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This simple thought can change your life.

how hard is it to please you are you
always grumpy always complaining moaning
and groaning never satisfied do you know
what the number one rule of happiness is
contentment contentment contentment how
hard is that oh it’s very hard I can
I wanted more money more subscribers
more clothes but I still wasn’t happy
even when I got them you see happiness
came to me when I started to realize
what I already have if you truly want to
be happy
stop always asking for more and start
taking the look around I actually have a
lot I’m alive look some people didn’t
even wake up today you have wolf that
good ass prana baby
you ate something today
you drank something what more do you
want more comes when you appreciate what
you already have and then well you’ll
just say they also get to be a live baby
can I get a hello
hey beautiful deep divers we are out
here chillaxing in Venice Beach
beautiful day have a beautiful day
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy you
I will never out more more Oh dawn take
a look around we got a little here baby [Music]

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