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“Play For The Championship Win” WATCH THIS! (6K)

every single day you have an important
choice to make and that choice will
determine who you will become deep
divers as soon as I wake up I choose to
become my greatest version I choose to
make something of myself now I can
choose to throw my whole life away I can
choose to remain ignorant or I can
choose to learn something new I can
choose to lie in bed all day or I can
choose to exercise go for a run I can
choose to argue with random strangers or
I can choose to meditate deep divers I’m
choosing the better life every single
day and so can you I’m playing for
legacy what I call the championship win
when I create content it’s not just for
right now it’s for the next 10 years and
that’s why people write to me they’re
like Ralph I saw a video of yours three
years ago and it still impacts me to
this day so deep divers ask yourself are
you playing for the short-term instant
gratification or are you playing for the
long-term you see life is like a
marathon be in it for the long haul and
now you will become your greatest
version we are all temporary do
something that lives on have a beautiful day

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