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Things to Stop Caring About

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again things to stop caring about I care
a lot I care about you my family the
you need to smile now and again
what’s freed me along my journey is to
see that is what I am caring about
energy generating or energy depleting
and right now I am letting go of
whatever is no longer serving me I have
a story for you I was walking around and
this old man was riding on the ground
the most inspirational words read do the
thing you love to do and the universe
will take care of you it’s very simple
but very true and it works for everyone
even you and I was clapping I was
standing there and in the past I would
just disappear like most of us do we see
someone doing something amazing and
everyone is clapping and then all of a
sudden they just vanish so I gave him a
contribution and said thank you because
you have reminded me that when you
follow your passion you don’t have to
worry everything is taken care of we
just have to move in divine alignment of
our true hearts calling what’s helped me
along my journey in not caring so much
and becoming the greatest version of
myself which is a continuous process
because goodness knows I am not there
yet I am just enjoying the process and I
don’t feel you can ever reach it it’s
just that continuum okay let’s get to it
control that’s the biggest reminder that
we don’t control the external world
look there’s a plane above me when I’m
making this video do you know how I feel
right now in fact I’m going to go to the
airport catch a plane to where that
plane is going and then go and speak to
the pilot that’s how passionate I am
about it I can’t control that what I can
control is my internal environment when
we see a world in disharmony maybe
there’s a lot of war there’s noise
there’s pollution we can’t confront that
chaos with chaos because that only
breeds more chaos we have to develop
that homeostasis that equilibrium within
ourselves to meet that disharmony with
harmony to see that we can only control
our attitude we can only control how we
react to a situation and that changes
because so above as below so within as
without another reminder is caring what
other people think this is what’s freed
me along my journey is hard to do
because I love to please people that’s
why I respond to you that’s why I host
parties for you don’t ask where the
invitations are it’s beautiful but when
I realize that I can’t change how people
see me it was a whole way of my
shoulders because now I focus on
changing the perception of myself that’s
why I can keep on sharing consistently
because I accept myself a hundred
percent I love myself a hundred percent
and that can only happen
when we see that everyone out there is
really in here taking place within our
minds that’s a secret another reminder
is this idea of perfection the perfect
body image the perfect relationship the
perfect diet what I’ve seen along my
journey is that is already here because
perfect is actually a process and the
goalpost is always changing I don’t have
the perfect relationship I have a
relationship which is working for me in
my own unique evolutionary process and
it’s beautiful I’m learning more about
food it’s not perfect but I’ve got a
smile on my face do I have the perfect
body what do you think don’t answer
because I don’t care what you think it’s
about having fun right now and one thing
I have realizes that sometimes
perfection and searching for it takes
away the fun out of life I see that I am
good enough I am living the dream every
day I wake up I am so grateful because I
wouldn’t want to be doing anything else
for me this is the perfect lifestyle
so many of us we focus on what we don’t
have I don’t have this I don’t have that
so we’re coming from a place of lack we
are in that survival program when our
true essence is one of abundance many of
us we use excuses
I used to on my journey I don’t have
enough money to travel now I’ve got lots
of it I can go anywhere even when you
have money you still may not want to
travel because it’s all a mindset change
your thoughts and you change your world
it all starts with our beliefs and then
we step into knowing but abundance baby
a lot of us we say if this happened
things will be different
what if I was in Hawaii in front of a
beautiful ocean sipping a mango juice
okay maybe it would that’s not the point
what I have seen is that all of these
what-ifs paradise can be created in the
present moment not of us thinking of a
potential future which hasn’t happened
or the past it’s about seeing wherever
we are we can live in total serenity
I’ve seen it along my journey and it
works every time look I’m right here in
nature this could be in Argentina in
Brazil how do you know I’m even here
right some people say I will only be
happy when I get this job promotion when
I meet the woman of my dreams Prince
Charming how do you know and even when
you do get it it may not be what you
it might supersede your expectations but
for me right now it’s about surrendering
to all of these expectations including
my own and just feeling liberated in my
heart space another reminder is failure
making mistakes so many of us we spend
hours upon hours ruminating on these
problems that we’ve created through our
mind and guess what
the problems just multiply because I’ve
seen that mistakes are inevitable in
becoming the greatest version of
yourself because once again making
mistakes we are attempting to conform to
an accepted norm that’s why I transcend
the duality of success and failure and
envision myself already there therefore
I can never make a mistake because any
so-called mistake I am making is only
leading me to become the greatest
version of myself so it’s all part of
