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Michael Jackson’s $399 Mic II100 Million Dollar Thriller Secret! II Law of Attraction!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again marvelous deep divers I hope your
day is going good
well breathing in that good ass prana
now do you feel there is something
holding you back maybe like a tool you
don’t have yes Ralph like a lot of
people tell me they really want to stop
making YouTube videos huh
okay what about your phone it’s not good
enough fair enough
look there are so many excuses for why
you won’t do something but I’m here to
tell you that you got to learn how to
make the best with what you have go and
look at my older videos I was just
filming with a potato and then a regular
camcorder yes this video is in 4k but it
doesn’t matter because back in the day I
was making the best with what I have
I got a story for you Michael Jackson
one of the greatest artists have ever
lived Cyrilla do you like thriller I do
okay that album has made over sixty
million dollars some people reported
making over a hundred million dollars
one of the most successful albums of all
time do you know what microphone he used
to record thriller with the shore sm7b
now that microphone is around $400 or
there are some microphones which costs
thousands but he chose that microphone
because he liked the sound of it yet
thriller was a very successful album
Kelly Slater one of the great one of the
greatest surface one of the greatest
surface ok he learnt surfing in very
crappy waves yet he went on to become
one of the best surfers in the world so
stop making excuses that you don’t have
this tool or that tool it’s not the
tools that make us they only help us we
make the tools what they are you can
make something out of nothing ok so use
what you have right now and it will all
be gravy and then you’ll just say feel
so good to be a live baby can I get a
hello seven day vegan challenge by the
way some people go to the local farmers
market every single day they make a
beautiful juice a smoothie they’re doing
the best with what they have ok no
excuses have a beautiful day deep divers
infinite waters diving deep once again
stay well stay healthy peace you I’m
gonna make the best I’m gonna make the
best of what I have exactly that’s that’s the special spirit

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