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The Gift—Re-membering: Reawakening The Sleeping Giant!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again here we are in my second home
breathing that fresh prana the gift the
gift what is your gift I feel that so
many of us we have all of these gifts
but a lot of us we just forget about
them we put them on the shelf we say oh
well it’s just something I do in my
spare time I don’t know how it’s going
to contribute to anything and for me I
always look at it like this if you don’t
use it you lose it and a lot of us we
don’t really value ourselves enough we
don’t really value that we do have
something to offer a lot of us we even
say well I talked to a lot of different
people and a lot of people they have so
many interesting things to say and I’m
like you should start making videos or
express your view and a lot of them say
well it wouldn’t make a difference and
that’s that’s it a lot of us we have a
gift and we don’t really give it the
attention it deserves yesterday is
history tomorrow is a mystery today is a
gift that’s why it’s called the present
I love that and for me I’m just looking
at it like this if you don’t use it you
lose it so that’s telling me all the
time that I have to always constantly
Kotov ate these gifts which have been
given and I feel a lot of other people
some people they have no talent well
they have the talent they have you may
not think they have any talent but what
they have is this drive they can see
where they want to be and that’s what
gets them to wherever they want to be
some people I’ve seen they have so much
so many gifts but what happens is that
they really don’t cherish them they
don’t see how they could be of any
benefit and as at the same time when we
talk of the gift of that we all have my
gift is not your gift and that’s the
biggest thing I’ve come to realize that
I can’t do what you do so I’m not even
gonna try you can’t do what I do so
don’t even try try and I’m just
realizing it like this that’s why no one
can take your place and I’m realizing
this more and more on the inward journey
that this is really a gift we live in a
flash of light we live in a drop in the
ocean just the tiny that’s it and if we
don’t really fulfill the dream if we
don’t really use all of these talents we
have then eventually when we’re in our
old age will be looking back and saying
oh that was a waste and I wrote in my
notebook a long time ago that everyone
is born everyone is born an artist it’s
just that a lot of us we forget where we
put our paintbrush so for me it’s all
about coat evading our gifts because if
you don’t use it then you lose it peace
infinite waters diving deep stay healthy stay well and stay in nature peace

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