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Why Do People Give Up On Love?

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we’re here in nature so your
relationship didn’t work out
don’t worry happened to me before can I
get a Hello yeah why do people give up
on love what happened in the beginning
of your relationship it was wonderful
marvelous eye contact butterflies in
your stomach you were glowing you even
talked differently what happened to that
voice that time can you remind yourself
of it what happens though challenges
come our way and what I always remind
myself is that you must always keep your
integrity in relationships and after
because we must never carry old energy
into new relationships
we must never see new relationships with
old eyes why do we give up on love
you’ve been hurt abused or maybe you got
spoiled you took your relationship for
granted a lot of people say all women
are like this
that was me along my early journey some
women say all men are like this
have you met everyone I say that it’s
all about letting go a lot of us we’re
holding on to unresolved issues that is
why we have given up but guess what when
you are open you might meet someone that
changes your life forever and you have
to embrace that a hundred percent for a
long time I thought
being single was the best thing in the
world I always say love yourself a
hundred percent at the same time it is
wonderful to share your life with
someone else
the love connection is all about sharing
it is all about growing it is all about
expansion and yes there are going to be
challenges sometimes it doesn’t work out
sometimes it works better than we could
have sometimes it works better than we
could have ever imagined I got so
excited there because that’s what loved
us to you so remind yourself that always
see there are possibilities there are
opportunities but it’s all about the
eyes we’re looking at the eyes we are
looking at it with if you say it’s over
then it’s over whatever you say echoes
on into eternity don’t just give up on
love because you’ve gone through one
experience use that experience as a
stepping stone because there is someone
out there for you connect with yourself
a hundred percent and more so allow
someone else to teach you more about
yourself because relationships they’re
like a training ground you learn so much
we’re here in nature with a bird singing
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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