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4 chiacchiere con Favij

and nothing because brighton I destroy Libyan
the many more open then always pointed
I ‘ve finished it the same as mere
a woman
no now is a different age and therefore
maybe I never would have gone from shaved
in brighton young couples with children and
if however at brighton two-section home
where am I
where it is understood the villas with the
children so and then there is the part of the
center instead where they get ugly
course to go the mountains Mr.
views have fallen on youtube
I confirm that I am descended thou
confirm yes there was a diatribe
hallucinating is stuff here Chinese is a
fact is a fact of fact
came down however I tell you youtube and it never is
linear state so we can not know
what passes in the head of these guys
regarding me I made two videos
I would not have wanted to do even one
because you know how
I ‘m of the idea that anyway
youtube a platform of
entertainment and for such a one that
enter on youtube one on the dictator not
enter to know the cocks there is and
it centers to vent itself to the level
positive in the sense to see what the
idols and therefore the problems of the
youtubers in my opinion must remain
out of youtube I made a video of it
on this thing and already I pulled myself
too far ahead because I should not have
do it then have to do a second
disability bend the first goes well
but we give it is a fact actually
they went down but I do not believe for everyone
I think that more than anything else that youtube
have decided to change
of algorithm to address maybe of
more content towards another person
an ultrà person other style rather
that rather than ours maybe for
fear of getting old or maybe tomorrow
change their minds can not know certain
but I say yes yes I totally failed
different respect let ‘s say the most
some people and I saw it
clearly we say in the last
fifteen days I saw a sharp decline
of views premised that the
views are never my parameter of
reference is not that I say this stuff
it works if you use less, but I saw it
napoli I told you interesting is that they are
went to read the transcript of the
lincoln of facebook every quarter zac
have talked to shareholders about that
rightly they say the shack is vacuous
and he must answer them he can not say
at least in theory, in short, and therefore not
some point they said yes but then
the videos what happens there and he said
we stopped the le
videos of larch videos
videos for which they pulled so many
people wanted to see videos but not to
we had the business model behind it
so you were on facebook to look at
video and facebook earned 0 that the
first problem is second problem is that
they have this new parameter that
they call meaningful social interaction
that is, the crossbow interaction pippe
mentali di marchetto vabbè is
practically the teresa social mini- pull
this means that they evaluate how much
the interaction you have inside facebook has
meaning for you and it’s not just a stuff
passive if you watch the video you are there
passively graves sco and it’s not a stuff
that we say involves people
sharing, etc. then these two
parameters have meant that they have
blocked larch of the videos I have
clearly seen on facebook own ha
done boxed if at the beginning the
pump van become you remember what is worth
but now I’ll tell you four days ago
Marchetto said we found the
right ratio so we have the model
of business and we found it we say it
the right balance puts the sixth
at that point and then the series if you are
ready if not more than anything else think that
control that they have that car safe
security have to block from
we block so much we are facebook
oh well it’s so much stuff that means if
aware of what you have of that
which is what you bring is not always obvious
however i never use i think that
my facebook is my page is
really died four years because
at the beginning I used it well I do not
I’ve never grown it I used only for repost
of video so I already have the comeback
last month he kills the feeds because he was there
post a video of youtube from subject
in addition, you never put the contents down
my facebook page
even one of his own
table where anyone has a video
of youtube meters missing a kind of
of the blackboard mourinho he is bad and
the same surnames viscerally not
he then has me, according to me, many of us
especially that I’ve never used
facebook if not to report youtube
I’m right in the list I’m a prison
but however their data also on a lot
of people but you know you never know now
this is what I wanted to do as a question
maybe you’re rain a right name of
in fact, the questions are the opposite
but since instagram was once
used just because he had a trust
organic so you put a place and
so the post who cares about who you are
he follows who does not follow
arrived to everyone in my opinion is still
so I have been closed for a while
then my analysis always starts from
a point of view let’s say business
different then I’m going to see me of the
shareholders tail seeing me the staff le
people who take who enters who goes out
the problem of sight in which it is
released kevin systrom the founder has gone out
from instagram man and the other co came out
founder who were a little soul of
at this point always in the call with the
shareholders marchetto told the stories
I’m the new news feed
so for him the new news are the
historians is the dominant format
that still tries to monetize understand
how to monetize and instagram must owe
be a place that brings profits
end of the story at that point do the
the usual thing is nica research
and pump the game becomes and then
in my opinion it inevitably happens that it is
useless reasoning on research nica sui
social for me this is mine
conclusion builds the base of the
people who follow you
but then as these platforms
want the wheat when
you want to communicate with them and for example
sell a product to propose
an initiative actually push you to
use the adv part then for one if
one wants to do a hobby stuff is a
another speech
that is, he does what he wants his place
content for a company instead if one
doing business instead are two logics where
he says ok the organic part is like me
build my database of people and then
to talk to us and like email marketing
I pay the platform to communicate
with those people basically and this
is a say a clear direction e
facebook to the problem that model of
business and the dvn like netflix that you
pay the bonelli and then I say they say you
I do not want the highest quality
monetize on the part of adb up to
that in this way you do not come out with an active grip
I think every platform up to
when it is functioning it is not in vote
exactly what you pass but then
go somewhere else
thing that I could never do because
if people split the new one in two
because youtube and anyway
ours is our mother ‘s in the
sense without youtube that would not be
then let’s make a structured speech
of word youtube has become popular and
I was in the middle at that time I had
already said I was in the middle right in the
moment when youtube has risen I am
climbed youtube rose this marriage
of people who have climbed me
I always imagine in my strange mind
that a very strong rocket has been activated
little mouse but scuba lug
and so we’ve all been one
how many all of me if found again
be first youtuber because I am there
it was this grafting of things and so me
I owe a lot to youtube that owes a lot to me
but I owe a lot to youtube then
it would also be a little from I know it not me
I would never like to plan
abandon aid a bit my house to
clear end ie go on tweet these
as a part that is not I do not
Many live streaming content say
I went on with it because my own
videos are strong because there is editing
