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The 12 Best Ways The Universe Sends Someone Messages

I love receiving messages deep divers
short messages that’s cool long messages
that’s even better
text messages that’s cool
phone messages that’s even better
email messages let’s go messages from
peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again beautiful deep divers we are
out here in nature baby birds all over
the place
tweeting away they’re happy I’m happy
I’m sending you tons of good energy take
that take that take that
we’re just whoa breathing in that good
ass piranha baby the 12 best ways the
universe sends someone messages deep
divers we got a whole lot to talk about
every single day the universe is sending
you a powerful message a powerful
message and if you can learn how to
decode this powerful message your entire
life will change the 12 best ways the
universe sends someone messages and we
Neve in had breakfast yet can I get a
Hello some people call it God some
people call it the force some people
call it the universe some people call it
divine intelligence we all have a name
for it some people call it energy some
people call it the all-knowing whatever
you call it it is trying to contact you
right now it is sending you messages
every single day and deep divers was
help me along my journey is to learn how
to decode the messages the universe is
sending me we are the universe we are
we are literally we are literally
Stardust deep divers
the Native Americans said this we didn’t
weave the web of creation we are part of
the web of creation hmm
slow motion this side hmm the first best
way the universe sends someone messages
is through their birthday when were you
born what time what place what day I’m a
Pisces Thank You deep divers for wishing
me happy birthday on March 3rd now where
are the presents I’m waiting I was born
on March 3rd that’s 3 333 is a master
number I was born at 303 lots of threes
three is a magic number three is the
Trinity body mind and soul past present
three is all about imagination three is
a super powerful number and I always
used to see a lot of threes around me
many times when you are seeing a lot of
threes it’s all about your
self-expression if that’s in your birth
it means you came here to express
yourself 100% no sugarcoating going on
around here
so from a young age deep divers I knew I
came to Planet Earth
helped raise the frequency of the planet
and I knew that me being me being born
on March 3rd that was a message from the
universe to say Ralph you came here to
raise the frequency of planet Earth my
mom is also a pisces pisceanas are
compassionate full of empathy as well
the numbers don’t lie deep divers before
words there were numbers the number 3
the letter W right the letter W the
number the number 3 was first sorry let
it W right so numbers were here before
words the number 1 in numerology is all
about new beginnings do you have that in
your birth chart right now were you born
one one the number one is a new
beginning the number two is all about
duality and balance the number three
it’s all about self-expression the
number four foundations the number five
change challenge the number six the six
pointed star sex six see the connection
harmony and love that’s what the number
six is all about the number seven in
ancient times you have the seven heavens
seven seven seven is when you win it’s
the link to the world beyond this one
the metaphysical world but also it’s
about contemplation if you have a lot of
sevens in your birth chart it’s all
about contemplation in a reflection
going within withdrawing from society
see to come to know your true power the
number eight infinite waters the number
eight is infinity right the number a is
all about manifestation abundance and
prosperity the number nine in numerology
is the last number it is the cycle of
completion the number nine is where all
ends conclusions final decisions and
then you have 0 which is eternity so pay
very close attention to the numbers in
your birth chart when you were born what
time you were born because the numbers
don’t lie
and the universe is sending you a
powerful message deep divers what is the
second best way the universe sends
someone messages synchronicity deep
divers have you ever been thinking of
someone and then they magically appear
they magically appear what about this
deep divers you’re thinking about
something you go into the car you turn
on the radio and the singer is singing
the exact thing you are thinking of oh
my gosh that’s so spooky oh no that’s a
message from the universe
you better start listening to what
they’re singing about what is
synchronicity synchronicity is when your
dominant thoughts align with your life
and become your dominant experiences mmm
slow motion inside mmm
synchronicity are you seeing 11:11
everywhere that’s the new beginning
coming for you synchronicity are people
coming into your life who you really
need right now who you were thinking of
do you think of someone and then they
just call you all of a sudden that’s a
powerful message from the universe the
universe sends messages through
synchronicity deep divers what is the
third best way the universe sends
someone messages intuition emanating
from the Latin into Airy which means to
notice being born on March 3rd a Pisces
I’m naturally intuitive but I realize
the universe sends me messages through
my intuition through my sensitivity so
if you feel the vibes from someone maybe
they’re not so good that’s the message
