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Your Talent is NEVER Enough

peace and award is diving deep once
again we are out here baby
we’re in nature I’m here to tell you
your talent is not enough can I get a
yeah what breathing in that good ass
prana baby I don’t care how good you are
or something Oh Ralph I can draw I’m a
great violinist I play the piano I play
that at age four I’m amazing at math I’m
a great scientist your talent is not
enough Oh Ralph but I can write so well
your talent is not enough
oh but Ralph I’m the fastest runner in
my school your talent is not enough
you see I meet people time and time
again who have heaps of talent but they
sit on it
I call it sitting on diamonds I don’t
want to hear if you’ve got talent I want
to see what you’re doing with that
talent you see for a long time I relied
on my talent I said I was such a good
skater and guess what for a year I
didn’t escape my skates was still in my
room because I was resting on my laurels
you see when you say I’m so talented you
fall into a dangerous trap the people
the people who are at the highest level
of their craft realized talent is not
enough you need perseverance okay
attitude yes Drive but more so passion
passion is the secret to manifesting
your true desires I don’t care how good
you are something you still need to
practice but more so you still need to
go through that whole process
Oh falling down you see talent is great
but what happens when things get rough
when the road gets bumpy that’s when you
need the passion and that’s why the most
passionate people in the world are in
essence the people who end up living
their dreams so have a beautiful day we
are out here can I get a hello infinite
waters to hiving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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