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see some cinema waters diving deep once
again we are out here seven days Egon
challenge dancing away whoa breathing in
that good ass prana now this is for the
snapchat people who are always saying
can I talk about vegan activism of
course darling
and we an even had breakfast yet can I
get a Hello there do you know a vegan
activist who’s always posting you
information about what’s happening to
the animals and all of these like really
graphic images and you’re like right
little secrets for vegan activists now
I’m browsing on the Internet
I see a video certain vegan activists in
France are branding themselves like
animals and I’m like ouch they got a
chain around their neck like an animal
they’re being dragged around in protests
for animal rights now what do I think of
that as someone who’s inspired millions
of people to eat better live better feel
better baby is that the best way to do
it that’s one way to do it because when
I watch that video and go and check it
out by the way I was in shock I was like
oh my gosh but would it really get me to
change what I’m eating would it really
get me to put down this chicken this
beef right maybe maybe not
I will tell you this if you are vegan
activist I’ve been a vegan for over 12
years I’ve inspired millions of people
to eat a plant-based diet how do I do it
what’s the secret you don’t have to post
videos right off animal cruelty you
don’t even have to talk about veganism
people are gonna see you glowing and
Sarah why are you always glowing what’s
the secret
and you’re gonna tell them it’s because
I’m eating lots of acai because I’m
eating lots of guava because I am eating
foods which promote my health and
they’re gonna see you with like a pig
one day they’re gonna be like uh-huh and
whenever they eat pork they’re gonna be
like I can’t do this like Ralph just
looked too cute with that pig people get
inspired by you being an example of
showing how what you eat how is
transformed your life so when I say I’ve
been a vegan for over 12 years and I’ve
connected with millions of people that’s
what I gotta say a people are gonna
start connecting the dots oh I get it
before ralph was a vegan nothing was
can see what’s happening feels so good
to be alive baby can I get a hello I’m a
beautiful day once again live by example
and realize that’s what you got to do
you can’t change everybody you can’t
change yourself and you can make
yourself a lighthouse so the right
people can find you keep on spreading
that good ass good ass vegan message
while we keep on keep on breathing that
whoa breathing in that good astana baby
it’s tithe me date once again stay well stay healthy you

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