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Masturbation—Don’t Let Your Mother Catch You…Sexology!

peace infinite waters diving deep once
again this is sexology water fire hot
cold yin yang and this is it
to masturbate or not to masturbate this
is grown folks topic and when we talk of
masturbation and a lot of the times it’s
a big taboo subject in fact probably the
whole of sexuality you don’t talk about
sex on the table but these things have
to be talked about and I remember on my
journey growing up when we talked of
masturbation a lot of the times it was
seen even among my school friends as
they even called it choking the chicken
or bashing the bishop or even for a
woman it would be rubbing the lamp so we
have all of these terms and it’s amazing
a lot of parents even today they don’t
even know how intelligent about on these
sexual issues their children are they
think oh my child is just know that your
child knows more about it than you
because they are becoming more sexual
even quicker these days just due to the
whole the whole hormones in the meats
and all of these things many people are
maturing very quickly on the planet but
what I realized on my journey that when
we talk of is masturbation good or bad I
feel we have to look at it in a holistic
way when we talk of just the masculine
and feminine principles and for me when
we talk about semen what is semen in my
mind semen is pure light energy
it’s basically compressed sunlight
that’s all it is and for me I always say
be careful with the energy you use
within your body that you get rid of and
for me it’s amazing because when we talk
of just a lot of people they mend they
say after they masturbate they feel very
tired and weak
almost like the energy has just
disappeared all of a sudden and at the
same time I just look at it like this
that a lot of the sex education we’ve
been taught about masturbation is has
been flawed because we’re not really
told about the significance of the power
semen holds and for me I’ve just seen on
my journey that code evading sexual
energy has empowered me and it’s made me
stronger I mean growing up in those days
I realized that you had so much energy
it’s almost like you had this heat just
to get rid of this energy but the more
and more I began to journey and read and
go within to the greatest book alive
which is within ourselves I just
realized that in essence we have to
cultivate the sexual energy we have to
make it we have to raise it all the time
raise it that makes us stronger and I
just saw the transformation within my
own life and I realized even from a
deeper level within the human body there
are seven glands within the body and
that’s the pituitary gland the pineal
gland the thyroid the thalamus the
pancreas the adrenal and the sexual
gland so when you’re releasing something
from the sexual glands I use the analogy
of seven cups of water once you release
all the water out of one cup then the
other six cups have to make up for the
for the loss of the seventh cup so
there’s energy imbalance and that’s what
happens I mean we’re living in a society
which I want in one way we we see
sexuality as something very nasty
something very dirty but at the same
time because of the repression of
sexuality many of us we become even more
sexually promiscuous and a lot of us a
lot of men are just masturbating getter
getting rid of their their energy a lot
of women are doing the same instead of
coat evading it and for me I found
when I actually have that light bulb
moment I said okay I’ve got it
because look at the words we say coming
but in essence it should be called going
because nutrients are leaving your body
some people have even said that semen is
is brain fluid what do you think of that
it’s not about scaring people here on my
journey I realized that all semen is is
just pure light energy and at the same
time there’s nothing wrong in my mind
with masturbation but at the same time
you have to realize that there are
consequences for every action and in
essence it’s about keeping your
energetic levels in balance in ancient
times many people felt that you should
actually maintain the seed code of eight
the seed and raise the seed up to your
body and a lot of the times they saw
semen as the life force in essence the
semen would be the sacrifice for the
child that would be so a lot of the
times unless you are not replacing it
then you’ve got a problem because if
you’re not replacing the comp you know
through your diet eating the right foods
then you’re going to be at a huge
deficit so in essence when we talk of
fluids even women and the fluid they’re
releasing is also variant has deep
significance because in the clear liquid
some people call it pre-cum even in a
woman when a woman gets wet it’s
actually blood plasma so in essence we
also when we’re releasing these things
which is no problem but at the same time
realize there’s going to be a
consequence because you have to replace
that we have to replenish it with the
right foods the right environment and
the right attitude and mentality some
people I remember even on my journey
if anything happens if I was to get rid
of energy even semen was to leave my
body I realized okay immediately you
have to
compensator so what do you do well first
of all you have to start eating a lot of
avocados because avocados is probably
one of the greatest fruits which
actually is like her sex stimulant in
fact the word itself actually means
testicle so it is a huge huge benefit
for people if you want to actually
replace the debt which has just been
caused also look at fresh greens for
fresh vegetables but in essence I feel
masturbation on on a deeper level people
don’t have to masturbate if they’re in a
loving a relationship and that’s what I
found even on my own journey
there’s been no need for me to
masturbate for such a long long long
time because the need isn’t there
anymore I mean I’ve already got the
relationship so it’s the case whereby
when two people actually are in
communion with each other you know some
people say masturbation is a selfish act
because you do it by yourself
so many people have different opinions
but for me I always feel that people
when people come together the yin and
the yang essence when you actually meet
a woman there’s no need for men to
masturbate just the same as when a man
when a woman reads meets a real man then
there’s no need for a dildo or rubbing
the lamp but in essence I feel it’s
about looking at things in a holistic
way and nothing is good or bad people
should not be moved by fear but
essentially by their own intuition and
that inward journey going deep within
their themselves and asking themselves
the big question here I recommend this
the Dow of sexology by Steven T Chang
and this book is very profound basically
it woke me up to a lot of different
things in sexology but a lot of the
things as well they came from my own
inner knowing and this book is quite
hard to get hold of but if you get a
copy read it because it has very simple
truths about sexuality and basically
about techniques people can use even to
have intercourse without ejaculating
because in essence what happens is
there’s orgasm and there’s ejaculation
are two different processes when people
realize that people can actually have a
sexual intimate connection for a lot
longer a lot of women are are not
satisfied when their man just quickly
ejaculates and Whydah managed actually
well we can look at it because men are
yang energy fire energy so men actually
have to cool themselves down women have
to warm themselves up it’s like a man
meets a woman oh why is this woman so
cool and relaxed why while my heart is
beating because the women are water
energy so in essence they have to they
take longer for their bodies to get
warmed up men are already hot so that’s
why a lot of men we can’t even keep our
composure when we’re in the presence of
a very beautiful woman so but at the
same time saying that everyone is unique
and agenda in essence is just an
illusion anyway but there are just so
many things we have to discover and we
have to set right within humanity
in essence sexual energy is creative
energy and when we are creative the
sexual energy flows infinite waters
diving deep gosh I’m sweating it’s hot
in here boy
and also one thing a lot of people say
okay men think about sex every three
seconds and for me I don’t feel that’s
true it’s more like depends who you are
but a lot of the stereotypes we have is
that women are not sexual beings because
the feminine principle has been taken
out of everything a lot of people see a
woman and say oh she doesn’t think about
sex it’s just a man but in essence women
have also repressed their sexual energy
and they also have to open up themselves
again because women are just as sexual
as men and that’s how the universe
creates the yin and yang energies to be
equally charged with the same frequency
so women are just as horny as men it’s
just that Society has made them feel
that sex is something dirty but
masturbation is it good or bad well
that’s up to you to decide on your
journey everybody is different everybody
is having a different experience
essentially there’s no rules or
boundaries but beware of consequences
and and learn from everything that’s
what I’m doing stay well stay open infinite waters diving deep once again

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