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keys and Finnick waters diving deep once
again we are out here in the harder
nature baby woof getting high off the
good ass prana breathing it up little
secrets to be happy now I got a lot of
people writing to me saying Ralph that’s
impossible how can you keep sharing so
consistently like surely one of those
days must have been terrible Ralph come
on yeah one day was really really really
really bad but I’m an alchemist so I got
back up and we even had breakfast you
can I get a Hello with it but I still
got back up right happiness to be happy
you see I wake up every single day and
realize happiness is a choice like I am
choosing to be happy right now watch me
yeah okay that feels a lot better so
many of us are looking for happiness
outside of ourselves you want other
people to make you happy you want your
job to make you happy you want your
relationship to make you happy and when
it doesn’t you feel unhappy well you are
externalizing your power slow-motion
this side what helped me along my
journey is what i call the tool of
alchemy i’m an alchemist I’m a wizard so
when I sometimes feel unhappy that is
perfectly natural okay I skate I go for
a run for some strawberries in my mouth
then I feel fantastic I connect to my
inner center because ultimately at your
core is peace and once you reconnect
back to your core you will find that the
greatest source of happiness is within
you got to find it within first before
you start looking outside of yourself
slow motion this site feel so good to be
a live baby can I get a hello I’m a
beautiful day enjoy yourself treat
yourself and dance around naked baby
infinite wars deep once again stay well stay healthy

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