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The Great Shift—Inner Knowing: The Hidden Comes To Light!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again here we are breathing in that
fresh problem the great shift in a
knowing just realizing how everyone is
really on a different part in this world
and everyone is really here for a
different reason the more and more I
just see how so many of us we feel that
way we should be in competition with
other people we think that this is one
big race and for a lot of us it is it’s
always a race about okay I have to be
someone else I have to transform myself
to fit in I have to change myself to
become more acceptable and it’s a shame
because a lot of people have that inner
battle going on where they’re stuck
between their authentic self and what
society wants them to be and for me what
inner knowing is about is really
realizing that in the day and time that
we’re living in everyone has an opinion
and that’s so beautiful because really
and truly everyone is not supposed to
agree with what we think or how we feel
about certain things and that’s the
beauty of it because in this universe
we’re living in a multi-dimensional
reality and that just simply means that
they’re just so many realities occurring
simultaneously and really and truly a
lot of times human beings we’re always
changing our minds sometimes you say
okay I want to wear red today and then
the next day we say oh I don’t like red
anymore sometimes we say okay I want
this and then the next day we say I
don’t want that so it’s just amazing how
we’re always changing our belief about
everything around us but for me in a
knowing is really about the in oracle
within us all and that is our inner
guide with and i feel that so many of us
we we just really need
liked it a lot of people they always are
asking okay what book should I read
where did you get this information from
and for me I just all the information
the greatest information I’ve learned
has been from the in Oracle going within
walking in the wilderness in the desert
where there’s no water to drink yes it’s
really about the inward journey for me
that’s where I’ve really found the most
beautiful diamonds and fine i found the
pearls which lie within and i just feel
that a lot of us we’re more into
someone’s status to say okay they’re an
authority about something and a lot of
the times we could know about something
but we don’t really have that inner
knowing because we don’t really know it
for ourselves and for me that’s what
I’ve just come to realize in this great
shift a lot of us we’re making that step
to inner knowing a lot of people are and
a lot of people are but the few that are
are realizing the beauty of it to
realize that ok just to be in that
neutral state because really and truly
I’m not gonna get mad at anyone for
having their opinion even if I don’t
agree with it because I’m so neutral and
once you really once you’re comfortable
in your own skin you don’t really care
what anyone else has to say because you
know what you know and that’s the beauty
of it and you can allow other people to
experience their own reality at the same
time I just feel that now a lot of
people have that inner knowing where we
realize that we must really connect back
with nature for me that’s my inner
knowing to realize that I have to start
eating more healthily I have to really
play the game on manipulating reality
that’s what they’re designed to do so
really and truly this inner knowing
should really be empowering us not
making us live in fear to realize that
there’s so much I don’t know about this
planet and for me this is empowerment
right here in a knowing the in Oracle
back the back in ancient Greece they had
at the temple of delphi– they had the
Oracle who would tell people about their
destiny and for me I just realized that
the in Oracle code evading it that is my
my temple and that’s what it is infinite
waters diving deep about to enjoy the
sunshine the few rays of sunshine that’s here peace

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