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what are you doing?

yep greetings YouTube this is chemic
Prince yeah today I’ve got a topic I
want to talk about and its name where
the topic is called what are you doing
you know I was I’ve been thinking a lot
lately and I’m thinking like what are
you working for and I ask myself that
question and I came up with two possible
answers the only thing I’m working for
is food and accommodation ask yourself
the same thing and you’ll come to the
same inescapable conclusion you are
working for your food and your
accommodation nothing more nothing less
and that’s the only thing that the
so-called powers-that-be can hold from
you you see back in the ancient times of
Kemet they planted their own vegetables
and they didn’t have to pay rent
therefore they had time to do other
things like study the universe astrology
metaphysics you see but because we’re
working for the food and the
accommodation that’s what we’re living
for so I’m asking you what are you doing
you know there’s a few things I want to
talk about first of all is food you know
I’m a nutritionist I study this when
we’re dealing with food what are we
eating first of all what are we putting
into our bodies I’ve not eaten meat for
two years because I’ve studied it you
see when you study something deeply you
begin to understand or overstand how it
the human being is the only species that
will eat anything even a chicken’s fetus
yes we will in eggs that’s it that’s the
chickens fetus what I’m trying to say is
that we will eat anything and we will
mix any food with anything let me show
you how deep it goes no species in
nature combines food the way we do
because if it did it would die in half
its lifespan not only that no species in
human beings we’re conditioned to eat
and drink at the same time when you go
to dinner because the drinks are there
and the food is on the table but you see
what happens is that you will not get a
perfect digestion because the water will
weaken the hydrochloric acid in your
stomach which is needed for powerful
therefore clogging up the bowels we
shouldn’t really have to be talking
about diet when we’ve been living for
millions of years but the reason why we
always have to talk about dying diet is
because it’s killing us globally when
you eat well you can think well you
can’t think well without eating well it
all relates how your body is made
biochemically we are chemical beings
chemists therefore we need nutritional
food that can sustain us mentally
food has been linked to emotions people
take chocolate for love you see you can
always link food into emotion because
when people are feeling a certain way
they will eat a certain food have you
ever noticed that you can’t really binge
or you can’t eat a lot of apples or you
can’t eat a lot of mangos or you can’t
eat a lot of bananas can you eat 25
pairs is it possible maybe but that’s
going over the top what I’m trying to
say is that nature’s food is never
addictive however today’s food is
because it’s a corporation what I’m
trying to say to everyone on the
youtubes is what are you doing think about it thank you

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