from the universe if you feel like oh my
gosh I love them that’s another message
from the universe the universe sends you
messages through your own intuition pay
attention deep divers what is the fourth
the fourth best way the universe sends
you messages through people you see the
universe talks to us through other
people hmm
slow motion this side hmm because the
divers you guessed it we are the
universe powerful gods and goddesses we
are the universe so if the universe
wants to give you a message
it uses someone to give you that message
because they are the universe as well
catch my drift
exactly deep divers how many times have
you had guidance from someone maybe a
mentor a friend even a stranger a loved
one they’ve told you something maybe
they’ve given you a warning that is the
universe sending you a powerful message
the universe speaks to us through other
people so listen very closely to what
people are telling you because that’s
the message from the universe deep
divers what is the fifth best way the
universe sends someone messages seven
day vegan challenge now shout out to
everybody who is eating a plant-based
diet the universe sends us messages
through our health how healthy you how
healthy are you right now
how healthy are you right now do you
feel great because you’re eating a
plant-based diet or are you sick and ill
there was a time deep divers when I was
eating a lot of processed foods I had a
lot of constipation I said this can’t be
right this can’t be life right the
universe was sending me a message that’s
why I was on the toilet for that long is
this like Ralph if you don’t change your
diet you are gonna be on the toilet for
oh no right so I started to eat carrots
guava mangoes coconuts war for sudden I
started to become healthier the universe
was sending me a new message you see the
universe sends us messages through the
foods we are eating because food is
information hmm slow motion this side
hmm it’s all energy the universe sends
you messages through the foods you are
eating so pay attention to your plate
deep divers what is the sick best way
the universe sends someone messages in
those still moments deep divers be still
meditation is one of the best ways the
universe sends you a message what is
meditation it is the art of absorbing
yourself in the present moment allowing
thoughts to come through you without
allowing emotions to come through you
without judgment it is when you immerse
yourself in the present moment 100% now
in that still moment in that quiet
moment there is a message from the
universe you can hear the universe speak
the inner voice is actually the universe
slow motion this side mmm
let me say that again the inner voice is
actually the universe let me repeat that
one more time
the inner voice your inner voice is
actually the universe speaking to you
your inner voice is actually the
universe speaking to you when do we hear
our inner voice when we drown out all
the distractions around us
when we go on the journey within when we
can when we can finally hear ourselves
deep divers in the heart of nature baby
in a quiet moment of self-reflection
now we are getting a message from the
universe how many times deep divers have
you said I need a moment you go
somewhere quiet you go to the beach take
a walk you go to the forest you close
your eyes you’re meditating and all of a
sudden you get a massive download that
is a message from the universe the
universe sends you messages in your
quiet still moments deep divers what is
the seventh best way the universe sends
someone messages alignment alignment
alignment born on March 3rd 33 33 33
vertebrae in our spinal column I came
here to live in alignment
but deep divers are no saint sometimes I
move away from alignment and now I’m
looking a bit shaky baby but the
universe sends us messages when we are
in alignment when we are in alignment we
get distracted when we are in alignment
we lose our purpose when we are in
we stopped becoming the powerful being
we came here to be the best way the
universe sends someone a message is
through alignment the more inner life
the more the more in alignment you are
the more authentic you become one step
closer to your true self and that’s when
the universe sends us messages through
being in alignment when you are in
alignment you are now becoming your
greatest version your best self so if
you’re not in alignment you’ll still get
a message to say hey I need to jump back
into alignment right so deep divers
alignment alignment alignment deep
divers what is the eighth best way the
universe sends someone messages
accidents how many times deep divers
have you had a massive accident and
you’re like I can’t believe I just had a
massive accident why is this happening
to me and deep divers let me share with
you what’s helped me along my journey
you see I’ve realized this there are no
accidents in this universe everything is
happening in divine order hmm
slow motion this side mmm
when I was younger growing up
skateboarding since I was 13 I twisted I
twisted my ankle I’m like ouch it really
hurt and then I healed then I did it
again and I realized why this kept
happening I wasn’t paying attention
many times when we have a massive
accident there is a lesson to learn the
universe will keep sending you the same
experiences until you are ready to learn
from them it will always send you
experiences which are designed to help
you grow in your level
of evolution to the next level so if you
are having a lot of accidents that’s a
