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The Greatest Battle Lies Within—The Invisible War!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again who made me feel like this is it
the person next door is it the person at
work is it the person that I meet once a
week for a coffee who did this who made
me feel this way
the greatest battle is within ourselves
the great battle lies within ourselves
we are our worst own enemy and this is
something which I came to realize on my
journey that everyone who I’m blaming
for my internal condition for my
emotional condition is really just an
excuse and that’s where my I just had so
much empowerment I felt empowered when I
realized that I am really the one who is
doing everything to myself we are so
hard on ourselves and I just saw it even
within my own journey that a lot of the
times we are our hardest critic we are
worst critic a lot of times we do things
when we say ok it wasn’t good enough and
sometimes you need that because we have
to propel ourselves to greater heights
but a lot of the times we’re very very
strict on ourselves and when we talk of
just this kind of battle going on
between ourselves I call it the inner
dialogue we have with ourselves a lot of
the time we were talking to ourselves
and we’re saying I don’t feel adequate
enough I don’t feel that I I’m good
enough that’s the big thing we have we
say it’s never good enough there’s a war
going on outside and for me this famous
saying for me I always say there’s a war
going on inside in fact that is the
greatest battle we have going on at the
moment and I like to look at a human
being as being the universe everyone is
the unique universe just like a planet
and within that universe they have many
galaxies and stars but at the same time
also be Armageddon if we don’t know how
to become an alchemist and master the
elements because that’s what alchemy is
mastering the elements within ourselves
that’s why a lot of us we externalise
all the time we say okay I don’t like
this person I want to punch this person
because we haven’t actually realized
that it’s actually the war within
ourselves all of this is even caused by
we have to look at our lifestyles this
is what I had to do on my journey and
say okay is the food I’m eating is that
this causing me to be out of tune in not
to be not imbalanced to be not in
equilibrium is it the music I’m
listening to a lot of the music now on
the planet has inflow has infiltrated
the minds of the the children on the
planet and that’s why it’s there causing
chaos in them we could sound is
frequency and as well I realize that
even the media and the news how they
keep us always in fear of don’t talk to
a stranger because they’re your enemy or
even the wars that we see on the TV all
of that is just because a lot of us
we’ve neglected in a work and we’ve
forgotten that the greatest bad or lies
within us and for me this was a great
revelation and it was just lifted huge
boulders of my shoulder to say okay I
can look at a person and realize okay
they are not the biggest problem biggest
problem is myself once I focus on that
then everything else becomes a lot
clearer and that’s how it was and for me
when we talk of this in a battle which
is going on the the battle between light
and darkness which is going on within
ourselves for me what I found the most
essential thing is to accept that we
the beautiful seas and oceans and we
also have the storms and tsunamis I have
them and I’m embracing them on my
journey to realize that when you
surrender to your shadow then everything
you begin you become more powerful
because you are really seeing what you
are you’re not trying to hide it a lot
of us we’re trying to repress it and say
oh it doesn’t exist but really and truly
the more I’ve surrendered to it I
realize that it’s not the shadows that
we have the kind of the demon side of us
soul you know which a lot of people
don’t want to see which is demon and
heaven and hell it’s just a state of
mind all of these are just concepts it
does they don’t mean much in it in
themselves but let’s just say the kind
of so-called negative side a lot of
times that negative side is necessary
because actually allows us to see
ourselves and it also it’s like it helps
us become more balanced in the long run
because it’s questioning things a lot of
the times we need our so-called negative
sight to actually even question our
realities say okay what’s going on it’s
the kind of doubt which is so-called
negative side of ourselves the positive
side will be I just accept everything so
I just embrace that and I realized along
the time along the way the greatest
adversary we have is our greatest friend
and that enemy within ourselves is
really a true friend if we can listen to
what is saying a lot of us we just drink
let’s go to the pub let’s let’s get
drunk or let’s just smoke some
cigarettes or whatever just to
desensitize that and that’s what happens
a lot of the times the enemy that we
think we have is actually only in a
voice and that’s always talking to us a
lot of people feel it’s an enemy because
it’s relentless it talks to us a nonstop
but in essence I’ve come to realize that
is our greatest friend
so for me that’s how I see I feel a lot
of the times everyone out there is just
a distraction I can go on blaming other
people in my daily life for me feeling
the way I do but in essence we always
hold the power to our own ink internal
condition everyone else is just
mirroring back infinite waters don’t
become my enemy diving deep once again
in front of the Sun stay well stay healthy peace

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