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The World’s Greatest Secret Revealed Finally (WARNING – this video will change your life)

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we are here we’re in nature
getting high how to lose that’s right
lose the world’s expectations can I get
a hello are you under pressure right now
are you wiping your forehead every three
seconds that kind of pressure living for
you versus living for the world I’m
actually going to do a video
specifically on family pressure but for
right now I’m gonna dive into the
pressure out there the pressure so many
of us including myself have experienced
what happens when you don’t feel good
enough what happens when you don’t feel
worthy dress like this dress like that
be like this be like that no no no
thanks I’m good once you let go of who
you think you are no no once you let go
of who the world has told you who you
are you now step into the truth of who
you really are which is your natural
beautiful authenticity number one what
helped me along my journey let go of
society’s expectations really helped me
to stop absorbing the world’s
expectations I became a stripper what
that’s right
oh yeah I admit it I became a stripper
get butt-naked baby take those clothes
off now I spoke about one of the most
powerful visualization techniques that
has helped me along my journey the actor
on stage who is wearing all of these
robes and the moment they begin
stripping away the layers they arrive at
their true core authenticity and then
they celebrate and do a little dance or
two each layer of clothing represents a
belief system it represents an idea an
attitude which is not your own how many
of us are thinking thoughts where do
they come from who put those thoughts
into your mind who planted those seeds
you see because a lot of us we don’t
realize it’s all bs belief systems we
don’t realize our attitudes are not our
own so you have to ask yourself whose
world am i living in more so whose world
am i creating and in what way am i
allowing the world to govern my
existence once you begin to strip away
the layers the illusion of who you have
become and move more into the truth of
your core essence
you free yourself number two when was
get random own your witness when you own
your witness
why do you drop the world’s expectations
of you because so many of us are trying
to fit in I’m a big fan of Krishnamurti
who said it is no measure of health to
be well adjusted to a profoundly sick
Society so here you are you really want
to fit in to society but you have
forgotten oh you forgot you forgot
society is mad bonkers so that’s what
you want to fit into but wait a minute
we are all mad no we’re not we are all
unique if we are left in an environment
if we’re in an environment that
complements our own energy
we are weird and wonderful right but
that can only happen when you stop
trying to fit in resistance make
stronger a lot of us we’re like
Cinderella oh oh we’re trying to squeeze
our foot into the shoe it’s not
happening not today anyway
definitely not today maybe on a Tuesday
if you’re lucky when you can be weird
it’s not an act it’s a state of being
and then you start honoring other
people’s weirdness you free yourself
what’s happened in today’s society is
that the world we are living in has
become a kind of popularity contests
when I first started to even share
videos there weren’t many people doing
it so I had to create an original
blueprint but now many of us we see what
works and what doesn’t work so we move
into what society thinks is the best
right you want to be popular but ask
yourself are you staying true to
yourself it is better to be original
than to die a copy let me say that again
it is better to be original than to die
a copy so how do we go about owning our
witness it all emanates from creating
your own unique signature
tell me something you can do nobody else
can do tell me something about you
that you are so proud of that means
something to you to own your weirdness
is not easy because we don’t want to be
judged by society the great paradox of
that is that the people in our society
who owned their witness are the most
free those are the geniuses those are
the brave ones number 3 what happens
oh oh
when you can’t accept yourself when you
don’t embrace yourself when you don’t
love yourself the world is going to come
down on you like a ton of bricks you
have to be super brave to lose the
world’s expectations
bravery is Kotov ated through taking a
trip within yourself but if you don’t
accept yourself you don’t love yourself
if you don’t care about yourself how can
you ever embarked on the journey within
it’s not happening so what help me along
my journey was really meditating a lot
getting to know myself becoming grounded
in nature whoo breathing in that
beautiful prana
once you develop the mental and
emotional strength you find the courage
to go against the grain freedom is for
the brave look if you are scared every
single minute living in a perpetual
state of fear the world is going to
become a very very scary place so learn
to walk with courage we develop courage
through the inner relationship with
ourselves a number 4 baby
follow your heart now this might sound
like a cliche but that is how to lose
the world’s expectations so many of us
we ignore ourselves but we listen to the
world out there you want to be like
someone you see on the TV you want to
dress like someone else so this neglect
of our authenticity is what leads many
people to depression anxiety and stress
when you follow what is in your heart
you now stop absorbing the world’s
expectations you now stop worrying so
much of what you think the world wants
you to be and you naturally move into
who you know you are and it’s not easy
because following your heart is a risk
but it is a risk worth taking
it’s either that or becoming a clone and
lastly to lose the world’s expectation
the world’s expectations right all of
this pressure from work from society you
have to be comfortable being in the
presence of your own company never be
afraid of being alone and creating let
me say that again
never be afraid of being alone and
creating I spend a lot of time alone but
wait a minute
I am connecting with millions of people
every single day but you see I am NOT
here to please everyone this is part of
the artwork are you not entertained you
are you performing for an audience or
are you moving into your true
authenticity many of us we give the
crowd what they want I don’t I always
create what I want what moves my heart
and then if the crowd like it so beer if
they don’t well I’m sorry I can’t help
you like the great psychologists for its
pearl said I am not in this world to
live up to your expectations you do your
thing and I do mine and if by chance we
meet that’s wonderful but if not well
that can’t be helped when you go out of
your way just the people please you’re
gonna you’re gonna run into a lot of
problems because you can’t please
I love what I do every single day that’s
why I do it because once you’ve been
doing it for many years
whatever you do maybe you go to the gym
you’re an artist you work in a bank you
do nails you’re an actor whatever you do
you’re a chef once you have become a
master of your craft it is about your
intimate artwork for yourself it doesn’t
matter what the world thinks of you you
see the people that judge us the most
the people that judge us the most are
the ones that don’t know us so we stop
doubting ourselves we stop becoming
afraid of the world expectations once we
start creating for ourselves because the
great paradox of that is that once you
start creating for yourself the domino
effect is that it’s going to influence
the world in a positive way being alone
is really how you get to connect with
amazing people in a more intimate way
right now I say be free being free is
your birthright there is no rush because
once again you are going to connect with
those who remind you who you are you are
going to connect with people that love
you with people that support you with
people that care but if you are trying
to fit in to a society that is already
losing its mind
no we are here to form the new society
because who is Society you and I so we
begin creating this beautiful new world
by appreciating each other but also by
honoring each other’s witness there is
nobody like me and guess what there is
nobody like you
celebrate we are here in nature whoa
breathing in that beautiful prom
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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