days I do not go in comedy
so many are better at doing
what editing so you have to go
on the exit maurizio platform
just from your person and youtube gave me
the possibility of expressing mine
content for years now has its own
problems because it has them however, in fact sheets
crack cuckold in a relationship
to the current his partner with the merits e
defects in love with defects o
I fall in love with the evis that I am not already there
a death, however , the year in platforms
cycles of life I had seen I remember
a period was very strong tried
mark pincus which is what it then has
made zynga to the presents the brenda I had
already heard but exploded doing
videogame for facebook at the beginning
farmville make you zynga
my mother and at the time of
of the explosion of videogames linked to
facebook mark pincus first made a
social network was tribal in that
period seemed understood it was pre facebook
pre myspace I would say there was friendster
those things there is practically you see
that these platforms then have a
myspace cycle at the time way but I have the
place where you spoke understood with the
singer on duty and myspace
absolutely it was fundamental
think that interview the founder of
myspace once arrives in Italy and him
he thought he was famous as in the
United States do not love me when a
take it at the airport and as you do not
he wanted to be assaulted by the crowd
arrival in malpensa type at 7 o’clock
morning that established that to the country
manager went to get seven of the
morning will succeed nobody understood anyone
was spun founder was long before
but it’s like space, then it’s dead
completely for which platforms have
a cycle so you inevitably know one
then cretu create content today is true
if on youtube
but then if the new platform is born
the piro piro book I’m about to launch
for example to us the same for grapes la
Previously we did not put them to
meeting 1 clearly move up
instagram bazzi that is sure anyway
it’s not that I do not go to other platforms
But you know you liked as I said
low that maybe not social trillion
of almost 3 million
bastic with 3 million low followers
and freeing itself is perhaps not the only study
so social that I use
ba facebook currently own infrequently
instagram you know on the phone also
facebook but you’re there make the photo the
history and so it does not commit you
not even for the lazy and fantastic that
I’m lazy to use it to perfection
despite this I never put a place
a day even if I should, however, the
use noticed that lately to me
the post-comic in the sense goes very much
that on instagram instagram is one
platform where you show you’re cool
put me the filters if you’re ugly but with the
filters become brad pitt
here I do not use it for that use for
do kind of imeem and stuff like that and me
they really make a billion like
so it is a use of instagram not
fashion blogger but go to Naples
flies flights but the fi where in fitness
it memorizes very often in the creede too
in the stories depends on when the content
I see the feeds as much more important
as I know because it’s something I like
plus the fact that the place remains for
so always the things in the field I keep them
the main things I want to put
that I think are stronger I leave them
in the symbol the flying things element
in the stories maybe I’m wrong because
it should be the opposite but me
I use this methodology what you love
the film and tv video or photos both of them
what does it put in the field then?
I hardly ever ever rarely own videos
because we are an entertaining content
I tend to put it on youtube
I never put videos on the three I put
only and exclusively photos in the stories
the true flying story so I do it
like everyone, however, the classroom use
mainly to publish
stinking strange messages from me happen to me
he’s another day, he contacted me
because with making me a transplant
beard then member do not put it
absolutely you do not like you how much
people tell me now find in one
quantity we say daily receives me
the cases you need something
if you come back in touch, no problem
listen to me and hashtag mica hashtag you are a
a cult of stuff
no wait for a stuff that they have been
the other day you saw that instagram
tv that up to the other yesterday for the
Precision I would have told you do not look at it
no one or for another given a post saying
who uses instagram tv2000 comments
no no no nobody but two days ago I have
open the feed
and I opened the explore I saw how it can
a video is not recommended in the upper right corner
that is always taken from the TV festival and then
I said then to load large left
events because it is precisely the most obvious
but it’s not like that because you only load yourself up
no I not loaded not karima serene
this great the only one saw the video that
I saw your thought of sternatia
really hard because they will go
to young people, perhaps not between those who do not
uses st tyrant among young people almost zero
perhaps among those trying to find the novelty
and therefore wants to explode first on
something new maybe maybe yes
orient 6 st related you have been
own penalty seen pam if you did
very good because that’s how it’s done for
try here to see I’ve never done it
nothing but what I say goes prof
maybe then I’ll write to you if it worked
but not according to me among the young is
they are all very much under the banks of
school wines are not to click
left they see looking at the feed
fast among young people according to me
it works a little less works a little more
for big re must understand that when
they also put the grain there because ad
example seen facebook is activated i
all blacks inside facebook in
English there are already sky eyes
active on my profile however is in
Italian does not work yet because it does not
recognize the Italian language
I think by the end of the year to recognize the
Italian language so you monetize
split facebook like on youtube like
the same if he told me that I do it now
right now, look, I’ll tell you how I do
done I opened the facebook page that
there was a big one big writing
saying you are eligible
cli car and indeed also trump this
sanitary and I have clicked
and at that point asks you for a couple of
parameters clearly asks you for the iban
to the data turn you grain that I told him
but they try it so much later
I mean sure for me it’s enough
irrelevant, not because it is not so much
that kind of advertising that monetizes
but you must know must know how
it works and then I already had I read
active shit but nothing works
they wrote to me on facebook said guys
it does not work and you have placed them but
answered mark now google montemagno
yes no written here at facebook italia
said guys but tell me so try it
in short, just to understand if it is one
giant shit if it works in practice
problem is the Italian language
but the interesting thing is the thing a
that point that they will also be on
instagram that will tell you or the king
if you put on instagram this is yours
father c program and you know it is played if
you have monasteries numbers there too but
then let it go that maybe one
budget does it with projects and so on
however, however, a form of revenue that
anyway those contents put them and
then move from where youtube was
at the time we do it but it was not there
advertising then entry to arouse that
nice but then you go out the advertising but
if between singers ascaris in the sense that
I can tell you it makes no sense but you
let’s say he uploaded your videos and a
day see banner add the
advertising looks like at the time was
really ridiculous except that I had
15 years so you can imagine what I do
I did not know that advertising equals money
maybe I did not know it was that way
