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The 10 Rules of Money

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again beautiful deep divers we are out
here in the heart of nature baby
beautiful day
blue skies look deep diamonds you are
appreciated so much
I’m sending you so much beautiful energy
right now take that take that and take
that it is time to talk about money oh
did that make you feel like that just
now or did it make you feel like yeah
how does money make you feel deep divers
do you like money
do you hate money do you need money
shout out to all those beautiful
Instagram callers on the Instagram live
who were asking if I could talk about
financial freedom they called in there
like Ralph how can I stop making more
money how can I become financially free
that’s what we’re gonna dive into today
ten rules of money deep dive is less
just whoa whoa whoa breathing in that
good oz prana baby show me the money
it’s all about the Benjamins it’s all
about the money now I realize along my
journey deep divers that if you study
the ten rules of money you will create
financial freedom and financial
we are gonna go through the ten rules
I’ve realize along my journey that money
is energy and whether you like it or not
it’s here in this 3d reality and if we
can study money if we can learn how
money works we can all level up in our
financial freedom game and we an even
for a small piece of paper
it sure does carry a lot of weight a lot
of people do crazy things for money even
the cat down the road now I’ve realized
this that money is energy that’s why
they call it currency and money is not
good or bad it is what it is but yes
money being a piece of paper holds no
intrinsic value and it is an illusion I
however money doesn’t care about being
an illusion because in billions of
people’s minds money is real therefore
it becomes a tangible reality hmm
slow motion this side so we have to
start treating it as such what is the
first rule of money respect the illusion
respect money respect the power of money
there was this film I used to watch all
the time kung fu film and the taxi
driver is like I don’t speak English and
the passengers like don’t you I need to
get somewhere really fast and he’s like
no English then the passenger pulled out
a whole wad of cash
and the drive is like now we’re talking
where do you want to go right money is a
freedom ticket money is a freedom pass
so every single day was helped me to
become financially free is to respect
money respect the game of money don’t
hate the money game just become a better
player hmm slow motion inside now I
don’t worship money oh yes money
yes master no to me money is not my god
however I do respect money because money
is influential money can get a lot of
things done in this 3d reality so I have
learned that you have to respect money
money is linked to talent I always say
if you want to make more money
start placing more value on your talent
the word talent emanates from the Latin
Talentum which means a sum of money
therefore we respect money by placing
value on our talents which in turn will
bring us more money hmm what slow motion
this side mmm what is the second rule of
money that has changed my life deep
divers after this video you are going to
become more financially free stop being
a hater of money I don’t like you money
money is evil I used to think like that
I used to think that actually money is
rich people are bad because they have a
lot of money the poor shall inherit the
earth right so a lot of us we have a lot
of programs running that money is a bad
thing to have
and in turn we don’t get money because
money is like a mirror the eyes you look
at money with are the same eyes they
look back at you if you hate money
guess what deep divers you guessed it
money hates you too
if you love money money will love you if
you invite money into your space money
will come into your space if you don’t
want money to come in money will stay
away so I’ve learned over time that I
have to have a positive attitude towards
money and that’s how I stopped
manifesting what I call magic money so
stop changing your attitude towards
money money is just a tool and money
will only give you more of what you
already have but it is a useful tool a
freedom ticket so start realizing your
attitude is everything start having a
better attitude towards money you see
money is like this I don’t care what you
think of me if you like me or not I’m
still gonna be here right money doesn’t
care what you think about it so I’ve
learned that you might as well have a
better attitude towards it because if
you hate money money doesn’t care you
would just leave you alone right so
change your attitude towards money what
is the third rule of money to become
financially free be a producer
what are you producing what are you
creating today because that is your
freedom ticket that is your money ticket
herreros law peridot this famous Italian
economist who found that 20% of the
peoples in his garden produce 80% of the
so every single day I realize I’ve got
to follow Pareto’s law 80% producing 20%
consuming a lot of us it’s 80% consuming
20% producing if that so learn how to be
a producer
that’s the third rule of money it’s
great to consume it’s just that a lot of
us we are consuming way too much without
producing anything learn how to produce
something today that is of value to
someone else besides yourself okay what
is the fourth rule of money you’ve heard
the expression the money Never Sleeps
right the money Never Sleeps so you have
to learn how to realize that you have to
make sure your money Never Sleeps wise
investments money is energy in this 3d
reality so if you let money stagnate if
the energy is stagnant your money is not
gonna work for you if you allow your
money to move you got to move the money
so if you’re making lots of money you’ve
got to start investing it don’t just
keep it all in the bank and the more you
move around your money always allow it
