peas and Finnick was diving deep once
again we are out here when nature baby
whoa breathing in that good ass Prada We
Need to Talk
and we ain’t even had breakfast yet can
I get a hello
uh-oh become your greatest version I
meet people all the time who say Ralph I
want to go through my dreams but I’m
scared and I’m stuck but guess what
don’t worry about it I used to say the
same thing I have learned that this
universe is pretty incredible but you
see it is always giving us lessons to
work more on ourselves and for a long
time I lived in the waiting room I was
waiting for something to happen but
nothing was happening obviously but why
do we do that
I was watching life passed me by and
then the light bulb moment went off I
was only taking small risks in every
single opportunity I was only going to
jobs which I feel oh maybe I could get
that job but I wasn’t taking the big
leap of faith to say actually I want a
job to do whatever I want
I was only approaching people who I
thought okay maybe they might talk to me
but I wasn’t really approaching people
who I really wanted to talk to because I
felt I wasn’t good enough if you take a
small risk you will only get a small
reward if you take a bigger risk you
will get a big reward you see the
universe pays us according to our risk
level and what I’ve learned over time is
that look at it like this along my
earlier journey I wanted to talk to
certain people but I was afraid so I
didn’t take any risk therefore I didn’t
get any reward and then one day I said
actually I want to start sharing with
the world I took a big risk and I’ve got
a huge reward because right now I can
live any lifestyle I want I can go to
any country I want I can eat whatever I
want I’m living in infinite abundance
and that’s what happens when you take a
risk and stop living in your comfort
zone when you extend your comfort zone
that’s a secret I’m a beautiful day baby
small risk small reward bigger risk big
reward we’re out here baby feels so good
to be alive you have a beautiful date in
Anacortes diving deep once again stay well stay healthy
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