instead it was so it started on youtube ho
said some cool this is there
I want to advertise first as on tv
I too, and then I made myself a bunch
so as to be able to advertise it
but not for the money I’m not missing it
I did not want to advertise
first because it was then the game
but first there is the advertising of the dash of the
detergent I want detergents then
managed to put it in partnership
of youtube that put the detergent nice
before my videos and then at the end of the month
I received those 20 euros and then mine
dad used to say pope there are 20 euros
it’s one of those sites you’ve been chosen for
to win 99 iphone or a rai
Watch out for scam online scams
that happened a beautiful trip
so much stuff
I basically signed this
partnership contract with a network
which was a bit of a steal in fact not
say no
where they told me precisely from chile to
your credit card and so on
we charge the said things we credit
things do not hollow me down a bit
because you know how to put credit card on
internet not elmas however it was actually
true it was so
I put my credit card on the day of
my father because I did not have the day
after against my father minus 600
I want you to smile and instead not 600
maybe not 300 I remember ok instead
it was not that because I had changed
telephone operator I had bought the
phone you know type with micro slogan me
I thought instead it was that
youtube has cheated my life
but no it was was another stuff me
I remember I was white in the face when it is
success did not have to go out before the
school less shit under
and nothing but then I was in this
horrible network contract I will take
the kind was their silver
they took 40 percent without doing
no food maybe a stuff I’ll give more
ugly I’ve ever seen and I put myself
advertising before videos but not
I knew I was earning ok and I was earning 20
euro nothing and we were in three between
the other to take this money then
20 divided three could not even the
sandwich at school because we had a channel
of my first channel on youtube was not
this we do video with three for
with two people so we were dealing
in three cases he called the scene of green
gaming this incredible inglesismo
we did type 2 3mila uses you
video I know I do not say it was less ea
end of the month at the beginning of 20 euros we are
arrived at a maximum of just 90
in the 90 90 euros it has incredible strength
yes, maybe the bottle paid for it
maybe nothing then I started in mine
career alone on youtube
slowly we climbed, etc., you
I repeat when I withdrew the
partnership was because I wanted to see
advertising and then at the time if you had
partnership with a network on youtube
you could customized channel the channel
just in the seat on the page of the
channel the banner you could put there
you just knew the partnership with
the age was fine there’s a cool social yesterday
and the guy who was who had the gold
in the medium it was the same thing that is
you looked just cool and we had the
banner of the channel there were all happy
in short, youtube at the time gave us a
lots of emotions but you came on
youtube at the time when there was still the
video duration limit of how much
long you could load sure of certain if yes
okay that meanwhile we doing gameplay
expected for and when there is a lot of
people who had problems about what is here
I have entered even when I have
subscribed to youtube when there were
starlets I think you too forest at the time
if I have the first danger every time
because once he said I was writing
in 2004, on the other hand , 2005 was the moment in
which opened problem you know me
I stopped because I was a TV and
so it was unlucky to stay in TV sky
I receive the transmission of technology e
doing the transmission technology not
I could do videos on youtube because I was
they looked at the journalists as if to say but
hair gift is therefore I quit
I started then I joined up
youtube because before youtube me
I was making the propeller video on
the internet archive and howard media that
there was not another place called video
with the chroma key behind that the hat
everything is called tg blog
we ‘ll see how I swear you leave stuff
awkwardly awkward armada e
when youtube came out it was cool
crazy for the first time you could do
video upload was going on because with
the arcari internet you were not aware of
full day upload the video
if you can not only load some
formats was a
blood bath youtube instead was
very cool but then I opened elected by
make videos and when I started going
on TV I understand people take me for the
ass and there I made a big mistake I have
said no I stop I do not do anything alone
on television and it went bullshit
sensational but there was a
time when you saw type if
went on his your revenue and
said no it really happened
you will have had that moment there I remember
Also where was air one who has passed
from 20 euros and said I was close
at the amphitheater in the practical school i
I remember exactly the point that is
when I 16 17 in the mini courses 17 thousand
I was in the amphitheater of the school I was
to enter and I got my first one
revenue from youtube from single to paypal
they were, I think
I do not remember if I have 180 dollars or 280
dollars or a lot to go from 30
euro to the bomber then it means that
it could become a profession but a
something like I can buy games
alone and do not ask the pope and when
you told your father it was
an escalation this of my dad knows
because I was already doing video anyway from
a year and a half so he knew what I was doing
these videos with my friends so do not
I had to explain youtube to them
had to explain possible gain and me
he said okay but he also thinks of the
school because school is important
then slowly the gains are
increased, etcetera a certain we have
had to open the bill because I could not
to pay credit on paypal is not
could do from 45 thousand members onwards
my parents said ok let’s see
a moment what are you doing because you do not
I’m understanding why there I did
I did one thing for the 45 thousand members
of which I regret not even that I have
brought lorenzo inside the videos that is in the
sense I brought my person not the
character and I said I did the draw
my life I think this video where
Draw your life
so you introduce yourself to the whole audience
make you understand who you are
the first time I did it was
what is the 45 thousand registered they have seen it
even my parents said it is
liked just like video in the breast from
viewers said wow then this is it
a really great thing if you ‘re there
put it so much if you got yourself to the
your audience and from there I tightened a
great video bonding has served a lot
not just for viruses because it has
made many but it was used to create the
first link with my writings and the
served for my parents to understand
what were you doing place
from there it was all a story to say one
descent but it was full of obstacles
because anyway I went to school
I was doing videos a video a day
mounts voters cemetery a lot because
I was a beginner then mount a
video I was there five hours more black ago
they saw a crap of events and
prevent that prof
because there was obviously then when I am
became known 200,000 300,000
subscribers are still going fifth
higher then the professor
inevitably they came to know it
some were very happy again
now I feel at all it is disgusting
in their subjects less however 5 ma
those who seem to support were 16
I had up for sympathy, others did not because
at the end maybe I even took more than
they therefore
but I’m glad that those were not ipp
bastards because at least it was a blow
that I unconsciously gave him in the sense
they were those who then believed so
I’m not saying this because I was disgusting
in their subjects I also sucked
