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What Goes Around Comes Around—The Great Animal Holocaust—The Empowered Human: 360 Senses!

peace infinite waters diving deep what
goes around comes around I’m just
realizing how when human beings are
hungry we might go to the supermarket
and a lot of us we are eating meat and
we’re eating other animals and a lot of
us we don’t even see the process we
don’t really realize how these animals
are being killed but we’re not
interested in now we’re just interested
in satisfying our appetites and if
you’ve ever looked if you’ve ever gone
to a slaughterhouse you realize how
inhumane human beings have become in
terms of butchering other animals to eat
and really and truly I feel that
everything human beings are doing to
animals is really why we’re in the
condition we’re in right now on this
planet because everything is connected
and human beings we’ve placed ourselves
on a pedestal we say okay we’re
intelligent because we can speak but at
the same time
dolphins can speak through ultrasound
which is the Hertz frequency is so high
that it’s inaudible so we can’t even
understand that language and I think
human beings we have become separate
from everything else because we have
isolated ourselves from the rest of
nature and that’s why we don’t feel a
connection to anything and that’s why we
can brutally murder animals and all of
these things but we say oh well they’re
there for us to consume but at the same
time you have your dog and it’s very
beautiful and especially in a lot of
Western cultures we a dog is a man’s
best friend so if someone kills a dog
then you’ll go to jail but if someone
kills a chicken then it’s normal
and we are murderers if we want to go by
that definition because we’re taking
something that we can’t create and
that’s what I feel is humanity that’s
what I feel is happening to humanity
because many of us we’re not even
emotionally ready to kill our own food
and a lot of us the the blood which is
being spill a lot of human beings we
feel that animals were created for our
own consumption because we feel that we
are the masters of everything but that’s
just a very limited way of looking at
things because if we were so that would
just really limit nature’s way of
infinitely creating things on this
planet because we are not the be-all and
end-all of creation nature is
continuously creating life forms upon
life forms and we are just just like the
saying humanity we are just part of the
fabric we didn’t weave the web of
creation we’re just part of the fabric
of the web and every life form on this
planet in my mind is equal because every
life form is experiencing the source of
life in a different way but just because
a life form on this planet can’t defend
itself it doesn’t mean that is any less
than ourselves and I think that unless
human beings unless we can actually wake
up and see and see that what we’re doing
to other animals is being done to us
then we only deserve what we get which
living in a low vibrational state
because we are taking what we can’t
create infinite waters diving deep once again peace

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