to move around now you will become more
financially free cuz if you have money
which is bored just sitting there it
stagnates sometimes you even forget you
got the money what happened whew no one
knows right you keep the money so long
and they change the whole currency right
so you got to let your money move you
got to let your money work for you all
the time now what is the fifth rule of
money that has transformed my life given
me financial freedom
seven day vegan challenge I’ve realized
that it’s all about your inner wealth
that’s what will determine your outer
wealth because once and once again deep
divers you have to be healthy to be
they even rhyme healthy wealthy cuz you
want to be here right to enjoy it right
so what better investment can you make
today what better investment can you
make today than in the investment of
your health buying super foods buying
cold-pressed juices eating fresh kale
every single day really taking your
health seriously getting that gym
membership because even though it might
cost a little bit the gym membership but
in turn you’re gonna feel better about
yourself you’re gonna look in shape
you’re gonna feel good and now you’re
gonna have more confidence to start
attracting more in the outer world so
I’ve realized that all you have to do
right now is eat better okay that’s all
you got to do eat better keep yourself
healthy because now you have more
opportunities and more possibilities to
attract finance your wealth so every
single day say how can I eat better and
that’s really gonna help you become
financially free you are what you eat
what is the sick rule of money that has
transformed my life deep divers is what
I call your share okay I’ve spoken about
the loft exchange what are you providing
value to myself the cat down the road
and that person over there write your
share means that a lot of people are
very desperate when it comes to money I
need to make money I need to make money
the more desperate you are for money the
more elusive money becomes money is a
byproduct of your passion
and your talents so I’ve learned that
it’s all about how can I serve how can I
serve how can I offer value to other
people instead of thinking about how you
can make $1,000,000 think about how you
can serve 1 million people mmm
slow motion this side and now you enter
the law of exchange ok it’s all about
entering the law of exchange
what am i sharing with people that is of
value that benefits them ok what is the
seventh rule of money that has
transformed my life partner up you see
money loves company oh yes it does right
and that’s why wealthy people get more
wealthy with other wealthy people right
their next-door neighbors are wealthy
their next-door neighbors are wealthy
it’s one family the rich stick together
mmm what slow motion this side mmm
the rich stick together to create more
wealth so always ask yourself this
who can I partner up with to create more
financial abundance for all of us so
everybody can eat right you don’t get
rich alone you get rich and wealthy by
creating a team networking working with
people who have the same vision as
yourself look Apple the company trillion
dollar company same as Amazon Jeff Bezos
working with many many people
ok so partner up what is the eighth rule
of money that has absolutely changed my
entire life helped me receive financial
freedom and abundance and independence
stop buying stuff you don’t need to
impress people you’ve never met before
ok I’ve learned this that if you stop
buying stuff you don’t need you will end
up having to sell stuff you do need so
I’ve learned along my journey you
to learn all the time deep divers to
spend wisely don’t just spend because
you have it learn how to save study
people like Warren Buffett right don’t
just buy useless stuff just because you
got the money because that money will
run out right what is the night rule off
money that has transformed my life study
Warren Buffett study the top dogs and
cats study people who know how to
maintain their wealth it’s so easy to
get money
anybody can get money today it’s a lot
harder to maintain that money that flow
of energy it’s a lot harder to keep it
it’s a lot harder to make it work for
you and that’s the secret what we really
cool money maintenance right so study
people like Jeff Bezos say ok how does
he maintain all of this wealth Bill
Oprah right study how wealthy people
maintain their wealth so like Warren
Buffett said the more you learn the more
you earn
what is the tenth rule of money be
innovative right be innovative ok once
again money doesn’t like sitting still
and if we get stuck in a comfort zone in
a security zone we stagnate just like
the money we’re making right it
stagnates – and that’s why you’ve got to
always think off the next idea you can
create the next kind of Instagram the
next kind of Facebook you’ve got to
learn how to be innovative you can
create the next kind of iPhone you’ve
got to be innovative you got to be
different you got to stop taking
calculated risks if you’re happy content
in a nine-to-five job which means just
over broke you’re never gonna be 100%
wealthy you can still have that but
always realize that you want to expand
you want to expand
and that’s the rule of money expansion
so always level up mentally emotionally
and physically and your financial gain
will skyrocket and then deep divers well
you just say yeah so get to be a live
baby can I get a hello beautiful deep
divers we are out here in the heart of
nature baby just wolf breathing in that
good as piranha baby shout out to
everybody who’s been rocking the good oz
prana shirts looking so amazing getting
the good Oz prana shirts deep divers
Ralph smart calm slash clothes get the
new book on Amazon feel alive by Ralph
smart giving a few away only on
Instagram deep divers have a beautiful
day infinite waters diving deep once
again stay well stay healthy peace you
just do the money dance baby Oh exactly let it rain on me

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