in the subjects of those that me
they supported however there were some people
that just to which a sachs erupted
maybe I was even more committed to it
youtube for these people here
this person from such friends sees
I always have them all as classy
supported and enjoyed this thing
so it’s there I’ve never had any problems
I also say you know I often do it
question but excuse me at school since
anyway your family and that when
you went to school as it was a bath of
crowded hallucin selphy all day
no actually not because the popularity
if so we want to call it started to
have just the moment I have
put my foot out so I went
so it was rejected a year of
my life would have ended
but instead I saved myself and it went
well enough I remember that alle
Sometimes people went out to the
my school dressed as characters
they wore from the roses that you sea into
this character who is a typical cat
little pixelloso there was one that one
Once you are on your cat suit was put
out of school while I went out and got it
saw he said no
there were all my classmates
all those of my school who
they came out they saw this here
guess who went to stop
obviously bye
ok maybe this thing so cool
done for charity but let’s do it in a way
a little more private not called I
dress is 10 because it is ugly
this sentence and nothing then came out of
school there
once I’m out at school is
then arrived millions of members then
popularity has become really great
but I was no longer in school every day
will have to return at least to return to the
point where I discovered I had
earned $ 180
i was thinking when it’s time in
I crossed you and tennis
what was the first time I am
shrewd of your existence and came
in my mind it was as usual mine
son of wings that every time they mention
because it’s my secret ghostwriter e
censored king of all crazy activities
I would like to rightly bring me back
to health is once he sends me one
mail of a message is not in fact yes
work the message saying
Oh no, I did not tell you bags for
we talked like that but youtube
I started a bit like that and fiddling with it
I said but who is that the strong now and
he says there is this va vj he knew
light with or no is exploding sta
exploding and you think I had 50,000
40,000 and 50,000 poker was then he a
18 considers that every time ayari lewis
and when he had 30 thousand told me he goes
that is, lewis that this is strong and the watch
tower he looks is crazy is the best
Italian talent scout in absolute behind
the fifth
in fact every time he teaches a
someone or stupid for the attentive
foreign names do not know brown brands there
knows the color that makes them
and he who marked me brownie boats
very young and I interviewed him for
do my son a favor and or the video
online with mark is good and in the end i
I asked but you have me there is sun
but what good that he said technique that is
ridge leaves lavater that anyway has
received it has marked me that you were there
and at the beginning I said yes there but that
fuck is this is not my usual
approach a bit old as I had
a few years ago and that today but if I look
my first videos I also say who
we will heal the church but at some point
then I spoke again for a week and
I told him wow I started growing up
ugly on facebook I do not know cresco di
1,000 per day ie a bitter anyway
But yes, yes, but it is growing by 10 thousand
day was a number
you had a moment when you had gods
Crazy numbers of rates grows not me
I remember what it was, but it is from that
moment in then I hold there one
eye to turn gazo to see and
then if it exploded but this five years
ago years ago
we brought we have because today we do not
I only do it myself, but that format
lite indie horror that anyway the same
more pai was the same pd
Italy still was not there anyway it was not
still quite developed there was but
I was not editing, I liked it
he was very passionate about it now
I still do that
I never expected it’s stuff
because I said but then I’m one
person who hardly succeeds in
involve others, that is, me at the party
I’m not the one who amuses them
others are the one standing apart
I’m not always really shy
to make me a little ass and true that is not
I am in a position that I do not
he does not represent me on a personal level
I’m very happy to be there but I’m from
small if I went from my 18 years to me
I tell them, look at him, tell me which one of them
tot of years you will be well known because
it’s entertainment said it is not
possible but in fact this stuff that
I wanted to ask you sometimes I get up there
morning and the other day I was
shaking feed and stumbles into mine
video ok
the first thing I thought is but who it is
this asshole of the first thing has
understood ie seeing me above all the
old videos do not tell you old videos
I ‘ll probably do the gate there
all in the sense that God hates that thing
there today that way of talking that though
let’s say this sky periodically not
I know if we talk in three months video that
i do today they tell you but how does this
to speak of hate deeply not
I know and then the fact of it not much more
my videos but for two and a half years that
I watched them see me every day and every day
day you see that I’m wrong that you say the
what you do the joke that I break
becomes this foreign character from
whoever happens to you is stuff and makes
unbearable, it was enough football
the death of an artist with the beginning not
pleasure alice content stuff like that
you normal normal ceo if I look at mine
first video but goes beyond the microphone
okay that crippled all the words
why not a two-euro microphone though
it’s not so much that’s right there
a crack perhaps for months still sees one
little more because I have my own
I’m just that I became a
adult while I brought youtube
so you see right from when I was a
baby when I became big and
so we see that this change
I can not see them first videos because
I screamed that I was agonizing
talk so much about the apple tree to the leaders ii
really the other day I did type
44 years ago I made a reaction to the
first videos the first special videos
so this is best of moments e
I said who made 12 million
okay as it is possible that is in the sense
they are funny scenes some for charity
it’s not the funny scene that’s me
moves is my way of doing that is a lot
strange in how to talk about it as well
much crime but so much was the
green ge really good so short
you grow up maybe in the 5 6 years it will make me
how disgust I am now I do not know
it depends on how you grow depend on
your habits
nothing i think i think is normal for
someone who creates content wanted
renovating chair is a symptom of
improvement if you always see yourself well
best ever used so I think that
sooner or later I would like to make a party
political simply for this reason
that every time I ask for a period
I communicated in consulting in the
politics and political communication
disaster sector in which I never want to
more come back to my life for the
online political communication that is
important because it is very difficult
Imagine I do not know she follows the campaign
of trump or obama and a complexity
crazy scanu all things and criticism
then given this campaign theme
online policies that precedes then
periodically if there is a campaign me
I call the journalists ask me what
you think so and every time I always say is
sentence if you do vj in a few years
decided to launch a period
Politician takes a tide of votes that
you have time to see how to say but that
fuck you say
what the fuck you said before was much more
accentuated today less less understood today
because they say in effect this world
of the anti lancer gameplay
I can see that you have established on four
nights to fiddle with his skins though