message from the universe to say
actually what can I do differently why
is this happening nothing is random in
this universe everything is happening in
divine order divine mathematics deep
divers what is the knife powerful way
best way the universe sends someone
messages coincidences well guess what
deep divers there are no accidents or
coincidences in this universe everything
is happening in divine order some of the
people you meet from the people that
come into your life they were supposed
to be there that’s why they came into
your life right now it’s not a
coincidence what happens deep divers
when you catch someone talking about you
like what are the chances of you walking
in and they’re gossiping about you you
are meant to come into their
conversation now they have been exposed
there are no coincidences because you
are meant to hear what they were saying
that’s how the universe sends you
messages coincidences there are no
coincidences everything is happening in
divine order deep divers what is the
tenth best way the universe sends
someone messages detours be thankful to
roadblocks because they protect you from
places not meant for you hmm
slow motion inside mm deep divers the
universe sends someone messages through
detours sometimes it’s a dead end but
that’s a good thing because if you went
in that direction something terrible
would happen to you be thankful for
closed doors because if you went inside
that door something bad would happen to
sometimes when you’re stuck in traffic
it’s a good thing because if you were to
come home sooner something bad would
happen to you right
sometimes the delay could be the best
thing in the world you missed your plane
but guess what if you were on that plane
something bad would happen to you right
the universe sends us messages through
detours the perfect time to leave Ralph
hours around these people but the energy
fell off so I left early and guess what
deep divers they robbed everyone there
that’s how the universe sends you
messages right the right time to leave
deep divers what is the 11th best way
the universe sends you messages dreams
your dreams are real my dreams are real
the cat down the roads dreams real you
see the ancients knew that the dream
world is real and the universe talks to
us through our dreams through our
premonitions what are you dreaming of
you see our subconscious mind works on
imagery it only understands
images do you understand the words that
are coming out of my mouth no your
subconscious mind doesn’t it only
understands images how many times deep
divers have you had a prophetic dream
have you dreamed about something and
then you wake up and then it actually
comes true like meeting Ralph smart well
deep divers that’s how the universe
sends someone messages through dreams
how many times have you dreamed about
not going somewhere and then you don’t
go to that place and then something
actually bad happens there and you’re
like whoa my dreamed my dreams my dreams
warned me about not going there
I never went there Thank You universe
the universe sends you messages through
your dreams how many times have you
dreamed about meeting someone and then
you actually meet them how many times
have you dreamed about what your true
purpose is and then you’re like yes this
is my purpose the universe sends someone
messages through the dream world so grab
a dream journal today start writing down
your dreams deep dymas what is the 12th
best way the universe sends someone
messages glitches okay
glitches glitches and the matrix once
again a lot of people are seeing 11:11
and if we can realize that all the
science all the quantum physics is
telling us now we are living in a
simulation a computer-generated dream
world and the language of computers is
binary zeroes and one so seeing 11:11 is
the glitch in the matrix the glitch that
wait a minute how come we’re just born
to die we wake up we go to sleep you
might go to school you might go to work
then the cycle repeats itself no there’s
got to be more to life than this that’s
the glitch in the matrix if you realize
everything you have been taught from
childhood is an entire life
is is an entire lie everything you have
been taught in childhood is an entire
life this is the glitch in the matrix
when you realize wait a minute I came
here to be free the glitch in the matrix
wait a minute
all of this is made up money is made up
time is made up it’s an illusion
that’s the glitch right so if you are
having glitches in the matrix that’s the
universe trying to send you a message
just say wake up you came here to be
free and there you have a deep divers
the 12 best ways the universe sends
someone messages and once that happens
deep dive as well you just say you also
get to be a live baby can I get a hello
beautiful deep divers we’re having fun
today we’re just whoa breathing in that
good oz piranha baby get the good Oz
prana shuts deep divers at Ralph’s
Montcalm slash clothes get the wonderful
nubuck feel alive by Ralph’s smart
Ralph’s smart dog come slash the book
got a question what more daily
inspiration add me on Instagram right
now at infinite waters deep divers there
are no accidents or coincidences in this
universe everything is happening in
divine order pay attention to the
messages the universe is sending you
have a beautiful day deep divers
infinite waters diving deep once again
Thank You universe all the messages
you’re sending me I got so many in my inbox right now

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