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Mind Tricks To Get What You Want

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again we’re here in nature breathing in
that good prana I want I want it right
universe doesn’t always give us what we
want but it will always give us what we
need even slap in the face out can I get
a Hello there mind tricks to get what
you want a lot of us we use so much
force we say so dog-eat-dog world I have
to survive I have to grind I have to be
someone else just to fit into this
society and I tapped into the secret you
got children running around there they
also tap into the secret that it’s about
letting go it’s about surrendering that
there’s a difference between what you
want and what you need what you need is
in alignment to your core frequency it
is always trying to get closer to you
your mindset is keeping it away what you
want is trying to escape from you but
your mindset is holding on to it it’s
not in linemen I want a bigger car but
do you need it have you become a
vibrational match to it I’ve seen that
there are so many mind games we all play
whether it’s mirroring at work your boss
is laughing and you’re like can I get
that promotion can I get the promotion
no you still didn’t get the promotion
door in the face where you ask for
something big and then you ask for
something small your brother or sister
calls you middle of the night they don’t
can you pick me up from the airport no
or you might say yes but you say no then
they ask you well can you take my
clothes to the laundry
of course because now you feel really
guilty that you didn’t pick them up so
that’s the least you could do and that’s
all they wanted anyway foot in the door
where you ask for something small and
then something massive hey can I borrow
your pen sure I was wondering can I use
your car over the weekend uh do I even
know who you are
let’s start there so all of this takes
us out of our authenticity you have
advertisers marketers all trying to
influence our minds and I realize a
secret it’s all about connecting to what
makes you most happy what makes you feel
most alive and ask yourself what are you
planting in your mind because every
thought we have is a seed and we collect
the harvests once we become conscious
that we are co-creators a lot of us
we’re focusing on things that aren’t
serving us that was me along my early
journey I want this
thank goodness I didn’t get it because
the moment I surrendered I saw I had
everything I need all I had to do was
Kota Vader I say the law of attraction
is radical action we don’t have to
attract what we already are ah
all we have to do is become sensitive to
our true heart’s desires and we do that
by becoming a vibrational match by
letting go of fear take a risk
you might just win the jackpot
you never know because a lot of us we
get stuck in a routine we get stuck in a
pattern and therefore we can never know
all we could have become I don’t focus
on what I want because that creates
separation I see myself as already
having it I say I have and even if I
don’t have it I don’t have it I still
say I’ve got it because that gives me a
better feeling and also you have to move
into your body that’s what I’ve seen
along my journey to manifest anything it
takes having a relationship with him
have you paid your dues have you spent
time with it the great trumpet player
Miles Davis said you just have to touch
it referring to his Trump here just
touch it every single day your passion
your childhood dream and watch it grow
more so find the others that’s what I
tell myself that’s what’s helped me we
are not here just to create by ourselves
we are here to bask in the glory
together that’s what makes life sweeter
and the more you do that you start to
attract everything you are worthy of but
ask yourself how do you see yourself if
you doubt yourself
if you hate yourself guess what you
become a vibrational match because once
you change your vibrational frequency
everything aligns are the same frequency
there was a time where I used to take
life so seriously and it was as if the
harder I tried
the harder it got the less I tried the
easier it got because there is a
mathematical design in the universe we
are here to have a party to enjoy
ourselves what is stopping us our
mindset are talking down towards
ourselves treat yourself like your best
friend and always remind yourself how do
you feel when you are doing this I
wouldn’t be anywhere else but nature and
right now it’s about connecting with
kindred spirits as the whole earth is
awakening whatever you need is already
inside of you we are here in nature
infinite waters diving deep once again stay well stay healthy

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