I do not know inevitably one grows but
now maybe you do not care about it
politics maybe in five years of food
launches an initiative of any kind
it is clear that you have a following that if
he appreciates you via cricket did so no
at the blog it is at all political could
do other things too
so , in fact, politics does not do it to me
it’s very interesting but I recognize this
I recognize it here a lot because I speak here
we call this hated word
in Italy, however, there is because it has
however, at the end, share yours
audience following you so much begins a bit
to think how you think
with this it is not that you are
lobotomize of people
simply bring them to yours
thought 15 st even if you want to
founding a party is a super party
facilitated dance only for me that is you do
so you launch the party pighi a lot of
votes then you do not stop to eat star slices
and I can do the video by saying I had it
said chapter of the video prefers
and it happened just like that but you know that
I think it happened not a stuff
kind but a pretty ridiculous stuff
of the gene like the pigeon party you
you know what the belly of the party of the
pigeon and told me that I spoke
with precious amedeo and makes me who have it
knocked down several times from the page
of instagram I do not know if to for
39 breathing are being taken
a lot of followers in these home
come into a political cases have daughters
reach a lot of times I do not know for
why because there was nothing
obscene and already take the down
ball continuously maybe now no more
but to put down the pages you are not there
the anguish that morning you raise the
youtube channel has been closed me have it
closed youtube channel years ago for
a crazy company for a day
we had done we had a thousand videos on the
channel more or less there are many and the
Chamera channel was made from blogosphere
the company was a network of blogs and
so I plan so many thematic channels there
a video of various culture topics
political goals of all the more precisely
a blogger went to the misex to do
an interview with a film director
ok but it was a serious interview but
in the frame there was a poster of a
film that clearly was neither
snow white there was no wall that
at this point there is someone made a
report to beauty pardi but the aim is not the
channel to the video and have closed the
he called no but from the channels and the times
call the states max magrini
saying max here is antiquated and down the
channel understood and then we should write
to this fund you should have forgiven
you have to excuse the shot and sorry if you are
assessors I do not know what you do not apologize
I was also saying yesterday university and one
each other absurd and we are there
and then they gave the canal back to ok
we discovered this thing
and you do not have the anguish that because me
I’m paranoid, I always think about tomorrow
marchetto says montemagno and we close the
I had it since then
so much that every day
he says oh hell, he’ll crack your account
of cannes, they were all right
so much to deal with this anxiety then
we assume that for
throw a YouTube channel down
you know maybe people do not know that
must take three strikes then now
must make three crap like that there
like that to put the place underneath
at the bottom you can get a strike
you drop the video and you have a
warning then to the second then the
third, every warning gives you malus
the first one can not live anymore
streaming the second you can not anymore
to monetize the third type down the canal
I do not know if you are so na stuff but law
at least you are logan paul doing the
fuck that’s a sad one
and so I had a bit of a crap
also because once happened to me
they take a micro strike for what but
for a crap in fact contesting Milan
taken off and puts a point is stuff then there
I am but that makes Luciana robben is funny
I really had the caga game buttassero
down the channel a certain because they are enough
three videos put case a note three
video where something is wrong and then
of signal to all three after how much
accumulates trains marked by three six
fucking I’m not wearing gaveau
over time this thing has disappeared
because having now youtube is much more
flexible on these things there are
throw down more
first of all then resume three strikes
so you can instantly take it
one a day so you have time to
correct things
so if they warn you before this is the
first thing the second thing is that now
I speak this because I am now
contacts with youtube for a long time
where there should be a problem either
dia hacking I never
success, however, where it should
there must be a problem
before hacking where they should
throw me down videos with youtube and
I can talk to solve i
problems therefore there and also with
instagram I had to lose the page
we have contact to recover this
because I call you larry page and brin
exact if it is not him that attracts me
page is like being often born I said
it makes me laugh when I tried you
I said before that my first
youtube partnership has been with this
network a little big and then they are
passed instead to another network that
instead he had a contract a little more
normal to pass obviously
I had to expire the month to me on the 29th
a month I do not remember which branches
comes the strike for a bullshit me
remove what I had from the network
that thief zoe I do for
enter the new one and it does not make me
come in because if you have a strike, do not
you can tie up is not because I’ve been
no partner is sent for some
I was kind of day, I do not believe it then
they took off the strike and I managed to
go right after this is absurd
It was really crazy, however, that is to stay
online where every two minutes changes and
you must have the right mindset in fact
in my opinion it is absurd how today he creates
online content
regardless of the industry regardless
that you like that content or not no
this is another matter
but you must have a really approach
as a business owner there is no one
that says ok if the algorithm changes tomorrow
ming in wenge if they throw me down here
I find another platform
because if you want your beauty instead
safe tranquility but you do not have it alone
Mint better than it does not say you do not create
contents are not practical people
that are there and they just complain
without finding a solution should be reviewed
a moment the attitude also because
you are there also thanks to youtube then
you need to know how to adapt is a bit
a jungle there you have to be a lion and
then you can not control an Englishman there
control more than control you can not
check if youtube changes
the facebook algorithm and then from time to time
in time you have to adapt to see tik tok
ex music hall in maine never downloaded
ok figurati tik tok for each continues
get to the state you are but I am
glad for the swear I do not
never downloaded even just music then
maybe it works well
here I am in this case I am the
old to make you understand it’s stuff and 3
fine lewis on tik tok there is never
him to make him stand his 80
nothing completely does nothing but how
what it consists of
give me advice what bait youtube
you would do to grow a channel for
do it yourself today depends on the less than ceneda
what the sector does first of all
let’s say sectors in a heskey gameplay
we do not prank say out of that world
there what would you do if you left mine
youtube nominated manager paid in a
so let’s say clamorous in what I would do
if you ask me in a difficult moment
because precisely the truth has changed
we have to understand ourselves to his house
see exact exact chapter
but according to me now doing a
example is very strange that I do
this example now because I’m here
with you, however, when someone asks me
how do you do it?
