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Your Life Has No Meaning, But Listen To This…*POWERFUL STUFF!*

do you sometimes find yourself asking
what’s the point of everything like life
seems to be totally meaningless right
now but I’m still gonna carry on wait a
that’s meaningless too don’t worry I
used to feel the same way life has no
meaning what are we here to do
everything seems a bit strange a bit
absurd a bit random is this a strange
cosmic joke getting emotional right now
you see I’ve realized this that it’s
true life has no meaning
wait a minute I give it meaning you see
many great sages many ancient cultures
the great wisdom even in ancient Egypt
from the mystery schools is that the
universe was formless to begin with but
then form came you see life is formless
we give it form we create objects
building skyscrapers life has no meaning
but we give it meaning we are meaning
machines we are here to give it meaning
if you feel your life has no point if
you feel your life has no meaning you
have the power to find meaning you can
give it meaning you can give yourself a
whole new lease of life and that’s what
I’ve done and that’s why every single
day I wake up and we’ll just say still
so get to be a live baby can I get a
though life is complicated
life is only what you make it to be
let’s just well breathing in that good
ass Prada baby
beautiful deep divers have a beautiful
day we are creating stories in our minds
and it’s up to us to realize these
stories are nothing more than
interpretations of the world around us
and therefore we can give a whole new
meaning to our entire lives by changing
our stories have a beautiful daily Divus
infinite waters diving deep once again
let me just do that again for you
well breathing in that good ass prana baby stay well stay healthy peace

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