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The Global Awakening – Returning to Mother Nature: There is No Where Else to Go!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we’re here in nature the sun is
shining the birds are singing and for me
especially in these days and times where
there’s just been an information
overload on the planet right now I’m
just realizing that we really all have
to connect back to nature because there
is nowhere else to go and for me because
if you look at if a child is just being
born in this current day and time they
go around all of these buildings this
concrete jungle and they just say okay
this is what life is about but really
this is really this architecture is
really just the clothing of the earth
we’re actually concealing the earth and
when Earth is laid naked when it’s bare
then that’s the true nature when you’re
in the ocean when you’re in the
mountains when you’re in the desert when
you’re walking Beth on the grass when
you’re touching the tree this is the
true connection to nature and for me
this is what I feel is at the heart of
all our many of our troubles as humanity
because we feel separate to everything
around us and that’s only because we
have really neglected nature and you
probably have some people saying so you
think I should be walking barefoot to
work and for me I’ve had to look
everything my whole relationship to
everything around me and saying okay
this job that I’m working how is it
helping me become more empowered as a
human being so if my job is not
empowering me then what am i doing then
how is this building making me feel when
I’m inside it and that’s what the
ancients knew they knew that whenever
you create create something there’s a
certain energetic field of what you’re
creating and that’s why every building
has a certain energy about it and master
builders knew this in fact the great
architects in ancient times always
constructed buildings they would have a
certain effect on the human body but
when people are walking around these
cities what do they feel and for me it’s
a very low vibration right now on planet
Earth in terms of the architecture and
for Mia that just shows me that’s just a
sign to say okay go back to nature
because whenever I’m in nature it’s
almost like there is this great surge of
energy it just clears your mind and a
lot of the times it keeps us balanced
because a lot of us we are in imbalance
because simply we’re not really tapping
in to who we are we’re out there
becoming anything but ourselves it’s
anybody by yourself because being you is
boring that’s what we’re told but that’s
not the case because in fact everything
is unique and for me if we don’t really
connect back with nature for me I just
see humanity we’re at the crossroads
right now and we have big choices to
make we’ve got big decisions but
each one individually has this choice to
make and I made a long time ago to say
that okay I have to really be connected
back to nature because essentially
nature is gonna take care of us the city
isn’t the city is gonna use you abuse
you and then spit you back out because
that’s how it survives it’s almost like
a parasite it needs a host and I wasn’t
gonna be that host anymore in fact I was
gonna go back to nature because one
secret about nature I’ve learned is that
when you’re in nature when you connect
to it when you actually become one with
it it always gives you more energy and
when you first went there so that’s for
me that’s the biggest secret whenever
you are receiving more energy or you’re
becoming balanced and usually that’s the
right environment that’s the organic
environment but whenever your energy is
being sucked out it’s almost like the
vampirism then you know that you are in
an artificial environment so for me we
have to in I’m just going back to nature
and I’ve met a lot of other people who
were doing the same thing really just
connecting back with the elements
because the secret lies there infinite
waters basking in front of the Sun everything is golden peace

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