the beginning
these difficulties are let’s say
increased and also because then when
we deal with client investors
require everyone experience is
difficult to trust who is
starting therefore he wants to ask us
precisely you when you have undertaken this
maybe your first start up, that is
how the idea was born
what convinced you it was a good one
idea how you financed it developed
then a bit and the theme if I approach
because it does not go on according to me it is
always important to know that you have many
more paranoia thanks to the many more
paranoia in the head in general of that
which is then reality
if one takes part at the end of the accounts
then the solution tries to find it for
but no, at the beginning, my mistake
it was thinking that I am young I did not have
the long hat so then I do
grow a beard so it seems more
I had a thousand paranoias in my head and at the
I did not do anything or I left
very undecided so instead of what
you realize it is that if you and the usual e
lomas on duty a phenomenon you can
get in circulation today at the end
one started so understood why said
but it seems to me that this stuff can
to work and I met the
founder of youtube years ago one of the
cofounders andrew chen and had just
sold youtube had just cashed
335 million and I must say it was a lot
relaxed and arrived quiet I have
offered the hood
ok and this made me reflect a bit
because in short, he could offer it too
but he did not offer it
and this thing impressed me however
honestly speaking, I thought oh
that is, I could have done it myself, I did not
talked sometimes when interviewed already
pesos i thought this is out
category that is one that reasons in one
so I would never be able to
my life to have that brain and there ok
I’ve often met people
that you say this is a genius then in the good
nor marine decide if things however from
technical point of view a genius other times
instead I spoke and I talk to people who
maybe he made a crazy success ee
of very normal food
what’s the difference is that he put himself there
of hardness to solve a problem e
he tried to find the way by going
he did not leave with a pre-established idea
election I make a product that
this is right not to leave ours
friends our boys we have seen
however, one of the best
presentations I’ve seen in years of
start up a beautiful pitch the guys
it really is that the usual is chaotic though
they start from this idea
in a year maybe that product is all
another thing is a sector completely
different instead of being that object
there is a lens, however, what will do the
their difference between being able to make it either
less and be very careful to see i
signals that arrive and change e
adapt continuously until
find the solution steve blake that a
famous name silicon valley says one
start up is a reality that research
of a business model is looking
of a solution
you did not leave with the solution and this is it
my personal approach that you
I recommend parts with an idea and it says ok I have
this idea that must start from a
problem that has the market of me a
sector that interests you
we’re the one where I’m in
a small part thrown would be it
same start-up sector
entrepreneurship, however, man as a style
incubator say for just for
solve my own problem ie
to bring other people closer together
solve problems in periods let’s say
you want to do an incubator let’s put it this way
provided that I do not suggest it but
this is another totally speech
let’s imagine you have this idea
the first thing to do and test it the most
quickly possible faster
You can understand if there is more market
as fast as possible
you know if you have time and money to dedicate to it or
look for people who give you the wheat for
do it or not I do an example I have
launched for books in September of the year
not over no excuse me October november ho
since there was a problem in the market
just every two minutes me
a message and people came along
said mountains but it is not that there are
books that suggests in Italian and then
But I do not have time to read them and them
said you know what it is
launch a service that makes abstracts
of business and English books in
Italian before putting on all the
cinema the shack the structure that
that I did was a lot of thing
I put on a landing page saying
you want to want business book abstract
here we are if you are interested yes or no I have it
reported the advantage we say of the
marketing I already have the chance
of promotion but you can also do it with
10 euros on facebook and bring a thousand
people on this rending page to this
point seen that people immediately
yes I’m interested I want it leaves me one
email Email me when it is just part
the service that they were put online
at the beginning 3 pdf inside a stuff done
with click fans then a stuff
super-fast people have now
started to subscribe once I have
had the confirmation of the market at that
point put on the structure and today there is
a social team
bla bla bla is something much more
structured organized is an app company
ios android and all the cinema
but my suggestion is a part of
small step check cost zero or almost
simply with your time if that
market there and then based on what
tells you the market reacts the thing
worst to do is stay closed in
your bedroom think if this thing can
work or not, instead, throw it out
so much so if one greets you the idea must be
doing it is not easy to do it if it gets better
of you
well, he means, and you will do it
other things, however, here is this kind of
very practical practical fast approach
I think what they usually pay lean
eric reed startup excellent book that
talk a bit about this concept
it always comes in handy
who then will give you good- bye goodbye
good luck to all was
really a pleasure really thanks to
we thank you for coming and
we are waiting for you on November 22nd with the
next event at home
of the environment follow our social networks
give it a like
the interview
above you’re doing that fast stuff
we bring on the seats
for the derby
in January February
the evening
lorenzo favi stretched in the middle
the youngsters 10
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