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There’s Nothing Wrong With You – The Empowered Human: 360 Senses!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again no sunshine today it will come
later what’s wrong with you there’s
nothing wrong with you this is one of
the biggest realizations I came across
in my journey which is still ongoing and
I realized that it’s natural for us to
question our reality but it’s because so
many of us are desensitized that we
don’t really question what’s going on
around us and for me I just realized
that there’s nothing wrong with me or
you or anybody who is really piercing
the veil and just really beginning to
look at the world in a different way
beginning to see things differently and
start to ask the big questions like what
the hell is happening what’s going on on
planet earth and when we talk of raising
the vibration of the planet which is so
needed right now a lot of people I’ve
met even through the internet are really
in tune with themselves and that’s the
whole problem because when enough people
become aware of their true power we are
the Avengers we are the superheroes we
are the x-men we are it if we’re only
given a chance and that’s why I’ve just
realized that there’s nothing wrong with
you there’s nothing wrong and for such a
long time I feel that consciousness it’s
the gift and the curse because sometimes
with all of this information what are
you gonna do with it there was times
when I just finished my degree a long
time ago that was the time where I felt
most isolated and it’s ironic because I
just got a degree in psychology and
criminology but at the same time I felt
like I had nothing because spiritually I
was dead I was zombie I was automaton
and what happened was when I just really
began to
go with him and really realize that okay
something isn’t right here and it took a
long time for me to really accept myself
and say okay there’s nothing wrong with
you and it was at that moment when I
realized that I had to let go of
society’s expectations because all the
time we’re trying to please people you
go to work you’re breaking your back
bending over just to please your boss
but at the same time who are you what
are you doing and that’s one of the
biggest things I realized when I
essentially came to the big big
realization that there’s nothing wrong
with you
because a lot of us just like the great
philosopher Krishnamurti said it’s no
measure of health to be adjusted to a
profoundly sick Society and that’s what
the world has become but at the same
time the flipside is that a lot of
people are working day-in day-out to
raise the vibration of the planet and
we’ve got a lot of work to do but it’s
so amazing just to see this great
journey even I’ve had with infinite
waters just to connect with beautiful
souls out there who realize that there
is nothing wrong with you there’s
nothing wrong with them and they realize
their greatness and they know why
they’re here
that in a sense they’ve entered a state
of knowing and that’s where the power
lies in humanity when essentially we
step into that state of knowing it’s not
about belief anymore it’s not about
following this guru or that guru it’s
about really realizing that essentially
we have to learn from everything learn
from nature learn from the bees connect
back to nature
we have to go back to nature because at
the moment we are killing mother nature
so in turn we’re also killing ourselves
but there’s nothing wrong with people
who can see that because it’s just like
in mythology you hear of these Oracle’s
mythology is humanity’s narrative so
essentially when when we talk of
Oracle’s and people all it is is
when enough people are sensitive to
what’s going on around them
think about animals I love about animals
when I go to the park when I even travel
and goats on the beach and I see the
seagulls I see dolphins I see all of
these things and I realize that they’re
in tune with everything around them
because they’re able to let go and they
know the secrets they’re here to teach
us as well but there’s nothing wrong
with people who really question it’s
gonna be a tough tough journey and it’s
still even ongoing for me at the same
time I’m just glad that I know what I’m
here to do and that’s the raised
vibration of the planet that’s really to
give back it’s not about taking anymore
and in essence it’s the biggest
realization I had was that freedom is
when you have nothing left to lose in
essence what happened to me was you have
to I had to experience the lowest of
lows I had to walk through hell at the
same time I’ve been through paradise so
having two sides of the coin seeing two
sides of the coin it’s really freed me
because in essence these days I’m not
here to please anybody or live up to
anybody’s expectations at the same time
I’m here to connect with like minds on a
similar vibration that’s what resonance
is but there’s nothing wrong with you
and if you think you’re going crazy just
realize that maybe you are because the
world is a crazy place at the moment but
in essence when we can actually be
chaotic maybe then we can even begin to
free ourselves because essentially
Humanity is repressed at the moment and
we have to let go there’s nothing wrong
with you infinite waters diving deep
once again stay well stay stay healthy peace

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