the grand design you’re a failure who
tells us this we tell ourselves this
that is why our voice the criticism we
have of ourselves is far more
detrimental than what anybody could say
to us what we tell ourselves can
literally give us a good smack around
the face and send us to the depths of
hell that’s why we have to ask ourselves
how we empowering ourselves with words
that give us a sense of comfort I love
to say I will I am good enough I am
loved I am appreciated thoughts we have
about ourselves not being in resistance
to thoughts that’s a secret not
suppressing how we feel
instead changing how we react allowing
thoughts to come through us without
judgment total body awareness
and that’s the secret a lot of us we
want to act like it’s all gravy that’s
English expression but by bottling up
all those emotions it does not serve us
because we feel like even greater
failures because we can’t express as
your self-expression increases your
self-love increases not caring what
other people think is the greatest form
of self-love that can only arise when we
take the courage to Kotov eight that
true expression coming from our true
authenticity big regrets a lot of us we
always have that one person who screwed
us over
we’ve always been imagining what could
have been different if we had only told
them to be quiet and we got into that
big argument you know the one some of us
have had a hard childhood we’ve gone
through experiences which have molded us
the question is have we allowed it to
define who we are today it hasn’t been
smooth sailing for me but I’m an
alchemist I’m always smiling even if
things don’t go my way because I always
say I will I believe I know I know the
power of the mind more so I know the
power of the heart
I say choices chances
Changez and I wrote in my diary the
choice is yours in every moment to
create Beauty or misery happiness or
pain and the more I take responsibility
for my emotions I free myself to see
that I am NOT a victim I am a co-creator
it’s liberating you got rejected I got
rejected too so that’s another thing we
have in common many of us we can’t stand
being rejected we can’t stand when
someone doesn’t reciprocate the love we
share to them we feel we’re being played
and it’s not a comfortable feeling if
you’ve gone through it it doesn’t stop
me though from always reaching out to
talk to someone who my heart is
resonating with because you have nothing
to lose but everything to gain I love
talking to strangers to someone I have
never seen before it’s wonderful to see
that underneath everything you may share
so much in common
once we let go of these boundaries these
layers of illusion we have a truly
magnificent experience I cannot explain
how amazing it is to share with everyone
out there because I connect with amazing
people every single day and I feel that
people come into our lives to teach us
different lessons at different times for
different reasons therefore I don’t care
if my energy doesn’t merge with a
particular person because I know that
the universe always replaces them it’s a
substitute like we’re playing a game of
football or soccer or basketball naming
sports now letting go of society’s
expectations is the biggest way to stop
caring so much many times I have seen
that I am always becoming more conscious
sometimes when I’m walking down the road
and I’m asking myself where are all of
these ideas coming from from our
environment and that is why it’s so
powerful to just drop everything Society
has placed on us more so to question
everything I never take anything as
truth we must all start to think for
ourselves more so we must start to let
go of our own expectations of ourselves
this whole myth that we have to run
around and work till we drop that’s why
so many people are more stressed out
than ever because we have neglected our
inner kingdom which is the true
foundation for helping us become the
greatest version of ourselves we can
never find our true authenticity within
the crowd
we can never find our true authenticity
by always focusing on the external world
the magic takes place when we place
value on our gifts and we develop that
I am still hungry to continue to create
because I haven’t even started yet
and that’s where I like to be because
the moment you say that’s it this is my
best work then it’s finished you need
always to have that desire for that
expansion gratitude consciousness is
what helps me to stop caring so much
because I know I am NOT going to take
this for granted I love it and a lot of
us the more we can focus on what we have
going on for us then we stop to care so
much whenever we feel inadequate is
coming from a place of lack of fear of
survival disappointment envy frustration
and just practicing gratitude
consciousness we say wow I’m alive how
many people would love to be in your
position you’ve got a hundred percent
health what are you complaining of
that’s when the magic takes place the
great paradox of not caring is not
giving up because when you don’t take no
for an answer
sometimes they’re distractions there’s
hurdles we have to get over but when we
say no I don’t care then we keep on
going and that is the secret to develop
that stamina that strength that inner
we have to always be resilient within
our spirit that can only happen when we
do the thing we love every single day
Miles Davis who played the trumpet said
just touch it just touch it every single
day even of 15 seconds because now you
are building up that momentum which is
allowing you to become the greatest
version of yourself we’re living in a
beautiful time and it’s just about fun
fun fun because at the end of the day
the only thing that matters is who had
the most fun we’re here in nature
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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