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The Mind SECRET Nobody Is Talking About!

jeez and Finnick waters diving deep once
beautiful deep divers we are out here
chillaxing in the heart of nature baby
just wolf getting higher fat good ass
piranha baby but deep divers have you
ever fell on your ass and thing
ouch and then you’re like you did it
devil have you ever injured yourself and
think gosh it’s you devil or have you
ever like found some money and think
thank you God you see deep divers
there’s a story about the devil who is
crying on the bench and someone comes to
the devil and says why are you crying
and the devil say is because well
everybody’s blaming me for their
slow motion this side you see an
esoteric sciences or occult science
which means hidden they teach that we
have heaven and hell inside of us Heaven
and Hell is a state of mind
slow motion this side we can create
heaven or we can raise hell we can
create or we can destroy deep diamonds
is time to take responsibility it’s time
to make a choice do I want to help
humanity or do I want to destroy
humanity we all want to help humanity or
do I want to destroy humanity I signed
up the helping humanity like those
barking dogs over there
and once you realize that deep diverse
well you just say feel so good to be
alive baby can I get a hello beautiful
deep divers you are amazing we just wolf
breathing in that good ass piranha baby
we don’t have to do that this time
good ospry ownerships Ralph smart dog
come slash clothes check out the much
get more inspiration on instagram at
infinite waters deep divers you are
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace
you you can create heaven this is heaven
by the way or you can raise hell the
you [Music]

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