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This story will change your life. I have no words left. 4K

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are here
in the marvellous art gallery just whoa
breathing in that good ass prana baby so
deep divers growing up I was a big fan
of the Aesop fables and one of my
favorites was the story of the hare and
the tortoise
so the hare was like I am the fastest
one in the forest who’s faster than me
and one day the tortoise overheard the
hare bragging about how fast he was and
so he challenged him to a race so both
of them
sent about to compete against each other
and the race started and everyone in the
forest was watching including the cat
down the road by the way and the hare
was like miles ahead and the hare was so
fast that he stopped halfway it’s like
oh this is so easy I’m gonna take a nap
and slow and steady which was the
tortoise was just walking very slowly
and the hare was just still sleeping
like look how look how slow you are slow
and steady you’re never ever gonna catch
up with me I can take a nap and still
beat you and then as time passed slow
and steady
kept going he didn’t stop until
eventually it crossed the finish line
and everyone in the forest cheered
including the cat down the road like
yeah you did it slow and steady and the
hare woke up from the nap like what
happened and it quickly ran to the
finish line but it was too late because
slow and steady had crossed the finish
and the hare reminded himself that it’s
not about how fast you go it’s not the
lightning pace that matters because slow
and steady won the race so deep divers
the moral of this story is that it’s not
just make sure that you go one step at a
time that’s what you need to manifest a
dream into a reality a lot of people say
Ralph how come you can share so much
because I am like slow and steady I’m
the most consistent it doesn’t matter if
you are the fastest or not all you have
to have is heart and then you also can
be like slow and steady and win the race
in the end and then deep divers well you
just say feel so good to be alive baby
can I get a hello beautiful deep divers
would just wolf breathing in that good
ass prana baby shout out to everybody
who’s been rocking the wonderful good
ass prana shirts Ralph smart dog calm
slash clothes get more daily inspiration
like this on instagram at infinite
waters check out the new book deep
divers on the website Ralph smart dog
calm / the book also on Amazon be like
slow and steady today because slow and
steady always wins always wins the race
have a beautiful day deep divers
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you like
Buddha said the trouble is you think you
have time [Music]

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