how do you become known as if you are there
it makes its name heard on social media too
on youtube and so on
I always carry a little you as an example
because you do something special
when you are, I know you from about one
maybe even if the video files from a lot more
time like you told me, however, from a
I know you what happened I have you
seen on facebook you do what you put a
video where above the topic and below
the reason why there is a supreme brand of worship
so one immediately on track what it is
talking and what is the argument that yes
treats click on the video and there is no well
wings are assembled bye and left immediately
supreme supreme brand that has become
because I like you as therefore one does not
it loses time because now it is so
so many people there is so much speed
on social media on youtube and on facebook
system that one wants the content that
he immediately satisfies it, that is, does not want to
wait for the stuff immediately to be sure
you in your case can give it in one
one way of impact there is one click
and immediately sees the video immediately turn off
what are you talking about in five minutes to
everything you need
I recommend if I should start from
zero now I would do one thing about this
I do not know in what kind of field but
I would do something like this, not me
I would lose the fuss of the serious va bè
hi guys, I’m the one to sign up
to the canal and if you put me I like it
supports one already closed the video then
you have to go direct for you to talk
a topic immediately speaks of
that argument of not for you
then I see tireless and depends on the
format that you have anything, however
we must do we must be directed in
do it for something else is sure that I say
always if you enjoy doing something one
content amused to bring a
content transmit the fun
even if you do not talk about rai’s joke
business so sometimes it’s not there
to have fun but you do it in a way
ironic you have fun doing it there is also one
passion , you stop yours
passion to those who follow you this is a lot
the clinically high is very important
youtube see anything that that
they work and the usual title tag robe
there is something that will work in you
particular or so at slow yokoi
on youtube and when the advice I give
think of myself as not for me because we are
all the arts practically but later
the advertising break pagan tons
will speak, by the way, do not put the heat
youtube rewards a lot if you put the
title and title of the ports the same
tags both in description and in cuts
same then if you write in the title
I do not know you horror video in one
madhouse at night and in the description
write your own I’ve been in a
madhouse at night then bring them back
same words above
if one looks for a madhouse on youtube luigi
mescia more easily on your video
because he finds it both in the title in the
I’ll tell you about the age from tomorrow morning
on all the videos, hi guys, he’s finished
to work I have to understand only how
automated with a thousand videos
I was there as the triune couple won
however, and you say that it works like this
that is, it works according to me
then it goes well depends on and also in the cuts
equal ie the proper phrase of the title
in detail, then there is everything
speech is one of the things that work
then it is not served sucks is not that the
you find it made to put a
set of factors that work schedules
where it can be this depends a lot
from the public that you have me knowing the
So my audience, let’s go then
my audience is very difficult in reality
because it goes from the smallest and the largest
so find a schedule that goods for
all of them if I do a live too
at night it works because the little ones
they go to sleep bigger remain if
I do a live the afternoon works
because the bigger ones are at work
little ones are at home
so i’m a little weird though in
general depends a lot on everything
public who has an audience
exclusively tin that however mine
most of my audience then
I use this public methodology
in the time of leaving school then i
guys come out the mixes at one I speak
of middle school boys
the age is that the average so they go out
at one o’clock I let the video out at 145
time to eat them if fans what comes out
I noticed on my video that ipantellas
they publish in the evening because they have a
public teen not big public though
little little ones do not have any
so you know elementary do not have it
just then they publish only ed
exclusively in the evening in the afternoon
forwarded and it works very well you have to
understand your audience and also through
polls between rhino when it is connected
absolutely then trying a lot of
stuff actually sometimes surprising
a time you would never expect
it works blatantly then among other things
noticed that in my case the weekend 61
he says to me the weekend and it works the
well on Sundays I work a lot less
that Monday I do not know why the
Monday instead of more feature you see me
that everyone is saying no it’s not true
started the week arrive home
they say no they are still on the weekend either
go to youtube
I do not know why why the
Sunday maybe everyone is studying
homework etc. and I talk about the students
that out doing something and then you can
My function is better Monday
everyone has to feel you have to go
you must understand what is the best time
published you have to get account how
I already told you that if you say
publish a schedule is not the day
after 10 ab it is today public at 6
no to the public at 2 always at two o’clock
maybe occasionally faithful exceptions that
you’re very saying about continuity
of time placed because my audience
beyond now you on youtube ai la
bell crushes it and notifications
you know when you get out the mail arrives no
here are my writings even if you do not
I call on the bell they know that
when they leave school they have mine
video so without knowing without bones
without the notification they are already on mine
channel update so much they know it comes out
it works like this for a truck at the bottom but
the fact of having a form that is always
the same after a while you do not think it is
problematic or to say
paolo kessisoglu there is the coffee room ha
made 6 edition always the same format
and it works like god
graham norton show in england there
this very cool show where graham
norton interviews a series characters is
equal for 30 years
on the other hand, however, maybe one says no
instead we need to change things
location set as long as you had second
me on the web has a different impact than
on the TV maybe own room cafe
It works very well on TV because it’s on TV
today’s audience grows with the
own mentality of wanting to see things
so today’s kids are used to
this type of entertainment then a
tomorrow expect contents of this
