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The ONE question successful people ask (Law of Attraction!) Powerful!

these infinite waters diving deep once
again we are out here in nature baby on
the beach
Oceanside chillin we’re just whoa
breathing getting that good ass pronto
so bright and we ain’t even had
breakfast yet but it’s good to be alive
what are you playing for a lot of people
say Ralph you know life is a game life
is a game Ralph and I’m like you’re
so what are you playing for a lot of us
we play for attention to win other
people’s approval I want them to look at
me Ralph do you want to know what I play
for you really want to know what I play
for I play for legacy
you see there’s a difference between
playing for attention and playing for
legacy when you play for attention what
happens you are putting your precious
life in the hands of people you don’t
know you want your 15 minutes of fame
you care so much about what other people
think of you when you are playing for
legacy it’s all about how you see
yourself whether or not you are staying
true to your authentic self and that’s
what matters the most every single day
deep divers as soon as I wake up whoa
breathing in that good ass piranha baby
I ask myself one question and that is
when I’m 88
and I look back on my younger years how
will I remember myself not how other
people will remember me
how will I remember myself will I be
proud of myself
ask yourself that every single day what
are you playing for attention 15 minutes
of fame who are you playing for legacy
to leave behind a legacy are your
great-great-great grandchildren can
learn from and then all if you would
just say get to be a live baby can I get
a Hello a beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature super hot Bosque and
delicious sunshine baby whoa breathing
in that good ass prana have a beautiful
day deep divers infinite waters diving
what are you playing for you say the
money is it the fame or is it the legacy [Music]

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