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Who Cares if Your Past Isn’t Perfect – Powerful

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
here feel so good to be a life baby
right now life is so beautiful a new
world is happening ralph waite there
your past is dirty oh my gosh I know
Ralph oh my gosh you’ve made a lot of
mistakes yes I have oh my gosh a lot of
accidents have happened oh my gosh yes
they have
please don’t expose me don’t worry about
it I’m gonna expose myself yes I’ve made
a lot of mistakes in my past yes I’m not
a saint what else are you gonna say
about me man and man that’s what they
cut down the road tsing look deep divers
do you ever meet someone and they’re
doing well for themselves then you bring
up their past why are you doing that is
it productive absolutely not
so what’s helped me along my journey if
I see someone doing well I’m counseling
a lot of people I’m like keep going I
don’t care what you did in your past
nobody is a saint
nobody’s perfect everybody is work in
progress slow motion this side
stop trying to bring up the past
for someone who’s trying to do better
with their life and evolve that’s not
necessary just start focusing on where
they’re heading to and then we’ll just
say feel so good to be a live baby can I
get a Hello
beautiful deep divers have an amazing
we’re just woof breathing in that good
ass prana baby infinite waters diving
deep once again to stay well stay
healthy you I don’t see any Saints here
everybody’s done something they’re not
proud of even the cat down the road
you [Music]

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