so I’ll have a coffee room tomorrow
in my opinion it can not exist because they are
they are used to seeing formats that
they change that evolve and it’s a change
generational according to me on the web you have to
know how to renew more than on television
in my opinion this is a fact then
maybe I’m wrong but I bring format
indiehorror these horror games that that
I have always been wearing for six years
however, however, I had to evolve a bit
my way of doing it if it were
always remained normal it would be an old one
where there are those who are followed by people
interesting that says h that these strong
I in Italian chops tagliaglia does not follow
nothing but nothing because they claim the
time and then really those few who
I follow the only one who are fake in Italy
I can write and yes or scottex maybe
it’s not just March there’s a lot of risks
to have uncle comics is the only one in Italy
out of Italy what he does he does comics
and parodies in short I look in my opinion tino
greeting hello is oil toby it goes well short
but really in Italy very little stuff
instead at youtube worldwide mark level
player that a player brands understood as
it is pronounced more than pai a little less
then obviously more than pai silks is true but
that these youtubers are a bit strange
these around the canal looks like you
po 7 per hand I like that said
One is a little shafts of the ascom
in short, more than anything else, the worldwide scene
I never tell you, look at my work now
it takes away so much time then one
I was following youtube right from
viewer today I can not anymore today
I look almost with a technical eye and say
cabbage pussy that stuff works
these are the perfect type and perfect
youtuber according to made you the perfect
they are the youtubers par excellence they have
oh well 30 million 35 million registered non
I know but only what they did with
will smith for the launch of will smith
that he threw himself
I do not think it could be, however, I do not know
I could of a bullshit I do not think hours
they are the ones that make these yes
who loves
and they make videos that are technically
perfect I think a placement on them
video may be worth $ 2 300,000
quietly because they make millions of
views is among other things a placement and
not even forced because only toast the
like the basket where he does the trick shot
minds only the written pringles ma
beautiful that the videos are made of a
well that it will be worth it has no troops
it will cost thousands and thousands
even the location, however, fall there
a lot in my opinion are perfection
Perfect youtubers are here for a thing
in the years with me how you evolved
in the relationship also with companies for
a company said fantastic paris of
nice numbers
boom we want you to understand the
hat with a banana wanna ea
this point your need instead from
content creator and no I can not
I can not disgrace myself
what a balance you find for example the
case of these youtuber is perfect no
because it does not impact on the video
overall they have a freedom
editorial then the brand appears book
placement or saw another
boy I do not remember who I was talking about
you’ve never seen teaching e fashion
this guy who explains how to dress
I need all the boys for me
tips do not ask me why
look, however, in practice makes a list of
nod on the seven sweatshirts to put to
Christmas tells you 23 and then the fourth is the
fourth sweatshirt is this of our sponsor
and there is a discount in the description so it is
right contextual is not a thing that
he says it has nothing to do with explaining why
It’s cool but you explain it explained comet
the other and in addition has the advantage to have
the discount in the description is therefore a
Another that some have the right
game is that games fit well into
transparent way but it is not from a chair
the viewer expects it
it does not have to swallow though it’s not easy for
we easy often people go out no
instead look at pesiamo fa vj
completely do not know nutella now with
rise myth there was favero sides he said
some companies that say no I want
just the big logo in front of the
your face then a cut art
Well then I try not to go on
long transcripts short
we assume that being
been the first of tubers in
Italy many companies contact me
so why does this this thing
be first so I always have to
try to make their thoughts fail
with that of my videos and it’s one thing
that I managed to learn over the years
because anyway for me at the beginning when
a company contacted me or told me
we want to be in your video and we give you
some money to do what it means wow
that cool strange food made me strange
to the mood as its veracity e
at the beginning I did not know how to do it
this thing because he says oh well then
I said in the videos to this you buy i
sauces but shooting eur and horrible to do
a stuff like that placement
it works when it succeeds in giving it to me a lot
well with the video we start from
presupposition that for me to make gods
placement, in short, working with brands
it’s an opportunity but I really like it
in the sense it is an honorable thing the fact
that a brand wants to bind itself to miu miu al
my now preventive brand became a
brand so I’m really happy
when it happens because it means that yes
he can work together
I’m super happy and you can too
talk about the fact that with time
we are skilled on how to do one
placement done well because once
It was what was beautiful on this day is always
with transparency because today the
transparency according to me the number rule
one is being able to bring the brand into
so please do not let it weigh
not even the spectator who watches depends
a little from the videos you make
I working with i
In short, games also happened
clothing, for me, is
lowered has become enough
simple ok I go to the customer client
he says hello
We would like to do this and do not tell me
the more flaw that tells me how you would like it
do as you think what to him
better script and I tell him look
I think you could do it this way
like yes but I would like to add this
what if we want to get this thing
this thing we must add this way
in short, we talk before it was not like that
first it’s a do that today is a day
instead today and this is a goal
very important because at the beginning
maybe the companies did not understand
the importance of the web
today they understand it they understand that web can
have even better shades
of television regarding the
placement because you can do them in one
sure way to go on a certain slice of
public own wow and then starts to
work right in arm with yours
also because it is you who know yours
community how it reacts does not know it
a company who better than you feel it
what can you base how many times but these
they do not understand how it is possible and many
here you sell something the reaction of the
community as you sell in the sense with
something of a brand
if that is if you do in video and you have us
understood a promotion maybe service e
we say by now, never digested ever and very much
very quiet once you were a
sell a nice finger as always there is a
today, however, it is very quiet too
because I think the spectators themselves
have understood that the world of youtube is
grown so much that it’s normal
to be a hustler but the important thing is
neglecting the contents ie not
polluting what is what is
your creativity
when the thing set very well I think that
the viewer is also happy with
see what you are committed to make
a large content given a content of
quality what interests you in this
moment because it’s a thing when you’re there
I look from the outside to say father le
same south in my figure more more
paternal and you see yourself in great evolution
not compared to the beginnings, however, me
I remember back interested in the shape
a few years ago you do not tell me
the state cuts forum
if you do not create your mind all interested
baked but when it was three years ago
four years ago, but you were the times for me
really , the video waits for you later
I ‘m sure I ‘m sure it’s safe
that you were really shaved pischelli
know in short, still shaved of the yes if
still shaven but you can see
clearly that you are but also how
attitude reflections are not there
many many aspects and so this is it
normal but we do not measure
programming was the command
put the scarf when it’s cold outside
but the question is from here to
next five years let’s say dometti
doctors and something that started
maybe you’re interested in saying heck
But I like it I can not do tours in the theater
what do I know how to make the producer director
Turin film director knows something then
I tell you I’m never that person
that tries to evolve
in direct entertainment then do
theater doing these things is never here
my field was mine because I
I try to always entertain
on editing I believe that mine
future development is the tour yes yes yes yes
no, of course, but I say I would never base it
my person my character only on
that first the type of red I have
fact I wanted to try, in other words, that
so much fun then probably
maybe we’ll do it
the other things do not exclude a road
for no just reason another
but mine is my strength
to work a little behind the scenes myself
now I work behind the scenes of me
same as my videos
in short, if we let it be that way
now maybe a troupe that gives me one
however, in short, my hand to the point of
force has always been that one then
future development is certainly more
based on this behind the scenes
that maybe on a stage I can not
know it because maybe tomorrow interviews
of new I say to I want to do not flower
I think, however, in short, I do not see it in this
moment as my goal
to work face-to-face with
the public fi maybe on sunday me
I hear every time I always like to understand
movie books what reads one thing
Look, there’s something that got you
lately at 13 o’clock and I got drugged
of netflix as I think all those of the
my age is, however, I preferred series e
I prefer the number one as a series
prison break never historical view
I watch many anime Japanese animation
death note my favorite is a
tattoo here inside you a boss
they must really objectively one
small dwelling
It depends a lot on the mood of the film
of the not that but I have not seen but not
I want to go do not look at it because yes
netflix and varies from very cool things
what is a little less though I am one
very hard-fought person because I am
very critical I know what it is about
so it’s very difficult for me to look at one
po padoin something and then with the cabbage that
nice so I first find one
series a film that satisfies me to watch
10 and horrible light laws stuff of
law rendered less because in the last year
I wrote the cage that my novel
which came out so it did not have almost
time to read anything if not
as a rule, I do not go anywhere
I always read them for boys
so let’s go on hunger games they wanted
I had also read stuff a little more this
mondaccio here of the marketing business
it’s a stuff you do not care about
the delegate is something that holds a
eye processes
the marketing world in my opinion
evolving my person I believe that
maybe one day may be interested in
in fact I start to follow your videos
also for this reason maybe b
five years ago I would never have looked at them
so I do not exclude that one day me
I will like maybe I subscribe
directly to what we say we do not say
it’s public accounts
but there is still there, however, I have not
instead I also noticed that in mine
friendships are all a bit
interesting to this thing here is ad
example, an example of that wine
biodynamic nests of childhood with which
I shared better moments of mine
life that has always followed football not
always passionate the other day makes me
head to himself that I’m right
interesting knowing how it works
the team’s business what we are re
present the juventus that is no longer alone
a team even with a brand because
have evolved and so on a little valentino
red assists photos
this because I saw
and therefore I know that there is this growing up
interest in how things work
very interesting then if maybe one
says I want to launch my company oe
so there are a number of topics
that which then a certain initial
connect that however clearly they are
pallosi much more compared to 20 and
another kind can be if yes
they look at some documentary experienced a
case on marketing what time it is
moons 10 really we must owe
stop here damn we talked
but I do not know I do not know more than 9 networks
wait but I have to do it too
first with paolo I have to do the acronym ago
make it if today I have to sing you can do
what you want
then paolo who saved himself first did
he had a brilliant idea according to me and
so you can do what I do
the introduction ok parties paroli and you there
you have three seconds five centuries evaluate yourself
that make the initials do what you want
ok you are ready consider that there was
an evolution of my acronym however the
more difficult task than I do
because my daughter is no longer you can not
the more you sing, you can not anymore you can not
the more I sing, I’ll see her live because
I have no idea I do not see that go because
My son and you remain not enough to sing
you can not anymore and because it’s embarrassing and
so every time I try to find one
different modality if he told you so
listen, so you’re ready, too
I have to fix but the hat
today we talk to him the number one the
world champion of color weights of
chuck have big thank you boss
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